NWN 2, worth re-installing?

Mar 31, 2007
I've been on a single player RPG kick of late and have been eyeing up NWN 2. I'm working my way through The Witcher and am looking to install NWN 2 again once I'm done. Is it worth it?

The main reason I un-installed it the first time was it seemed to chug along so slowly on my rig. It seems I have well over the recommended specs. Have there been patches released that may have solved this problem?

Any suggestions from those who have played through the game?

I've been on a single player RPG kick of late and have been eyeing up NWN 2. I'm working my way through The Witcher and am looking to install NWN 2 again once I'm done. Is it worth it?

The main reason I un-installed it the first time was it seemed to chug along so slowly on my rig. It seems I have well over the recommended specs. Have there been patches released that may have solved this problem?

Any suggestions from those who have played through the game?


yeah, the lastest patches fixed all those problems, there is a expansion pack Neverwinter Nights 2 - Mask Of The Betrayer
good stuff, u can use your character from the original NWN 2 game in this expansion
I never finished NWN2 the first time I installed it. I reinstalled it recently and I've got about halfway through before I lost interest. To be honest it seems like a step back from the original. The zones are small and linear, seems kind of out of date especially after Oblivion.
If you can forgive the abysmal, piece of shit, covered in poop camera/UI (I couldn't), then yes, re-install.
Now you've got me thinking of re-installing Oblivion now lol. My only hang up with this game, was deciding on what friggen mods to install...waaay too many good ones!!!
Now you've got me thinking of re-installing Oblivion now lol. My only hang up with this game, was deciding on what friggen mods to install...waaay too many good ones!!!

Probably the Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul (if you didn't like the leveling system) and maybe the Qarl's texture pack for added eye candy.
Yeah its worth playing through once if you havent. And the nwn2 expansion is awesome, even if you didnt enjoy the main game.

There is a little program floating around that lets you control the camera WoW-style (right mouse button moves the camera), I use that whenever I play NWN2. Never did get used to their other camera controls.
Probably the Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul (if you didn't like the leveling system) and maybe the Qarl's texture pack for added eye candy.

Yeah if your gonna install one oblivion mod, make it OOO.

Of course I have like 40 mods installed, texture packs, enhanced model and face mods, who knows what. The damn game takes like a minute to load to load the menu.
If they re-released the game on steam with expansion for $25 or less, I'd be all over this... even though I've already beaten the game on my nvidia 6 generation machine. It would be nice to see this game the way it was meant to be played.
I never understood why so many have trouble with NWN's camera. I've played many hundreds of hours in both games with no camera problems. Same with my friends. The only complaints I've heard have been online. And the last time I checked, the UI was fully customizable, at least in NWN2.

To the original poster I say go for it, especially if you get the expansion. New classes and races bring more diversity to the game.
Nah, I reinstalled it recently and just found it to be a chore. Besides, it has to have the most unoptimized engine of all time. It looks like a game from 2002 yet it wants 2008 hardware.
The recent patches made the camera better, but it's still not good. Compared to NWN1, it's a letdown on so many levels.
Yeah if your gonna install one oblivion mod, make it OOO.

Of course I have like 40 mods installed, texture packs, enhanced model and face mods, who knows what. The damn game takes like a minute to load to load the menu.

i have more than 200 obly mods installed, it's really one hell of a job to make them work altogether without problems

I'm waiting for the new NWN2 expansion, should be out shortly :)
Nah, I reinstalled it recently and just found it to be a chore. Besides, it has to have the most unoptimized engine of all time. It looks like a game from 2002 yet it wants 2008 hardware.
The recent patches made the camera better, but it's still not good. Compared to NWN1, it's a letdown on so many levels.

Here are my two cents....

1.) NwN2 and The Witcher use variations on the same engine, so to say NwN2's engine is 'buggy' and The Witchers isn't... is quite simply retarded. The Witcher began as a player made module for NwN1. Bioware and Atari liked The Witcher so much, that they leased the Aurora engine out to the guys who made the Witcher. They adapted the engine and released The Witcher game. Obsidian also relied on the Aurora engine (NwN1 engine.) They did their own tweaks to it. The Witcher and NwN2 are two branches on the same evolutionary tree.

2.) If you think NwN2 looks like NwN (which was released in 2001...) then you either need to get a new pair of glasses or a better video card. Lol.

3.) I am the host two servers. One is a NwN2, the other is a NwN1 server. I like both games. I liked the single player in NwN2 a lot more than NwN1. As for multiplayer, I still prefer NwN1 over NwN2 due to the community made content that can be found in NwN1. That's not to say that NwN2 doesn't have awesome content. Many of the same people who've made awesome mods for Oblivion have made cool stuff for NwN2 as well, but NwN1 has been around for years, and has a lot more custom content than NwN2.
The Witcher looks nothing like NWN2, same engine or not. NWN2 drove me mad with the camera. I literally spent half my time just trying to understand what the hell was going on. Fail.
It is worth playing if you go through it and the expansion with friends online. Singleplayer is pretty dull imo.
I never finished NWN2 the first time I installed it. I reinstalled it recently and I've got about halfway through before I lost interest. To be honest it seems like a step back from the original. The zones are small and linear, seems kind of out of date especially after Oblivion.

I am still playing NWN 2 first run through. I agree the zones are small and linear, the one thing I hate is the cut scenes every two minutes, plus the ones in which a decision is made. Since it's a RPG, I usually save prior to an important event, but NVN 2, there are times when I couldn't do this. Ugh.

I am on a long break with this one, but honestly I know alot didn't like NWN 1 but I enjoyed the graphics, multiple items, and multiple zones and story to NWN 2.

That's my take on NWN 2.
The witcher and NWN 2 use the same engine, but which game would you rather play?
the witcher wins hands down. much cleaner game and smoother game.

NWN 2 was a pos, they messed up a lot, or were too lazy to do a proper job. the game had a couple of really bad bugs, if you played in hardcore mode, there was one battle that was almost impossible to end (not to win, but to end).

the script is also very poor in NWN 2 compared to the witcher, its like night and day. one game was developed by a wannabe, ive seen modders do better, and the other by pros.

but, thats just my opinion, maybe in another couple of years and a million patches, it will be a playable game.

to be fair, NWN also had its fair share or problems, even hordes of the underdark shipped without some shifter skins, so the class was not as playable as possible.
Skip the original campaign and go for the expansion. It's better in every way possible. The only lame part is the soul meter. The expansion was the best pure crpg since Planescape: Torment.

I played quite a ways into The Witcher but I kept getting distracted with little fetch quests and lost interest. The new patch breaks old save games so I would have to start over again anyhow. I'll give it another run one of these days though.
2.) If you think NwN2 looks like NwN (which was released in 2001...) then you either need to get a new pair of glasses or a better video card. Lol.

It certainly doesn't look like NWN1, but it's not a huge leap over it...yet it runs horrendously. I'd put it as being on par with WoW or Fable, both of which run 3x as well.
The issue is that NWN2 needs the same horsepower that Oblivion does...and I'm not even exaggerating on that. I'm running the game at 1920x1080 (on an 8800GTX) and the game runs like trash unless you start turning the details down. It'll do well in small areas like an inn, but once you get to a larger area it bogs down horribly. If there's any lighting effects or shadows it becomes even worse.
If you look at the game - it looks dated...yet it still runs poorly. I can run Crysis on medium to high details on my machine, yet NWN2 (on medium details as well) has a framerate that's lower?
It certainly doesn't look like NWN1, but it's not a huge leap over it...yet it runs horrendously. I'd put it as being on par with WoW or Fable, both of which run 3x as well.
The issue is that NWN2 needs the same horsepower that Oblivion does...and I'm not even exaggerating on that. I'm running the game at 1920x1080 (on an 8800GTX) and the game runs like trash unless you start turning the details down. It'll do well in small areas like an inn, but once you get to a larger area it bogs down horribly. If there's any lighting effects or shadows it becomes even worse.
If you look at the game - it looks dated...yet it still runs poorly. I can run Crysis on medium to high details on my machine, yet NWN2 (on medium details as well) has a framerate that's lower?

My machine maxes Oblivion with everything possible as high as it can go. In NWN2, just like you I have to run it on medium. NWN2 doesn't even have HDR (that I can see).
NWN 2 is much better then when first released. The expansion mask of the Betrayer is by far the best expansion in NWN history.

As for game performance My current system ran the expansion maxed out at 1920x1200 so there ya go 9600GT or better and the game runs great now. I ran it originaly and finished the original game on a ole 6800GT so while it wasnt perfect the game is definately playabel on lesser hardware.

summarized yes reinstall and get the expansion.
Wow didn't expect this to spark so much debate. There are some really interesting opinions here.

I'm loving the WItcher, but am getting my tail handed to me quit a bit. I think i should have started on easy hehe.

I played half way through NWN 2 before stopping. I'm leaning more towards giving it anotehr shot after installing the Mask of the Betrayer and all related patches.

Now to choose a class! I always have the hardest time deciding on a main character.

Thanks for the replies all!
I always seemed to multiclass between a human fighter/barbarian, but thats just me.
In MotB I took the prestige class closest to a monk and the new shaman class they made for the game. I forgot the actual names but I'm plenty powerful now. If only monsters dropped more monk gear.
Mask of The Betrayer rules - it's clearly the best NWN campaign ever and it's the only recent crpg in which you can be REALLY FUCKING EVIL. And I mean it, you REALLY can play as one mean son of a bitch and boy, it's fun to do so once you get into the game. Oblivion's plot and role playing elements (if there were any) are laughable when compared to MoTB. The Witcher still wins, but if you consider yourself to be an rpg/crpg fan you owe it to yourself to finish MoTB.
If you can forgive the abysmal, piece of shit, covered in poop camera/UI (I couldn't), then yes, re-install.

Like another poster mentioned, you can get WoW style camera controls. The nwn2 forums should still have like a 10page thread about it(search nwn2mouse.exe, 2nwn2mouse.exe, or something like nwn2 wow camera). I enjoyed Mask of the Betrayer so it's worth buying that imo. Performance wise you should be fine with an 8800GTS. My x1800 gto2 runs it fine at around 1280x1024, so I think you'll get the performance you want.

[Edit:] I enjoyed NWN and I really enjoyed MotB. I enjoyed MotB for the character development mostly. It's been awhile since I've played an rpg with realistic characters.
If they re-released the game on steam with expansion for $25 or less, I'd be all over this... even though I've already beaten the game on my nvidia 6 generation machine. It would be nice to see this game the way it was meant to be played.

Saw mask of the betrayer at target for $4.99 on clearance! Also picked it up from CC for $5.00 a while back.

To OP : Yes its worth a reinstall!
Now to choose a class! I always have the hardest time deciding on a main character

With recent rule changes to D&D (well, recent as of version 3), the Rogue is a really well rounded class. The ability to get the backstab/sneak attack bonuses any time someone isn't ready can really make them lethal in fights with several attackers. Give 'em the 2-weapon bonuses and the weapon finesse feat (your Dexterity replaces strength for fighting) and they're just like a fighter with fewer hitpoints but much better ranged attacks. The rogue sneak/lockpick/hide/listen/trap bonuses are also really helpful.
If you don't feel like multi-classing, I'd say they're the most well rounded single class. If you stick with them, by the end of any D&D game, your Rogue talents are so jacked that you're nearly invincible.
NWN2 was just terrible and so disappointing after having played the first one. It was certainly one of the biggest let downs ever in my book, just short of FF8 and Phantasy Star 3. I actually just reinstalled Oblivion last week and have been playing it non-stop again. With all the mods out there, it's almost like playing a whole new game. Definitely do yourself a favor and give it a try. Once I get sick of Oblivion again (that may take a while) I'll give MoTB a shot and see if it improves the game like everyone else is saying. Hell, couldn't possible make it any worse. ;)