Oblivion Security

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[BB] Rick James

[H]ard Dawg
Apr 4, 2004
What kind of disc security do you think we'll see with Oblivion? I know that there is a vaste hat out there for StarForce.
yea, I'm really glad we haven't seen any nasty beta leaks or anything for this game, kudos to bethesda for that....
I feel sorry though for the devs that on release day there will be 40,000 people downloading 4 years of hard work on bittorrent....
The fact that they've been working their asses off for 4 years should be reason enough for anyone to buy it. Sure is for me.
TekSomniaK said:
The fact that they've been working their asses off for 4 years should be reason enough for anyone to buy it. Sure is for me.

Pirates don't give a shit about that. They don't value work=money. They have no concept of hard work. They piss me off!

Ok.I'm cool...

I'm buying it, and I'm glad it doesn't have StarForce. Otherwise, I wouldn't buy it. No matter how good it was.
How do you know it's not StarForce (big relief for me if it's not, I hate that stupid garbage piece of dog poop!)? I pre-ordered the Collector's Edition from gogamer.com a couple days ago, 2-day air via FedEx, can't wait :D !
hungryduck said:
yea, I'm really glad we haven't seen any nasty beta leaks or anything for this game, kudos to bethesda for that....
I feel sorry though for the devs that on release day there will be 40,000 people downloading 4 years of hard work on bittorrent....

They're going to make a killing on 360. :)
Why does Starforce have English based webforums that they post on, when all of them have a very basic grasp of the English language.

Developers for what they hoped to be a "major software security suite" and they can't even spell correctly.
TekSomniaK said:
The fact that they've been working their asses off for 4 years should be reason enough for anyone to buy it. Sure is for me.

Even crappy games take a lot of hard work to make.
Most likely a protection that will require the game disk to be inserted all the time. I wish they would offer a backup disk included in every order.
lethial said:
I wish they would offer a backup disk included in every order.
Sorry, but I think the chances of anyone doing this, ever, is pretty slim. If every game came with a second legitimate copy which you can give to a friend or sell on eBay... well, it's certainly not going to help sales :D.
Its Safedisk, assuming we can judge from take two (publisher) and bethelda's past games. About 70% have em have been safedisk, and all offline only ones have been. There are a few from take two that have been securom because of certain online validations, securoms check mechanism makes easier.

I lay a solid 90% vote on safedisk
For anyone looking for a torrent to download Oblivion, just keep refreshing the starforce forums. I'm sure one of their admins will post a convenient link in broken english any day now. :rolleyes:
This thread kind of went towards the ways of pirating the game, which wasn't my original intent of posting this. My reasons for posting this were to see if anyone knew what the protection was going to be. I know that a lot of game companies are turning towards to StarForce for their security software because it's a "good" one, but it also createst a lot of issues for those running certain other programs. For example, I for some reason have an issue with StarForce and my spyware protection software.

I'm not sure if it's an issue directly with my spyware program or StarForce.

I guess that was my original intent, I should have been more clear. If StarForce is the security choice for Oblivion, I might be choosing the Xbox 360 version simply because I'll have less known issues running it that way. Although I must confess I'm looking forward to seeing this game on my PC.
Kersk said:
For anyone looking for a torrent to download Oblivion, just keep refreshing the starforce forums. I'm sure one of their admins will post a convenient link in broken english any day now. :rolleyes:

And then apologize a few days later for the dev not choosing to use Starforce....oops, I mean, "for us accidentally posting the link".

Not a 'protection racket' at all!
My theory is this game won't have much security, solely because not many people will be able to run it at super high settings. Morrowind didn't have much or any if I remember.

Remember when games had shareware which was basically 1/3 the game (Doom). Even if you didn't play the game, you were talking about it and spreading the word if it is a good game.

I have come up with a gaming theory...the Pinnacle Theory and the emergence of the PFG, Profitable Free Game. It is a theory that one day a game will be produced that will be so mindblowing, so incredibly fun and addicting, that it instills in the player a feeling of such gratitude for such a good game, that there is a desire to give money to the people that created it, thus, even if a game was free, it would be so good it would profitable. I've experienced this myself with some games like Half-Life, where fifty bucks doesn't seem enough, (more often its the latter, aka BF2, ugh).

Still, it's just a theory. In my gaming utopia, games won't need pirate protection because games will be that good.
Oblivion will use SecureROM7. I can't find a source right now, but that's it.
It's because most piraters won't have the hardware to adequately run this game...so even if they pirate it they won't be able to play it. Sure a couple might but generally speaking if you have a good enough rig to play this game you have enough money to go out and buy the game and its nice box.

Maybe I just can't understand how someone would pirate this game. That's like stealing from your lovable rich uncle, Uncle Crassius, who gives you a lot of money anyway.
Blakestr said:
It's because most piraters won't have the hardware to adequately run this game...so even if they pirate it they won't be able to play it. Sure a couple might but generally speaking if you have a good enough rig to play this game you have enough money to go out and buy the game and its nice box.

Maybe I just can't understand how someone would pirate this game. That's like stealing from your lovable rich uncle, Uncle Crassius, who gives you a lot of money anyway.

I agree with you that pirating this game is pretty lame. But as far as the required hardware for this game goes, it isn't going to be THAT insane to be able to run it at decent FPS. It's only if you want to do MAX details + high res that you'll need really uber stuff that most people don't have.

There's a guy running Oblivion with a XP 2200+, 1gb, and 9800 Pro 128 on medium details at decent FPS.
Blakestr said:
It's because most piraters won't have the hardware to adequately run this game...so even if they pirate it they won't be able to play it. Sure a couple might but generally speaking if you have a good enough rig to play this game you have enough money to go out and buy the game and its nice box.

Maybe I just can't understand how someone would pirate this game. That's like stealing from your lovable rich uncle, Uncle Crassius, who gives you a lot of money anyway.

?? Well again I stress that pirating the game wasn't the angle I was wanting this thread to head towards. But, since we continually bring this point up, what are you talking about? Piraters don't give two shits about that? And where is your logic that piraters have sub par machines? Piraters will pirate anything and everything, especially the top notch titles. Just because the game is going to be a beast doesn't mean that will detour any piraters from stealing this game. :rolleyes:

I'm closing this one. Thanks all for your imput.
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