Obligatory Girlfriend Game Suggestion Thread


Jan 28, 2009
Ok, my fiancee doesn't know this, but I'm slowly trying to get her into gaming with me ;)

She played Zelda on SNES way back when and not much since. She was a bejeweled fiend on the ipod touch, and now she has been play plants v. zombies for two hours tonight. Question is, what's next?

FPS are out of the question, but my goal is to get her playing something with a mouse on the PC. Graphics can't be too dark or she won't get into it. If it is too 3D, she will give up too. I was think a RTS or something like sims or spore. If it is too complicated, she gives up. Has to have catchy game play with a really shallow learning curve, and some addiction points.

Old games are preferred for their price (in case she hates it) and simplicity. Any ideas?
I would personally go for trine.

My ex actually liked dragon age origins a lot... She wasn't a gamer, it just came out of the blue. Your results may vary.
All of my gf's that played games really focused on stuff like Bejeweled (all chicks like that game) but for console type games, multi player is obviously a good idea so they can play with you. If you're hoping she's going to turn into a console player even when your not around, it's possible but not likely if she's not already. I would suggest picking up multiplayer games.
get braid, its a pretty friendly game.

or for coop multiplayer get something like borderlands, a nice shooter that is not too hard.
I think most girls like The Sims. Probably would be fun for her.
My wife is pretty obsessed with "Plants vs Zombies" and "Settlers" series. Both have good tutorials.
My wife is a Sims 2 freak and my girlfriend is a long time Tomb Raider fanatic, probably doesn't help you much.
Try out Trackmania. Fun racing/stunts game.

IMO, I'd get a Wii, and then get New Super Mario Bros. Wii.
This thread makes me glad I'm already dating a gamer.

I'd second the suggestions for Trine, it's a fun simple game. And along similar casual lines but with more puzzle solving there are games like World of Goo and Toki Tori.
pictures of fiancee


I want to stay away from platformers because they don't use the mouse. Torchlight might work, is it pretty easy? Thanks for the suggestions, more are appreciated!
Don't do it, you'll lose your computer and then have to share and... find another hobby!!!

My girlfriend has spent 100+ hours on Dragon Age, and probably a similar amount on Fallout 3 and Diablo 2. The key for her is to be able to play on easy, and have it not be too twitchy, but more story based. For some reason she refuses to try Oblivion or Baldur's Gate, both of which will run just fine on her own computer...
Braid is pretty difficult I would think if she is a casual gamer at best. Trine is good and has a great soundtrack.
My girlfriend likes to play point n click adventures with me, Machinarium is an awesome one, Grim Fandango aswell. Worth a shot.
My girlfriend likes playing jRPGs, World of Goo, and Scribblenauts.

At least, I wish she was my girlfriend :(
My fiancee is still a Sims fiend, I don't know what they see in that game but she will play house for hours.

Anyway, Fallout3. The intro where you start as a baby and little kid sucked her in (and Liem Neeson doing the dad's voiceover). I dont know why, but she loved it and played it more than I ever did. Not just normal playing either, but psycho "steal everything not nailed down, shoot everyone" play. :eek:

This is from someone who will not play another shooter, but the way FO3 takes aiming out of the equation I guess makes it easier for her. I tried to get her to play Oblivion since it's basically the same thing but she isn't interested.
My wife plays...

Viva Pinata(s)
Guitar Hero(es)
Harvest Moon(s)
Professor Layton(s)
Zelda : Phantom Hourglass
My fiancee is still a Sims fiend, I don't know what they see in that game but she will play house for hours.

Anyway, Fallout3. The intro where you start as a baby and little kid sucked her in (and Liem Neeson doing the dad's voiceover). I dont know why, but she loved it and played it more than I ever did. Not just normal playing either, but psycho "steal everything not nailed down, shoot everyone" play. :eek:

This is from someone who will not play another shooter, but the way FO3 takes aiming out of the equation I guess makes it easier for her. I tried to get her to play Oblivion since it's basically the same thing but she isn't interested.

Are you banging my girlfriend? Sounds like it... I tried to get her to play Oblivion under the guise of "it's Fallout, with swords" but she wasn't having it.
my fiance got BORED of beating the freaking good chinese kids on the online DS tetris. she fails at fps, always finds herself looking at the sky. maybe I should put her on southpaw....
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Females LOVE adventure games with a strong plot. And if your girlfriend hasn't played The Longest Journey, then you'd better head here right now.


Trust me on this one. This NEVER fails with chicks... excuse me, females. (And shame on the rest of you guys for not having mentioned this yet!)
Are you banging my girlfriend? Sounds like it... I tried to get her to play Oblivion under the guise of "it's Fallout, with swords" but she wasn't having it.

I think with women this is a very common theme (no, not the banging other gamers thing). If isn't the right visual and artistic feel, they can't get into it. The aesthetics are very very important to them, and help them get engaged to the gameplay. Appreciating the suggestions, keep them coming in!

Also, I'm not worried about her hogging my machine. I'd be very happy to build another gaming rig and game with her. In the Chicago winter, there isn't much to do together, and it would be nice to play some games.
IMO, I'd get a Wii, and then get New Super Mario Bros. Wii.


My girlfriend who normally balks at my gaming habits got sucked into this one quickly. Kept asking me to play it all the time. Even pushed to go for all the star coins. It was quite fascinating to see her so hooked on gaming all of a sudden.

I would like to see her give Mario Galaxy 1/2 a shot, but like OP said, 3D is kind of a hurdle to a lot of girls.
my wife plays the sims a lot. She likes mario.

But for the most part chicks don't like shooters.
She needs moar Guybrush Threepwood.

Find yourself The Curse of Monkey Island and laugh yourselves silly talking with Murray.
My wife has never played video games before but often watches me play and wants to get involved depending on the game. As mentioned before, FPS are a no no, thats not going to happen. However:

1/ She loved the whole house decorating part of Everquest 2 and we spent hours redecorating my home (lol!).

2/ She was amazed by Anno 1404 and Settlers 7 - the latter which she actually plays. She is halfway through the single player campaign - shows how intuitive the game is when a non gamer can dive in and enjoy a game of that complexity!

3/ She wanted me to install Sims 3 for her - she is occupied by Settlers 7 at the moment but its something to consider later.

P.S She is also a religious Farmville player with two farms (she took over my farm after I gave up on it quite early). Sigh!
Females LOVE adventure games with a strong plot. And if your girlfriend hasn't played The Longest Journey, then you'd better head here right now.


Trust me on this one. This NEVER fails with chicks... excuse me, females. (And shame on the rest of you guys for not having mentioned this yet!)

I am shamed, we don't have the original but we have the sequel Dreamfall: The Longest Journey. My girlfriend picked it up a good while back cause it sparked her interest.

Sadly, it has since been put on hold for other games, but I definitely give it props. It's very intriguing story/gameplay wise and it was even fun to just watch her play it when I didn't feel the gaming spirit myself.
The original - The Longest Journey is the best adventure game ever made (and one of the best games I hav played). Seriously - pick it up - April's character is so well done in that game that you can't help but care deeply about her during it. I havent played the sequel though sadly - I feel Funcom sold out a lot by adding action elements to that adventure game unsuccessfullu and then going the MMO route (and two failed MMOs later they still won't learn i.e. Anarchy online and Age of Conan).