Oblivion Performance Issue (dual core problem?)


Apr 17, 2000
I'm having an issue with Oblivion which I just got into today, spent the whole day learning the ins and outs of this game. I'm having a problem though I can't nail down (haven't tried 1 thing yet though that I think may fix it). I just wanted to see if anyone else has experienced this.

The game runs fine when there aren't enemy NPCs on the screen, but once an enemy NPC comes up to me I start getting horrible performance, it isn't that the framerate drops, rather it is that the gameplay turns into CHOP CITY. It literally becomes a slide show.

It plays well when in the dungeons and outside, as long as there are no NPCs. But as soon as one comes to attack me, let's say even just a big rat, the game gets very choppy.

I'm playing this on an FX-60, with a single 7900 GTX as well as two 7900 GTX's in SLI. I'm using the 84.25 ForceWare drivers.

The one thing I haven't tried yet to fix this is to disable the dual core ops in the driver via the registry. I have the AMD processor driver installed, but not the MS hot fix yet.

I just wanted to know if anyone else out there with a dual core processor and NV vid card with 84.25 are having this issue.

I haven't tried an ATI card yet.

No processor driver or hotfix.

Of course some spots are a bit choppy (outdoors with much grass), but nothing like you are describing.

Sorry. Try uninstalling the proc driver and see what that does.
I found the problem!!!!!

It is my M-Audio Revolution 7.1 soundcard apparently. I disabled the soundcard, and no more choppy. Damn

I need sound! argh

This is the first game ever to have a problem with this sound card for me, and I've had this thing a long ass time. Unfortuntely M-Audio hasn't released a new driver for it in years, so no luck there, my only hope is a game patch to fix this I guess.

This sucks!
Brent_Justice said:
I found the problem!!!!!

It is my M-Audio Revolution 7.1 soundcard apparently. I disabled the soundcard, and no more choppy. Damn

I need sound! argh

This is the first game ever to have a problem with this sound card for me, and I've had this thing a long ass time. Unfortuntely M-Audio hasn't released a new driver for it in years, so no luck there, my only hope is a game patch to fix this I guess.

This sucks!

Plug your speakers into the onboard audio?
I'm having an issue with Oblivion which I just got into today, spent the whole day learning the ins and outs of this game. I'm having a problem though I can't nail down (haven't tried 1 thing yet though that I think may fix it). I just wanted to see if anyone else has experienced this.

The game runs fine when there aren't enemy NPCs on the screen, but once an enemy NPC comes up to me I start getting horrible performance, it isn't that the framerate drops, rather it is that the gameplay turns into CHOP CITY. It literally becomes a slide show.

It plays well when in the dungeons and outside, as long as there are no NPCs. But as soon as one comes to attack me, let's say even just a big rat, the game gets very choppy.

I'm playing this on an FX-60, with a single 7900 GTX as well as two 7900 GTX's in SLI. I'm using the 84.25 ForceWare drivers..

I am. I just installed an FX 60 from a newcastle 3400+ on 800 bus (the slow old ones!) and chop city is perfect description. Thanks! Ive been seaching everywhere for someone with the same experience... Anyway the 3400+ was perfectly smooth !1024x768 res everything on MAX , HDR etc blah... Im pretty frusterated to say the least.
i'd not bother with a soundcard... Vista doesn't support hardware sound! joy!
Hey Brent did you get oblivion working better yet?

I found disabling the hotfix with regedity, and eliminating /usepmtimer from boot ini worked well.

M Audio Rev 7.1 here as well, same issue. Disabling it fixed it... Bizarre.

Glad I found this thread though!

Edit: LOL, sorry for the thread necromancy, I hadn't realized this topic was ancient.
lol.. blast from the past. :) funny thing is I just wiped my gaming rig and am planning my Oblivion install tonight... got to get all my mods together and layer them just right.. :) Yes, I still play Oblivion... I love the rich realistic environment.. it's very immersive!
Asus Xonar D2X best sound card ever.. my favorite feature is it doesnt say Creative on it anywhere.
i envy you guys, I can't even get the damn game to run past the start up movie.
have you tried the 1.2 patch then the unofficial patch on top of that? might help the loading problems.

link to unofficial patch

make sure your patched to before trying this though..
I'm having a similar issue though not as bad. For some reason I get lots of stuttering even when I'm in a house by myself. Just moving makes it stutter for half a second.