Oblivion PC performance

sakurakana1003 said:
It's the outdoors with loads of grass and flowers the kill the performance, so if you have great framerate in the beginning dungeon you haven't seen anything yet.
yup I agree, the dense grass, trees, and flowers is what kills preformace. I am hoping sites will have some bechmarks for us soon. My little 6800NU is not cutting it :) I am gonna get a X1900XT,7900GT,or X1800XT 256MB card.
eggrock said:
I'm getting poor framerates, especially in outdoor areas. Low teens, sometimes under ten. No AA and no HDR or Bloom.

3700 San Diego
1 Gb RAM

I need to get that second gig installed and update my drivers. After that it's 7900GT time...
I have the same video card as you, what rez were you runnning at?
Vengance_01 said:
yup I agree, the dense grass, trees, and flowers is what kills preformace. I am hoping sites will have some bechmarks for us soon. My little 6800NU is not cutting it :) I am gonna get a X1900XT,7900GT,or X1800XT 256MB card.

I'm getting frustrated enough that I'm considering getting a 360. I just spent a good amount of money last summer for this rig and just don't feel like upgrading at this point. Now I regret not just getting a 21" CRT instead, the resolution restrictions of LCD is at its worst when it comes to this game.
sakurakana1003 said:
I'm getting frustrated enough that I'm considering getting a 360. I just spent a good amount of money last summer for this rig and just don't feel like upgrading at this point. Now I regret not just getting a 21" CRT instead, the resolution restrictions of LCD is at its worst when it comes to this game.

Is this game coded to run better on the 360 anyways? I know someone said that the menu was "clearly controller oriented." It makes me wonder...
Khaydarin said:
Is this game coded to run better on the 360 anyways? I know someone said that the menu was "clearly controller oriented." It makes me wonder...

I don't know but am wondering the same thing. But anyways this is it, for tonight at least I'm gonna be pulling out my old 19" CRT from storage, I really don't like that monitor but for now it's the only solution. I dropped my resolution down to 1024x768, it's unbelievable how much enjoyable the game is when it doesn't lag.

This just really sucks, I spent so much money on this rig and less than 6 months later I can't even have playable framerate. Of course, it's not the rig's fault, it's the monitor's. :rolleyes: :mad:
Even if you turn down eye candy, you STILL can't have a playable FPS?

If so, then I bet half the poeple here can't play the game...
bLaCktIGErs91 said:
Even if you turn down eye candy, you STILL can't have a playable FPS?

If so, then I bet half the poeple here can't play the game...

I tried turning everything off, at 1920x1200 or even 1680x1050 the performance doesn't really change that much. BUT, I can throw EVERYTHING on there as long as I keep it at 1024x768 and it'll run good.

I don't know, hopefully it's an optimization thing so it can actually be addressed by drivers.

PS. it feels funny posting on this monitor. lol. :D My eyes are not very comfortable though, probably because this monitor is somewhat defective ......

EDIT: wait it's not entirely true, I forgot that if I turned off grass and flowers completely then the game is playable, but any little bit of grass makes no different from a whole bunch of grass. Turning off distant objects helped A BIT, but far from enough to warrant the loss in basically all the views.
:( Oblivion won't run on GMA 900 with the current driver. It crashes before the menu comes up.
pxc said:
:( Oblivion won't run on GMA 900 with the current driver. It crashes before the menu comes up.


I'm running at 10x7 with 4xAA and high quality settings, as autodetected. Only thing I did was turn on the AA.

Athlon 64 3200
X800 XT
Sooo I tried WOW to get me out of CS:S, didn't happen. I have to come up with a rreaal good excuse so that I can pick this game up (wife). Not to mention I already shelled out 70$ for a CS server this month already.

If I didn't enjoy WOW at all (got to level 7 then quit) is there still a chance that I could like this game? I never played the first one.

Will the rig in my sig be able to play the game decently @ 1024x768? with at least 2xAA?

Thanks, I'm looking for a reason to buy this game. :)

Last RPG enjoyed = FF7
Its a story driven single player universe. Its not going to be this instant high action RPG like some. Depending on your play style, the game could be intese or mellow dramatic, its that open.

My rig is running it at 1024x768 with everything on (HDR no AA) and I'm getting great framerates.

On the rig in my sig this game runs beatifully!

I went 1600x1200 with HDR and every distance maxed out! Turned everything up as high as it could go!

You start out in a dungeon and someone said the FPS varied alot and they where right I would primarily get anywhere from 60-240 fps. Usually 100+

I went outside and its a different story. I dont remember the average but it was super smooth. I must say when you see the the sun get dimmer and then brighter again you will be like HOLY SHIT!

heres some screens!




forced 8x AF via control panel. Everything else set to high via game. 1600x1200
Can't even get help on the official forums because the posting is so fast no threads stay on page 1 more than a few seconds...

I crash every 7 minutes, no matter what. Heck I can leave it on the character creation screen and it's good to go for 7 minutes, then... CTD.

Apparently, thousands of people are having game-breaking trouble, from not being able to install the game, to the game constantly crashing, to the game giving them 1 FPS on an x1900-level card...
Ive heard people mention High quality, and Ultra quality, where do you find these options?
at 1280x1024 on my x1800xl at ultra settings, runa abour 35-65 frames a second. turn off vsynch it kills performance in the game
I am running the game at 1280x1024 with high quality, bloom, noAA and vsync off.
It auto detected at 1024x768, but I decided to up it to my normal resolution.
This is on a IC7-Max3, P4 [email protected], 2GB PC4000, x800Pro @ 545Core/533Mem

Everything runs nice and looks nice for me

Sweet game so far.

Running with overclocked 7800gts in sli at 1920x1200...HDR with all distance maxed out. Outside walking around, the lowest it went was 21fps..mostly at 32...inside, much higher...
But boy, never thought that my sli cards would have this slow down...How are other slis doing?
Hmm I started to get terrible frame rates outside now .. like near 10 or 15. I turned off the grass altogether and now Its a lot better.

I sure hope this is all fixed with the driver update tomorrow.
had my sister pick up my reserve while i was at school and work, but dont think ill install tonight. Going to sleep. So much for reserving to play it release day :(
Sempron 2800, 1gb DDR-400, 6600gt.

(all other settings to max)
1024x768, medium, /w hdr. Quite playable, but on a 1600x1200lcd not the most pretty.
1280x1024, medium, /w hdr. playable, but get a bit laggy
1600x1200, medium, /w hdr, playable in most areas's, gets laggy around oblivion gates.
1600x1200, medium, no effects, playable, but laggy in big fights and around oblivion gates.

And because I had to try it...

1600x1200, high, /w hdr, works for walking around (as in you can control things, but barely), but forget any sort of combat or oblivion gates.

Most playable:

1024x768, medium, no effects.
Opteron 170 at 2.9GHz/X1900XTX - 1680x1050 on the Cinema Display, 2xAA, 4xAF, blooms only, everything else pretty much maxed. Highly playable.

Sometimes I wish I had a smaller LCD, though.
Im playing at 1280x720 (see sig for more details) no AA, 8xAFHQ and HDR

over 30fps everywhere.. no lag, all options maxed, draw, foliage all those bars to the right :)
Very happy with my performance so far. Dont know what it's gonna do when there's a lot of action going on. Currently running 1280 with bloom off, no AA, 8xAF, draw distances and shadows left at default. I'll tinker with the settings later.
you think ill be able to play Oblivion at 1920x1200, medium quality, NO AA/AF, NO HDR, at around 20 fps?

3200+ Venice @ 2.5ghz (~4000+)
1gig PC3200 (2225)
6800 GT @ 400/1100 (Ultra levels)
Xenozx said:
Ive heard people mention High quality, and Ultra quality, where do you find these options?

When you insert the DVD to play the game for the first time a window pops up prompting the settings detection. This is where the mention the quality level. I myself used the patched CD-Key immediately after installing and only found out about this menu after reinserting the DVD to make an image. BTW according to the detection I'm playing at high quality, but I bumped up my resolution to 1280x1024, turned off bloom and enabled 8xAF. I'm happy with how it looks and plays.
running at Ultra High settings

3500+ @ 2.5

Pretty playable, slows down a bit in big fights...

Love this game!!!
All Settings maxed
4XAA and Bloom (seems to look nicer to me then HDR and no AA)
Runs pretty smooth.
Not actually sure I really like the game though...

FX60, 1900XTX, 2GB, A8R32-MVP, Raptor150
Wow... After 6 hours strait of playing this game I must say I am impressed. I am so tired right now so I will be heading to bed, but the graphics are amazing. The gameplay is off the hook. The arena is pretty bad ass and even at level 1 I made it to Gladiator level LOL. IM now level 3 though, and in the process of finding the kings son. Stole a horse and rode through the forest, wow is this game huge!

I have alot more screenies for your viewing pleasure :)













After play testing a bunch of different configs here are my findings.

1600x1200 +2xAA No AF = Playable , but consistant 20 - 30 fps. May get worse in heavily wooded area.

1280x960 +4x AA , 8x AF = This seems to be the sweet spot for me as I stick to 30-40 fps.

Im running everything on ultra high quality.

Heres my hardware :
Venice 3200 @ 2700
7800GTX @ 510, 1270
1GB RAM (2,2,2,5)

To be honest, I was really hoping that the 7800GTX would do a little better with this game.
Im hoping the new nvidia drivers will offer a little boost maybe.

I`m gonna try it with my:

A7v + 2600 mobile Barton 9600Pro
and 512 SDRam PC133

(Stop laughing!!)

Although I should be getting an 9800pro soon.

Yes my Motherboard is 6 years old!!
Any news on the Nvidia Oblivion optimized driver that was supposed to come out today?
pretty cool game so far... but the crappy framerates getting in the way of my enjoyment, and causing a bit of nausea to boot. no, not HL2 nausea, but just a little.

AMD 3200+ socket 754
6800gt AGP stock speeds
2gig ram
20 inch LCD w/ 1600x1200 native

defaulted to high settings at 1024x768 w/ HDR on and V-sync on. with that, i'm getting super choppy fight scenes (like when escorting the king) and outside is like a dang slideshow. so i slid the distance draw down a little and that helped. i may have to end up drawing less foliage.

tried switching HDR off and enabling 2xAA but that made thing look way ugly and framerates actually seemed to drop.

oh well, i'm crossing my fingers that the new nvidia driver will help, at least until i upgrade my mobo/proc (planning on getting 3400+ socket 939 and 7900gt). even with that, apparently, looks like i'll at least be able to run it on 12x10 w/ everything maxed from what you guys are posting... :p
Xenozx said:
Wow... After 6 hours strait of playing this game I must say I am impressed. I am so tired right now so I will be heading to bed, but the graphics are amazing. The gameplay is off the hook. The arena is pretty bad ass and even at level 1 I made it to Gladiator level LOL. IM now level 3 though, and in the process of finding the kings son. Stole a horse and rode through the forest, wow is this game huge!

I have alot more screenies for your viewing pleasure :)

You post pictures here AND you create a thread for posting Oblivion pix?...
i have a 6800gt (agp) w/ 1gb pc3500 and p4 3.2ghz and it runs pretty decently with high quality 2 1024x768.. i'm surprised at how good it looks even on my 2405, i thought it would be horrible but this game totally out performs fear with similar settings.. even if i drop fear to the lowest quality settings i get horrible fps, oblivion looks great and runs pretty damn well even at such a low res..
Hi everyone. It seems a lot of you have AMD processors and I don't really know what's comparable to mine (P4 2.8) so I was wondering if anyone could comment on what type of settings I might expect to get on my system with smooth frame rates. Aside from the P4 2.8 i have 1GB of ram and a AIW X800XT video card. nothing is overclocked or anything. Playing on a 19" CRT so all these LCD rez issues won't be a factor for me. Thanks for any input you guys can give. I want to try this game but i'm still addicted to EQ2 so not sure if this would pull me away or if it would just sit unused.
AMD 64bit 3000+
PNY nVidia GeForce 6600GT
SoundBlaster Live! 5.1

Plays on 1024x768 with everything at the highest except for anti-aliasing fine.
TheToE! said:
To be honest, I was really hoping that the 7800GTX would do a little better with this game.
Im hoping the new nvidia drivers will offer a little boost maybe.

My thoughts exactly.
greenhorn1 said:
Hi everyone. It seems a lot of you have AMD processors and I don't really know what's comparable to mine (P4 2.8) so I was wondering if anyone could comment on what type of settings I might expect to get on my system with smooth frame rates. Aside from the P4 2.8 i have 1GB of ram and a AIW X800XT video card. nothing is overclocked or anything. Playing on a 19" CRT so all these LCD rez issues won't be a factor for me. Thanks for any input you guys can give. I want to try this game but i'm still addicted to EQ2 so not sure if this would pull me away or if it would just sit unused.

your rig is a little better than mine as far as the CPU goes.

im using a 2400+, 1gig o ram and an X800XT AIW. runs very well at 1024x768 at high settings with 4x AA.