oblivion questions, help a tes newb.


Feb 8, 2004
I haven't played any of the other tes games so im a little lossed.

How do i drop items in game? I'm over burdened and cannot move.

Is there any websites out there that will tell me the meaning of all the armor/feather/magic symbols in my inventory? Like how do I know which piece of armor is better?

Is the game extremely dark for anyone else? I turned the brightness up a lot but still can't hardly see anything in the dungeon/caves of the first part of the game.
Shift click items to select which ones to drop. When you 'tab' back to the game, they are dropped.

The dungeons are dark in the beginning. You can get a torch though to light your way.
Then you also need to equip said torch as the person above stated.
Armor is rated by the shields, higher is better. Shoes, armor, pants, hat and shild armor bonuses all stack, so if you have equipement like this

Leather boots +1
Leather helmet +1
Leather greves +1
Leather armor +4
Wooden Shield +2

Your armor bonus is 9.

The feather number tells you how much something weighs. In the lower right corner you have a measure of your current load (something like 135/150 means you are carrying 135 pounds out of a total of 150).
Not me. I squat in an abandonded house when I need to sleep. I'd like a house, but I'm seriously cash poor. The most I've had yet is 600g, but I blew most of that on spells. I usually have about 100-200g on hand.
I saw a house for sale in Chroll (sp?), didn't see how much it was though.
Also, the amount of stuff in your inventory affects how fast you move and your jumping ability. Try and loot things that are light weight and high value, or if it is a weapon/armor that is better than what you have. DO NOT pick up every little thing and make sure to empty out your inventory often.

From what I have heard killing people and claiming their houses does not work in Oblivion. I have heard people claim guards will inspect empty houses and give you trouble. I don't kill random people so I can't confirm this. Use the beds in the guilds and find a secluded chest to stash stuff in. Again, don't be a pack rat.

As for the lighting, you can either get a torch or use a nighteye/light spell. No messing with the Gamma, that's cheating :p

And I agree that the menus could be a little more informative about what everything means.