Oblivion 100% Achievements

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
We have a policy around here of completely finishing a game before we review it (for obvious reasons) and let me tell you...Oblivion was a doozey to get all the achievements for.

How many of you guys have gotten 100% of the game achievements?


bigger image here
I dont' have XBox 360, so I dont' know how that acheivements list relates to the PC verison. But I think there's alot more to do than that.

Brother of the Order of Virtuous Blood?
Knight-Errant of the Order of White Stallion?

All the other million different quests. Oblivion needs a percentage tracker like Castlevania SOTN did.
Looks like I got "100%" too, then.

...too bad there's a lot more in the game than just those listed in the picture, as the poster above me stated.
I'm close! I just finished all of the guilds and the arena so I'm about to start up the "main" questline. I should have 'em all by next week.
It's not like I've been playing the game for 3 weeks straight in order to get 'em though :)
oh yeah, there is tons left to do, just getting all the achievements was a chore in itself. Now doing everything else is the fun part.
I'm at 100%... a vast majority of the achievements are just "obtain max rank in guild X" making it very easy to get them. As far as achievments are concerned, I think the design could have been a bit more creative.
dotK said:
I'm at 100%... a vast majority of the achievements are just "obtain max rank in guild X" making it very easy to get them. As far as achievments are concerned, I think the design could have been a bit more creative.

That's pretty much the case with most games. The achievement system is pretty random. Burnout is the only one I've encountered that honestly rewards very difficult things moreso than just "finish this level" or "play an online game."
Hehe i've been watching Steve's progress on XBL.. did you create a new character to finish up the Dark Brotherhood quests?
MasterShredder said:
Hehe i've been watching Steve's progress on XBL.. did you create a new character to finish up the Dark Brotherhood quests?

What's more, I'm watching HConsole right now (Kyle?)... who just went DB :cool:

Methinks teh Steve found that questline most rewarding and tipped off the rest of the [H] bunker. I haven't finished 100% yet, but I can't imagine the DB section can be topped. That was just inspired quest writing IMHO. :)

Domingo said:
That's pretty much the case with most games. The achievement system is pretty random. Burnout is the only one I've encountered that honestly rewards very difficult things moreso than just "finish this level" or "play an online game."
In addition to the guild quests they could have include more "interesting" achievements like:
- Obtain a fame of X
- Obtain an infamy of X
- Murder X people
- Close X Oblivion gates
- Explore X dungeons
- Raise a skill to 100

These would reflect more accurately as to how much you've completed the game.
NavyH16 said:
What's more, I'm watching HConsole right now (Kyle?)... who just went DB :cool:

Methinks teh Steve found that questline most rewarding and tipped off the rest of the [H] bunker. I haven't finished 100% yet, but I can't imagine the DB section can be topped. That was just inspired quest writing IMHO. :)


HConsole is actually the second 360 that is in the bunker, and if Oblivion is being played chances are that it would be one of Steve's alternate characters.

Justin was actually the first one to join the Dark Brotherhood and embrace being a vampire, and after watching him get some interesting ways to kill people I decided to stray from the Thieves Guild and do DB first. Steve's main character was more or less a hero of the land who would slay vampires and save kittens from a tree (unless they were those vampire kittens), but he did eventually do the DB quest line.
Steve said:
oh yeah, there is tons left to do, just getting all the achievements was a chore in itself. Now doing everything else is the fun part.

The amount of stuff to do in this game is simply unreal. I've only completed the arena questline and am now starting to scratch the surface of the Thieves guild quest. I've completed a lot of quests, and it appears that there is still a lot left to do. I havn't started the main quest yet, as I want to have access to the arcane university before starting it.
Those "achievments" are pretty lame. Achievments should be things that not everyone would do, and certaintly shouldn't consist of every step of the main quest.
CodeX said:
Those "achievments" are pretty lame. Achievments should be things that not everyone would do, and certaintly shouldn't consist of every step of the main quest.
I'm not sure I would have joined a couple of those guilds, at least not right away, if the achievements hadn't been there. That said, it's fascinating that achievements actually alter the way we (I?) play games. It probably would make for a good essay or paper.

I think some of the achievements should have been "closed Oblivion gate X" and "Bought House Y". It underscores a real weakness in the system, which is that some games should be more or less than 1000 points total. Oblivion could _easily_ be a 2000 point game.

I've just finished the Mage Guild and Arena quest line and have just started on the Fighter's guild (now a journeyman) and contemplating doing the main quest next followed by the Thieves (currently pickpocket rank) and finally the Dark Brotherhood.

I haven't really spent much time playing to be honest (although those of you on my friends list probably noticed I'm logged in on Oblivion a lot - unfortunately not all that time is spent playing as I get called away a lot to watch the little one, so it's left on pause :( ).

The Achievement Points in Oblivion are a lot easier to get than a lot of games (even if they are time intensive) for example 'A' ranking achievements in Kameo for each level really seems impossible, although I do have friends in my list who have managed to obtain it, (why Kameo has been updated with 9 new achievements (6 of which are more 'A' Rankings) worth 0 pts I'll never know).
I joined all of the guilds almost simultaniously. I killed someone random to get into the Dark Brotherhood and I just systematically jointed the others once I noticed the way the achievement system worked. It's not like I care THAT much about the Xbox points, but it was a fun bragging point when competing with my friends.
Of note, I think there's *definitely* a good order to take the guilds/quests to maximize difficulty or easyness. For instance, the Mage's Guild quests are PAINFULLY easy if you're a strong character. It's simply too easy to kill mage after mage in 2-3 hits. However the main quest gets harder and harder as you level up. I've just started doing it and my girlfriend's level 10 Oblivion monsters are 10X easier than my 15 spiders and daedric warriors per area.
I agree with the idea of having "crazy" achievements that the average joe wouldn't do. The problem with that is that you can just look up what you get points for and stick to that. I think if they did give achievement points for off the wall things, people would just look to see what earned you points and focus on that. Unless Bethesda kept everything secret (ie. it won't list the achievement needed under "view games"), people are still going to do it.
I have found that if you start life as a fighter character, EVERYTHING is easier. I watched Chad and Justin play (Theif / Assassin) and have a hell of a time with combat situations where I could "one chop one kill" damn near everyone.

Also, a tip to other people....

PUT OFF COMPLETING THE MAIN QUEST for as long as possible.
im close to finishing the mages guild as of 3 weeks ago. after that i have thieves and DB, then thats it. I havent played any game in weeks though =[

why put off the main quest?
O.K. so here is what happened to me:

I start playing as part of the review process. I do the basics at first and then I run around closing Oblivion gates...like 25 of them by level 7. Each time I am getting a Sigil stone for my efforts. I use them to enchant my armor and what-not but since I got them at level 3 - 7 they aren't that great (+5 to body odor ;) ).

Everyone here laughs at me becasue I didn't realize the gates would just keep spawning as long as I hadn't finished the main quest. So...by level 8 I had beat the main quest and all the Oblivion Gates are closed.

NO more Sigil stones. No more fighting cool Daedra (I never faced higher than a scamp or fire-chick-thingy) no nothing. Now I am level20 and it takes a LOT of dungeon / cave crawling to level up and so on.

If I would have spread those 30 different Oblivion gates out over 20 levels, I would have seen cooler enemies, got better Sigil stones, got better armor / weapon drops..had more fun.

Hope that made sense.
The main quest populates the whole map with Oblivion gates and random people attacking you in towns.
The complicate a lot of the other quests, wandering, and are generally a pain.
Yes, the main quest can be VERY hard as you level up (the monsters level up, too), but it's still likely easier than having to deal with all of the BS the main quest creates in the world.
I've also found the gates to be somewhat annoying (The Mage's guild quest about the rogue mage attacking merchants would not spawn the Rogue mage while a gate was active just off the road near where the rogue mage was supposed to attack you). But I'd still like to get the sigil stones later on.