Oblivion doesn't work on 64 bit windows!?

... you;ve got to be shitting me...

It damn well better run on win xp 64 can anyone confirm was gonna buy it tommarrow.
Sabrewulf165 said:
Is there any performance to be gained from running it on x64? Or it's just "compatible"?
There's no telling yet. If there are specific 64-bit enhancement, then there might very well be a benefit (kind of like Far Cry vs Far Cry 64 and HL2 vs HL2 64). I doubt it, as it seems to be a console port from what I've been reading from other users posts.
Jesus_Faction said:
what is this affinity you speak of?

its for dual core cpus

each core jas an affinity 0 or 1 and you can tell an app to run on either or, or both in the resources tab of the task manager by right-clicking the specfic process you want to change the affinity on
well i dont have dual core
but i managed to get up and running by setting compatability to Windows XP mode
It's running on my x64 without any problems (besides the fact that there are NO good 7900 gtx drivers for Windoows x64 -_-)
I run a dual core 3800 @ 2.6 and 2GB of RAM and it doesn't max out either core or my RAM. Not sure if it is like that in 32 bit XP.

...and no "oblivion" performace patch for x64 grrr
I'm using Oblivion on x64 and it's running fine. Granted, with my ancient video card, I'm not exactly playing in style, but it's still awesome.
On a related note Oblivion does take advantage of Dual-core systems. I don't know how much benefit you get in terms of Frames Per Second, by my FX-60 OC'ed to 2800mhz stays above 50fps at 1920x1200 while people with similar FX-57's (Single-core, 2800mhz) seem to hover in the 40's at 1600x1200. So they are not that far behind, but are definitely behind.

My very rough estimate is that there is a 15% to 20% boost from having dual-cores if all else is equal.
You think that might have something to do with you haveing two of the most powerfull video cards on earth in your system?
Obi_Kwiet said:
You think that might have something to do with you haveing two of the most powerfull video cards on earth in your system?

No. I actually have only 1 videocard, X1900XT Crossfire. I have an XTX as well but I haven't installed it yet..... Will probably do so next week.

Anyway, I am saying that other people with the same videocard are reporting lower numbers than me, and they also have slower CPU's or single cores that are the same speed.

Also some people have reported that dropping from 1600x1200 to 1280x1024 doesn't necessarily increase their FPS at all, and also that dropping shadows or certain other video options (that run almost exclusively on the videocard) doesn't increase their FPS either. All this together makes it sound to me like CPU's are more of a decider of your FPS's that the videocard, while the videocard is more a decider of which features are turned on in the gameworld.... This is all to a reasonable degree of course, obviously an FX5200 will be the bottleneck when combined with a really fast processor, but if your videocard is decent to excellent then it will probably be the CPU setting your FPS.