Oblivion: Grass Performance Issues Fixed!


[H]F Junkie
Mar 5, 2005
Anybody who's spent any time tweaking Oblivion knows that grass can have a major impact on performance. It turns out that Bethesda made each tuft of grass 20 polygons, that’s kinda a lot when you consider how many of those tufts of grass your video card has to draw at any one time.

The solution to the major framerate hit that some experience? Simple, lower poly grass.

This grass uses only 8 polygons per tuft (that’s about 1/3 the Bethesda grass), so expect a major framerate jump.

I can also confirm that this does not have a drastic effect on how the grass looks, set the density to 80 in your INI and I can guarantee you won't notice much of a difference between this and the default grass model (I've found most people actualy like the look of the lower poly grass beter, strangely enough).
Hm. I've always had grass turned off anyway, at first because it made me run too slow, but now I keep it that way because now dropped items tend not to get fucking lost in the stuff immediately. I prefer the visuals with grass off anyway :confused:
Hmm... grass never really effected my framerate one way or the other in Oblivion for some reason. It's the same 20-30 FPS if it's on or not. So I just have it maxed out.
I have the grass density lowered just a bit.
100 vs 80 but IMO grass is essential.
It looks barren without it.

So any idea how much this improves performance ?
2-3 FPS ? Or is it substantial ?
Just an observation, but it seems that there are 2 types of people. Grass men, and no grass men. Men that prefer seeing grass, like how it is natural, and extenuate the natural beauty of the PUSS (Physical Unveiling of Scenic Semblance). I for one, am a no grass man because I generally think that "natural" grass is a hinderance whilst observing the PUSS (Physical Unveling of Scenic Semblance). However, that doesn't mean that I don't like grass in small amounts. To bring this about, I just move the grass slider to the middle. It's only dense grass that bothers me, because I wouldn't want to plow my steed through such a wild, and unknown territory.
It was never the grass causing the problems, it was the shadows on the grass. People thought that when they turned off the grass that fixed it, when really.. they just turned off the grass shadows by turning off the grass.

Enable grass, turn down the shadowing, and problem resolved from day 1. :)
TheWikipediaPwnzJ00 said:
Just an observation, but it seems that there are 2 types of people. Grass men, and no grass men. Men that prefer seeing grass, like how it is natural, and extenuate the natural beauty of the PUSS (Physical Unveiling of Scenic Semblance). I for one, am a no grass man because I generally think that "natural" grass is a hinderance whilst observing the PUSS (Physical Unveling of Scenic Semblance). However, that doesn't mean that I don't like grass in small amounts. To bring this about, I just move the grass slider to the middle. It's only dense grass that bothers me, because I wouldn't want to plow my steed through such a wild, and unknown territory.
TheWikipediaPwnzJ00 said:
Just an observation, but it seems that there are 2 types of people. Grass men, and no grass men. Men that prefer seeing grass, like how it is natural, and extenuate the natural beauty of the PUSS (Physical Unveiling of Scenic Semblance). I for one, am a no grass man because I generally think that "natural" grass is a hinderance whilst observing the PUSS (Physical Unveling of Scenic Semblance). However, that doesn't mean that I don't like grass in small amounts. To bring this about, I just move the grass slider to the middle. It's only dense grass that bothers me, because I wouldn't want to plow my steed through such a wild, and unknown territory.

you're naughty :p
TheWikipediaPwnzJ00 said:
Just an observation, but it seems that there are 2 types of people. Grass men, and no grass men. Men that prefer seeing grass, like how it is natural, and extenuate the natural beauty of the PUSS (Physical Unveiling of Scenic Semblance). I for one, am a no grass man because I generally think that "natural" grass is a hinderance whilst observing the PUSS (Physical Unveling of Scenic Semblance). However, that doesn't mean that I don't like grass in small amounts. To bring this about, I just move the grass slider to the middle. It's only dense grass that bothers me, because I wouldn't want to plow my steed through such a wild, and unknown territory.

LMAO...too funny
TheWikipediaPwnzJ00 said:
Just an observation, but it seems that there are 2 types of people. Grass men, and no grass men. Men that prefer seeing grass, like how it is natural, and extenuate the natural beauty of the PUSS (Physical Unveiling of Scenic Semblance). I for one, am a no grass man because I generally think that "natural" grass is a hinderance whilst observing the PUSS (Physical Unveling of Scenic Semblance). However, that doesn't mean that I don't like grass in small amounts. To bring this about, I just move the grass slider to the middle. It's only dense grass that bothers me, because I wouldn't want to plow my steed through such a wild, and unknown territory.

That said, I'm a no grass man...

...what really gets me is crab grass
TheWikipediaPwnzJ00 said:
Just an observation, but it seems that there are 2 types of people. Grass men, and no grass men. Men that prefer seeing grass, like how it is natural, and extenuate the natural beauty of the PUSS (Physical Unveiling of Scenic Semblance). I for one, am a no grass man because I generally think that "natural" grass is a hinderance whilst observing the PUSS (Physical Unveling of Scenic Semblance). However, that doesn't mean that I don't like grass in small amounts. To bring this about, I just move the grass slider to the middle. It's only dense grass that bothers me, because I wouldn't want to plow my steed through such a wild, and unknown territory.
Loving it :p

You can close the thread, there is answer:)
Squishead said:
You can close the thread, there is answer:)
Uhm...not realy. I don't use grass shadows and turing on grass still tank's my framerate (it drops from 30's to 10's).

After lowering the poly count of the grass (via the patch I linked) the framerate hit isn't as bad. Explain that if its the grass shadows (that I have turned off) causing it?