NY Wants Online Sales Tax

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Governor Eliot Spitzer plans to require online companies to collect sales tax from shoppers in New York, whether the companies are in New York or not. With any luck, the great people of the state of NY won’t let this get very far but we’ll keep our fingers crossed just in case.

Spitzer's proposed budget would require Internet giants like Amazon to collect tax on an estimated $47 million in sales to New Yorkers, who are currently required by an honor system to report how much they spend online on their tax returns.
I only spent me a buck on dis dere Amazon, 'pon my 'onor judge!

Why the honor system? Why not go through our credit and debit card receipts and get the actual friggin prices? lol

But good luck Eliot. I very much doubt that you will win.
Coming from the same man that wanted to give illegal immigrants drivers licenses… looks like he’s trying round 2 to make some fans in NY….

Damn this man is an idjut…
And I want fewer shady NY electronics store fronts. We can't all get what we want. :p
He says other states - including California, Michigan, North Carolina and Texas - have considered similar plans, but abandoned the idea

One of the main reasons to buy online is for the no sales tax. You take that out of the equation and you're left choosing to buy instore or pay shipping (depending if its free or not). Stores aren't too far away from me and I'd rather buy items instore where I can return it easily if it goes wrong. Plus, no waiting for the UPS truck.
Wait, I thought only Congress had power over interstate commerce. That pesky Constitution won't be much of hurdle, eh Spitzer?
Wait, I thought only Congress had power over interstate commerce. That pesky Constitution won't be much of hurdle, eh Spitzer?

Now why did you have to go and bring the law into it; the law has no place in government! ;)
Wait, I thought only Congress had power over interstate commerce. That pesky Constitution won't be much of hurdle, eh Spitzer?

Who pays attention to the constitution now anyway? The constitution is just a piece of paper didn't you know? They can just claim they are exempt because the war on something.
Who pays attention to the constitution now anyway? The constitution is just a piece of paper didn't you know? They can just claim they are exempt because the war on something.
Good point. If NY doesn't collect taxes from Amazon, the terrorists have won! I feel safer already. ;)
National sales tax, whatever the state your billing address zip is in is where the tax money goes, WE ARE BANKRUPTING THIS COUNTRY. Between american companies taking americans dollars, and paying employies in other countries to spend that money in theyre country stimulating theyre economy, no sales tax and jackass presidents borrowing billions to give away to buy imported goods... this country is going to whither and die.
As more and more commerce is done online, states (and I suspect cities too) will be forced to start looking at online sales taxes. It's either that or everyone will be paying higher property taxes (=higher rents on apartments also) to make up for the lost revenues.

We'll all pay one way or another. We just need to pick our poison.
online sales tax = bad news for the massive internet retailers. One of the primary reasons I buy large $$$ items out of state [and with no presence here] is the pesky sales tax. I don't mind paying it for small things and things I would normally buy locally (vehicle, etc.).
Bad precedent.

In my workplace we have to pay the sales tax to the state if we are not charged it. State auditors check up on it.
So every business in America must learn the proper taxes for every city and unincorporated location in the country? AND then remit those taxes to the proper authorities? AND THEN every state must audit the taxes paid by every business soliciting in that state?
NY online businesses are going to hurt bad. People will just go elsewere.
So every business in America must learn the proper taxes for every city and unincorporated location in the country? AND then remit those taxes to the proper authorities? AND THEN every state must audit the taxes paid by every business soliciting in that state?

Currently it's close to this. If you're shipping to a locale where you have a nexus, you have to pay the tax. (XY company ships to a NY address, has another store in NY, you pay NY sales tax if you order online or by phone, and if the county and city each have taxes too, you get to pay those)
Don't blame me I warned everyone I know about Spitzer, I also got a boo chant going on during the Giants parade while he was being driven down the parade route...

Actually on the NY state tax form it asks you to pay what you think you owe the state in sales tax from online or catalogue....
Don't blame me I warned everyone I know about Spitzer...

Same here. Funny/sad/scary part is these are the same people that are going the Clinton route because they like her "spunk". (same exact thing they said about Spitzer) :eek:
And I want fewer shady NY electronics store fronts. We can't all get what we want. :p
Hey, some of those shady places are amazing.

Except in Delaware - NO SALES TAX!!! :D
New Hampshire doesn't have sales tax as well, if I'm not mistaken. As well as Alaska, Oregon and Montana.

Also, i don't know what this man is thinking, but it probably won't happen.
i think he drank the cool-aid

Stupidity...it's not just for California anymore :D
Meh. I hate new york enough as it is. This would just be icing on the moving to another state cake.
Reality check: Spitzer can't make decisions for the US Congress, any more than he could over issuing illegal aliens valid identification, circumventing the Federal Govt's responsibilities.

Congress has spoken, there is a moratorium on internet sales tax and I dont see that EVER changing.

Spitzer is a shining proof of the old adage, people rise to above thier abilities. As a prosecutor under Morganthua he was excellent. As AG and Governor he simply has no clue. How a LAWYER of that stature could be so clueless as to the constitutional IMPOSSIBIITY of accomplishing his desire, it boggles the mind.

As for the nation.... quit buying cheap chinese trinkets or we will have no manufacturing base left, of anything.... and no jobs for ourselves. Lenin and Mao are ROFL'ing over the recent trade situation with the US.

"The West will sell you the means with which to destroy them." :eek::rolleyes::p
wait, you mean fat greedy politicians want to rape the people even more so they can stuff their pockets with more cash? nah i'd never believe it :rolleyes:
The problem is one of enforcement. How does New York enforce the collection of a tax outside of it's jurisdiction? :confused:

That's why a company with a B&M presence in a state must pay sales taxes to mail order inside that state. It can be enforced against them. And, if they are already physically there, they already know the laws for the taxes there.

This would not hurt businesses already in NY, only businesses outside of NY that ship into NY.

Well, Virginia (among other states) has long attempted to collect sales tax on non-food purchases made out of state, including catalog and Internet sales. (http://www.tax.virginia.gov/taxforms/Individual/Income Tax/2007/CU-7 and Instructions.pdf has the form/instructions). I wouldn't be surprised if, at a minimum, we see this more and more. If that were to happen, I'd gladly prefer some sort of regimented system so it isn't based on voluntary reporting with the "nice" people bearing an unfair burden.

If only all Americans (individuals and businesses) actually paid the taxes they legally are required to, the budget deficit would be about zero...
If NY and other states try to enforce tax, United States economy will collapse. As a NY resident, maybe its time to move. Unfortunately NY state likes to tax everything and everyone to death.
The problem is one of enforcement. How does New York enforce the collection of a tax outside of it's jurisdiction? :confused:

That's why a company with a B&M presence in a state must pay sales taxes to mail order inside that state. It can be enforced against them. And, if they are already physically there, they already know the laws for the taxes there.

This would not hurt businesses already in NY, only businesses outside of NY that ship into NY.


It would not be enforceable, if the e-tailer in question had no in state presence. NY would be left with federal lawsuits as it's only option to try to collect.

NY, has nowhere to go to get more tax dollars, they have already chased nearly all industry out of the state and are already breaking their citizens back with property/sales/car registration/fuel/etc. taxes.

Hey politicians, I have an idea, how about you just spend less. Insane I know, but the tax dollars are just not there anymore like they used to be. The industries that supported your tax$$$ feeding frenzy have run off to Asia and Mexico. So what are you gonna do.? You are gonna have to tighten your belt someday anyway. The sooner you do, the better for your citizens. Not that you give a damn about the citizens. After all, most of you are already rich, why should you care. :(
That fucking asshole just wants to add to our already lengthy list of taxes on everything. I really hope he has a stroke.
What we should do is send backdated tax bill to him for every stupid idea he has had. If you are going to tax something, tax political stupidity. We would be able to fun the entire Mars Mission alone after that.
National sales tax, whatever the state your billing address zip is in is where the tax money goes, WE ARE BANKRUPTING THIS COUNTRY. Between American companies taking Americans dollars, and paying employees in other countries to spend that money in their country stimulating their economy, no sales tax and jackass presidents borrowing billions to give away to buy imported goods... this country is going to whither and die.

Saying this is like the RIAA complaining because the huge trillion dollar music industry is loosing a tiny portion of money to downloaders.
This is what happens when you vote a Democrat into office. They'll tax the shit out of you.

Note that I did not vote for this fucktard that wanted to give illegal immigrants drivers licenses!

This scumbad politician will be getting some nasty mail from me.
This tax will fund more NY state jobs, like the guy who stands in the thruway booth and hands you a toll ticket; and probably makes 100k a year plus benefits.

These are the kinds of brilliant ways NY spends tax dollars.
Just remember: work harder, people depend on your tax dollars to buy their cell phones and cigarettes.
This tax will fund more NY state jobs, like the guy who stands in the thruway booth and hands you a toll ticket; and probably makes 100k a year plus benefits.

These are the kinds of brilliant ways NY spends tax dollars.
Just remember: work harder, people depend on your tax dollars to buy their cell phones and cigarettes.

Bingo!!! The upstate economy is rivaling a 3rd world country, and all Albany can do is raise more taxes(oh sorry Spitz said he won't raise taxes just FEES, yea ok there buddy), and drive even more business out of the state...
Thank God for Lockheed Martin and BAE being located in our area. Otherwise I shudder to think what things would be like here. NY really needs to lower taxes and get the economy going again. The idiotic "Empire Zone" program is a farce. It also doesn't help that we have the 2nd highest electricity costs in the USA. :(

I work for the local telco installing data circuits and we hear all the time how expensive it is for companies to do business in NY. It's sad to hear that other states get these companies "expansion projects" only because of this high cost of business in NY. :(
I'm 50mi west of Albany and there is literally nothing here, great being a teen in a town
with absolutely nothing. Now they're going to make us pay tax for online stuff? I order online because it's cheap and if I have to actually pay taxes instead of being asked or told to pay then that blows.
...if I have to actually pay taxes instead of being asked or told to pay then that blows.

I'm confused - are you saying that you don't mind being asked to do something as long as there's no way you'd actually have to do it?

As it is, I believe NY (like, as I had described before, Virginia) already asks people to pay the sales tax on out-of-state purchases, but without having any sort of enforcement mechanism. Thus, all Spitzer is trying to do is enforce the law that's currently on the books by placing the burden on the firm. If that's the case, I definitely prefer something more compulsory rather than a voluntary compliance system. Right or wrong, and whether or not his means are entirely legal - quite clearly this is a collection/enforcement issue, and not actually "raising" taxes.
how are they going to enforce this?

If I run an internet business and I sell stuff in MY state, I pay state taxes. If dont pay, MY state comes after me. But I dont live in NY. I tell them to go fondle themselves. What are they going to do about it?