NY Governor Linked to Prostitution Ring

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
New York Governor Eliot Spitzer, the very same governor that recently proposed an internet sales tax, is linked to a prostitution ring. While politicians and sex scandals aren’t new, the amount of time this guy spent as a “crime fighter” makes this a bit ironic.

Spitzer, 48, built his political legacy on rooting out corruption, including several headline-making battles with Wall Street while serving as attorney general. He stormed into the governor's office in 2006 with a historic share of the vote, vowing to continue his no-nonsense approach to fixing one of the nation's worst governments.
As a wise man once said:

Giggity, giggity, giggity, alright.
Well the internet tax idea feel through so he needed a new way to make NY some more money.
When someone is so against a particular topic, there are good indicators that this said person is involved with that topic.
I live in New York and this guy is a complete idiot. The only good thing he's done was not tax my federal refund.
umm.. your link to the story isnt working at all... and I cant find refferences anywhere else or on the news

is this a magically dissapearing Enquirer story?

Oh, you wife is gonna be pissssssssed.:eek:

"if you do not want some one to know the thing,do not do it.";)
So this is the reason why he didn't purpose taxing prostitutes while he purposed taxing drug dealers...
What was wrong with the woman he had (his wife)? She is attractive and a HELL OF A CATCH for ol' Eliot...:( She should beat his ass at a press conference.
Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine. Eliott Spitzer, you sir, are no Jack Kennedy.
What was wrong with the woman he had (his wife)? She is attractive and a HELL OF A CATCH for ol' Eliot...:( She should beat his ass at a press conference.

I wouldn't say that she is hot, but he's not a oil painting himself. He should have stuck to what he got.
What was wrong with the woman he had (his wife)? She is attractive and a HELL OF A CATCH for ol' Eliot...:( She should beat his ass at a press conference.

That comes after the press confrence; pillow case full of oranges should do nicely me thinks....

My only hope, (though its unlikely,) is that this will be the thing that gets him removed from office. The longer I live in this state with him running the show the more I want to move.
Just saw this on the tube during my lunch break. Really hoping [H] would post it here, although I didn't think it could possibly be tech related. :)

Anyone catch the ridiculous rates those hos were going for? Try $5,000.00/hour... Maybe they have a ho catalogue, I need to see what's so special about them. Is there a "No STD/STI Guarantee?!" Is it $5K because we're paying for their silicone? Are they B-list movie actresses?

Must know now!
Bunny ranch in Vegas only charged $550 a blow, too bad you had to wear a jimmy. Maybe that is what is costs to bareback....
You'd think at $5000+ and hour the whores could keep their mouth shut.

On the plus side he's a democrat, I was getting sick of the endless stream of toe-tappin', bathroom bandit, prostitute rings involving republicans. It's nice to see a democrat being just as much of a hypocrite and his buddies across the aisle. ;)
You'd think at $5000+ and hour the whores could keep their mouth shut.

On the plus side he's a democrat, I was getting sick of the endless stream of toe-tappin', bathroom bandit, prostitute rings involving republicans. It's nice to see a democrat being just as much of a hypocrite and his buddies across the aisle. ;)

Dont they use those for work......:eek: (the mouth that is) couldnt help it......
I wonder if ol' governor Spitzer is gonna quit over this???? It's kind of the pot calling the kettle black.....his wife didnt look to well in the pictures I've seen. I hope she kicks his butt all the way back to Albany.

That guy Bruno he tried to smear is going to be all over this.
I am personally glad that he is getting in trouble he deserves it. I would say he isn't a good governor. What made me mad was when he wanted new yorkers to pay tax on stuff that we brought on the internet even if the business isn't in the state. He always was disrespectful to Joe Bruno, and if the crossed blind guy doesn't take governor Joe Bruno will which is crazy considering how much Eliot Spitzer was alway criticizing him. But yeah he should be resigning real soon which will be good.
Steve should've quoted this one too:

In 2004, he was part of an investigation of an escort service in New York City that resulted in the arrest of 18 people on charges of promoting prostitution and related charges.

Check out this picture!

I can totally picture this guy picking up some company down in Hunts Point.

Lol, Check this one.

Poor guy got caught on a wire tap during an active federal investigation.

They had the madames phone tapped and they have his voice on tape according to a copy of an affadavit that CNN was reading live on the air a few minutes ago.
Sounds just like when Mark Foley was head of some anti-child porn thing then ends up hitting on 16 year old male pages. I think some of these people get too close to the issue and end up getting perverted themselves.

Those $5,000 girl are 15's on a scale of 1-10. Once you get a taste of that I'm sure its hard to go back to your wifey.
Actually they were just gathering data on him to build a case. They new this was going on for quite some time. The original reason they found out is because for money transfers about $10,000, the government tracks where they go to/from. They caught on pretty quick quite some time ago.
As ironic as it is that he use to bust up prostitution rings and now is caught with a prostitute... I have to say he was a good AG, and he had (hopefully has) promise as a Governor. Honestly this seems to be a sort of odd culture with politicians... that other scandal has a lot of politicians on it supposedly... forgot the name. I think this falls under his personal life type of deal, and while illegal because he happened to pay for it, I'd still view it as him cheating on his wife... and something he should work out with her. I don't think it affects his judgment as a politician, so for me I don't think its something he should resign over. Given right conditions we all could fall to the same sort of thing. The state of his marriage, maybe some sort of midlife crisis and the money to pay for and information on where to find a high class prostitute.. those could be a factor in his actions. If he was using tax payer dollars for it in some way or something like that, than hell yeah.

While I'm not sure what to make of it... except this guy has always done a lot of good with his previous lawsuits and cases as AG. It really shouldn't be looked at any less negatively.. hes the type of guy that really did look out for the little guy.
This just proves politicians are as clueless as most people in our country. I find it AMAZING that a guy that has that much education, money, and weight behind his name could be so sloppy in his shady dealings. What a dumbass.
...hes the type of guy that really did look out for HIS little guy.

You said it all right there man! :D

No seriously I was thinking the same thing you wrote. The problem is that you get a good guy in there (for the most part) then he slips up and everyone wants to can him instead of giving him a second shot. So then you get a new guy in there and he slips up and the cycle repeats.
lolwut? The guy has always been a schmuck and a crook, even before he entered into public office. People have been calling for his resignation for years.. yet the typical blind voters kept putting him into his position.
lolwut? The guy has always been a schmuck and a crook, even before he entered into public office. People have been calling for his resignation for years.. yet the typical blind voters kept putting him into his position.

I honestly don't know much about the guy - I was saying that in general you get a guy in office who may do more good than harm and he slips up once and people hang him. He may be a schmuck and crook, but I don't know enough to agree so I'll take your word for it :cool:
Don't just take someone's word for something. It's your duty as a voter to look into the people you elect into office.
When someone is so against a particular topic, there are good indicators that this said person is involved with that topic.

Unless I missed something, Spitzer isn't known for having much to say about prostitution (pro or con).

It's certainly not good for his political career, but it's not really the same as a male congressman who attacks gays, while sleeping with guys or soliciting blow jobs in bathrooms, though I'm unconvinced that the latter was really guilty. Then again, maybe my view is skewed by seeing Denny Crane get nailed for the same thing on Boston Legal. And I'm certain he's only gay for Alan Shore ;)
from your lips to obama/hillary voters.

Not sure what that has to do with anything, but I"ll just say that one of those 2 will be the next president. I like McCain. He should have been the 41st president, but he will not win this time....especially not if Obama is the nominee. I know republicans that have voted for the Republican candidate every time (some going as far back as 1956), and they're going Obama.

About the only way I can see it going bad for them is if the Dems manage to piss off voters during the convention...and even then, I'm not sure they'll lose.

Nevertheless, if all he did was have sex with a call girl, I don't see the big deal, unless someone can show where he made policy speeches against call girls.

All I know is given how much these ladies make/hour, I think it's time we legalize it, because that's some serious tax revenue NY isn't collecting.
Not sure what that has to do with anything, but I"ll just say that one of those 2 will be the next president. I like McCain. He should have been the 41st president, but he will not win this time....especially not if Obama is the nominee. I know republicans that have voted for the Republican candidate every time (some going as far back as 1956), and they're going Obama.

Bush fucked the republican party for at least 2 more terms. NO republican stands a chance winning the next election. I honestly dont think Hillary has a chance to win, but after taking Ohio and Texas in the Primary, who knows what she might be able to pull out of that bat cave of hers.
Nothing new. The Dems always go for the woman prostitutes and the Republicans go for the gay prostitutes. I don't understand why more Americans didn't vote for Ron Paul. He's a real Republican, not some neo-con who warps the Republican ideals like McCain. Hope you Americans enjoy Obama as your President. Good-bye second amendment, hello carbon tax.