Oblivion: Anyone found a way to sell stolen goods without joining the thieves guild ?


Jul 14, 2004
I know that if you join the thieves guild, you will have access to fences who will buy stolen goods off you.
However, does anyone know of a way to sell stolen goods without joining the thieves guild ? Would really like to know.

I have the mod which allows any vendor to buy them, but that feels too much like cheating, yet its so annoying not being able to sell stolen stuff :\
Why not join and just never do anything quest related? If it's that big of a deal, it only takes 10 minutes to do it.
Drexion said:
I know that if you join the thieves guild, you will have access to fences who will buy stolen goods off you.
However, does anyone know of a way to sell stolen goods without joining the thieves guild ? Would really like to know.

I have the mod which allows any vendor to buy them, but that feels too much like cheating, yet its so annoying not being able to sell stolen stuff :\

I'm pretty sure there's a few people that will. The pawn broker guy in the capital buys most of my stolen stuff.
Cabezone said:
I'm pretty sure there's a few people that will. The pawn broker guy in the capital buys most of my stolen stuff.
Dark Elf guy, looks like a fancy boy...
Thats cause hes a fence....
Domingo said:
Why not join and just never do anything quest related? If it's that big of a deal, it only takes 10 minutes to do it.
Thought of it, but the thing is once you're in the guild you have to follow their rules/fines etc (like you cannot kill or attack another thief for example) or they kick you out, and you have to pay 1000 to rejoin. Plus it sucks if you role-play.
can you post this mod for stolen items?
Wierd, it used to be on tessource, can't find it there anymore.
I put it on rapidshare, (its only about 80kb) http://rapidshare.de/files/16857894/Merchants_Buy_Stolen_Goods_v1.0.esp.html
If that link doesnt work (put it in the data folder, then when you start the oblivion launcher click on data and enable it with an X) just PM me your email address I'll send it.

I installed it, works perfectly, makes things sooooooo less annoying. Woot for stolen goods :p
Thoronir at "The Copious Coinpurse" in the imperial city market will buy some stolen items.
I heard a rumour that if you drop your stolen stuff on the floor and pick it back up the game stops regarding it as stolen (anyone know if this is true?)
BladeMrk said:
I heard a rumour that if you drop your stolen stuff on the floor and pick it back up the game stops regarding it as stolen (anyone know if this is true?)
That doesn't work.
i was riding a stolen horse and i rode right past a guard and it was all fine, but i accideentaly got off and he ran up to me to arrest me.
I heard to join the thieves guild, you have to get caught stealing something and let them arrest you...does this work in any town/jail or do you have to be in a certain city? I'm in Cheydinnal (sp) and have some gear to unload...
maademperor said:
I heard to join the thieves guild, you have to get caught stealing something and let them arrest you...does this work in any town/jail or do you have to be in a certain city? I'm in Cheydinnal (sp) and have some gear to unload...
Or, you could find and read one of the "Wanted: Gray Fox" posters posted up around imperial city. Then find a beggar in the city and bribe your disposition with him up to 70. Then the beggar should give you further instructions.
Just a quick question, why do they call the buyer a "fence"?
Just some warning about that mod. It was taken down by the author's request at tessource because it causes some problems with NPCs. The author used commands to basically make all merchants the "fence class" so that caused their behavior to change. If you notice NPCs fighting unusually with each other deactivate the mod to solve the problem.
Hello, Forum!
I joined up last night just to help here! So I hope that I am of help.

Tip One: SPOILER! The quest, "Two Sides of the Coin" seems to me to've been intended by the writers as the best way to join the Thieves Guild, as to finish the quest, you actually have to get your character tossed into jail to become the cellmate of Jorundr so that he'll trust him or her! After the quest, Myvrynra Arano herself begins a quest to find your character and deliver a personal invitation from the Gray Fox himself to join! (Of course you can do some random act to get jailed, but you don't get quest credit.) END OF SPOILER!

Tip Two: To buy poisons and lock-picks without guild membership(s), seek out Shady Sam hiding in the shady areas, specifically a wall corner, behind "Chestnut Handy Stables" by the West Gate Entrance to the Imperial City.

Tip Three: To sell stolen items without a guild membership, seek out the "Inn of Ill Omen" and speak to Manheim Maulheim. Not only will he buy any stolen items you brought with you, he'll buy back anything that you steal from him!
I found the best way was to have the DLC Thieves lair ... theres a guy there that will buy stolen things. Its quite nice. Theres several trainers there too. If I remember right its markmanship, mercantiel (sp) and speachcraft, and two others cant remember what they are.

Thieves Lair is also good if you happen to be a vampire
Hi, Lord Vampyre!

Isn't the wreck of the "Black Flag" the one for thieves, the one under "Castle Anvil" itself. There's a secret passageway from the castle proper to the place. Without the DLC, it's still there, but without the ship and extra caverns. The vampire place is in Topal Bay, replete with a coffin for a bed. The pirate ship has the merchants, and the other place has the vamp needs.
Yes thats the one!! Vamps to the south Thieves to the west that works.. and wizards to the north
Oh, yeah, the magic users get their own place. Then with the very last DLC, fighters get a castle! Hmm, would it be east then? Oh, by the way. Am I the only one to think it odd that vampire players are at first required to have their vamps swim underwater to access the main entrance? Don't vamps usually need to avoid water?
Holy thread resurrection!

Anyway, does getting your mercantile skill high enough allow you to sell stolen goods to regular merchants?
Holy thread resurrection!

Anyway, does getting your mercantile skill high enough allow you to sell stolen goods to regular merchants?

but you know, thats a really good idea....
"you selling skills are beyond super human, they are god like. you can take dump in a box and sell the box as the long lost treasure of an ancient empire for a full daedric set."

but yes, if you get to 75%+ maybe you should be able to make any merchant a mini-fence.
Oh, yeah, the magic users get their own place. Then with the very last DLC, fighters get a castle! Hmm, would it be east then? Oh, by the way. Am I the only one to think it odd that vampire players are at first required to have their vamps swim underwater to access the main entrance? Don't vamps usually need to avoid water?

naaaaa I shower daily ;)

north west for the fighters..

and after you go in the first time you can enter through the back door down south in vamp land ....
Holy thread resurrection!

Anyway, does getting your mercantile skill high enough allow you to sell stolen goods to regular merchants?

no, Ive gotten to master in mercantile everyone in the nation gets more money.. dont remember what else.. was nice but only fences and theives den will take stolen stuff.. now!! if you know better than that let me know!
You could always go to mod route. There are mods which will add people or change people so that they will buy stolen items without having to join the Thieves Guild.
To Lord Vampyre: Good for you! But anyway, I suppose they chose to ignore that part of the usual lore.
Credit or blame Joss Whedon I suppose for inspiring people to make their own vampire rules. As for the castle being northwest, that's how I thought it might be, but then in our posts, there seemed to be a theme of covering the basic four compass points. Yes, the trap door seems to be the... uh.. "Underling" whatever/whomever he is, his favorite exit and entrance!
To the Rest: Sell to the owner of the "Inn of Ill Omen"! No guild membership(s) required! No mods! It isn't about your disposition, it's about their morality setting. If their morality is low enough, they'll buy stolen goods and not report you. Granted, without using the Console and setting his "SetBarterGold" to 60000, he won't have enough to buy high end items though. More than that tends to mess with the numbers, and it could end up less than with what he or she started.

By the way, have you ever noticed that dead merchants don't have their Sell Inventory on them? Only when they are alive do they have magical access to their usually hidden Inventory Chests. However, Malene (spelling?) at the "Roxie Inn", has hers out in the open. Cast "Open Any Lock" on it, or use the Console and enter "Unlock", and you have access to it. Place your stolen items in there and relock the chest using "Lock 100". Now you can buy back the items without the red hand icon. Granted, you don't get money for fencing, but it is a means to be rid of the stolen items tag. Of course, enchanting apparel and weapons, rids them of the stolen items tag too. As does the Console command, "SetOwnership".
Now for something completely different: "I wish I was in Vamp Land, away, away! Away down south in Vamp Land!" That's for Lord Vampyre again.
I've noticed how they look at you like you're doing either a prank or a magic trick when you rob them before their eyes. But only works if they are friend though. Otherwise the bodyguards go for you. Or at least for mine.

I have a new character, but with the previous one, before I broke her quest orders, I did something funny. Knowing where to put the Bust of Luthansa, I went ahead and did so without waiting for Methredhel to tell me to do so. I talk to Lex and follow him to where he arrests Myrvrano. When I entered earlier, I was invisible. But when I left I locked to door behind me. The lock didn't bother Lex when he went into her shack. But I had to pick it fast to enter. So I watched the action between the two and then after Lex tells me that I should leave, he arrests my character! I serve the time and when my character appears outside magically it seems, Methredhel runs up to me to tell me I'm supposed to do! However, she stutters, because her orders are out of date now, so instead she tells me about how busy she is, but she isn't so sure. Her facial ticks of puzzlement were fun to see! It reminded me of guards running up to arrest the Grey Fox, only to find an brave citizen instead!
Oh, yeah! This may or may not be a spoiler, but the reason why Manheim's morality setting is low enough for him to buy your stolen items, is so that he won't report you for killing Rufio, should you decide to do so. I think I read about it at the Wikipedia article about it.