Oblivion - Weapon Collectors? (56k warning)

Nice collection but you should really get a house mod of some sort. Plenty of them out there where you can add all kinds of display rooms and the like.
Yeah, there are ridiculous mods out there with fantastic displays, there's a Frostcrag Spire mod that transforms the whole place.

Also, use Obscuro's Oblivion Overhaul so you can avoid the sillyness that is the game's ramping up rate for items, value, and the messed up economy. The normal game gets ridiculous how it matches the world level to your level. Why do thieves want a few gold when they are already wearing like 20,000 gold in armor.


Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul. Not "Obscuro." Being a fellow Ob modder, I know he gets that a lot. :D
Wow and all this time I thought I had too much time on my hands! :p

Seriously wow guys, ya'll sure your not OCD or something? :p

Impressive collection none the less. Maybe if I spent less time on FFXI I'd end up doing this.
Ah yes! The item collection! Nice pics OP.
I also do it. It was actually one of the reasons that captivated me to get into Morrowind and then Oblivion. Exploration certainly can reward you quite nicely. I don't have pics right now, but in Morrowind, I had 3 houses (one of them with 5 floors in Balmora) and all of them, were filled with rare weapons and misc items. I simply didn't have enough space to organize everything properly, so I just used the floor to drop the items.

In Oblivion, the houses are bigger, so space was not that big of an issue, plus the closets can fit more items.

Very cool stuff. That actually reminds me of one of my most treasured items in Morrowind, which was the skull crusher. Anyone remember that one and how we could get it ?
It was hidden in a dremora filled cave, not easily accessible and then the item itself was inside a box, with 100 security AND the box was hovering in the air, 20-30 meters above our head, with melting lava on the floor. You needed to be a master in security, have a 100 security spell or be extremely lucky, just to open the box. This obviously implies that you had a flying spell aswell, otherwise you couldn't even get to the box. Just awesome.
The Staff of Magnus was also cool to get, but I'm not going into that now, or this post will be much longer :)
Why oh why did I look at this thread? I thought I'd finally kicked my crack . . . er, Oblivion habit, and now I'm getting a serious compulsion again. It'll take hours just to track down and install the mods I want.
I liked Morrowind better. I usually play a magic user and I thought the entire Arcane University was poorly done.

I also thought that the glass weapons were kind fugly. Complaints aside however, Oblivion is still a very good game. The mods make it great.

I can't wait until someone releases a mod that allows you to open a weapon/blacksmith store like you could in Morrowind.
Wow, more patience then I have. I had a huge pile in the middle of the room of my skingrad house where I dumped everything. I used to just store everything in chests and containers, but I got tired of scrolling through the list, so I just threw everything into the pile. Ugly but it worked well...:p
Where do you get all those sweet weapons? I need to start storing stuff in my Battlehorn Castle. :)
Is there any way to take screenshots in oblivion without turning the AA off?
Is there any way to take screenshots in oblivion without turning the AA off?

Hit print screen?
Force AA through rivatuner? I don't know why anybody would use the in-game AA, it's horrible, I don't know why it prevents you from using HDR at the same time. It ruins the entire game. Oblivion is a great game, but technically, it is horribly lacking with broken AA and totally missing AF. Force these to the desirable level of quality through a 3rd party program and enable the in-game HDR. It makes a world of difference.
I just put everything in the Armoire in the bedroom of the Anvil house. I must have thousands of pillaged weapons in there. I never use any of it, but I HAVE to have it!
Lol, my old profile started working again....

I am working on moving all my treasure to the Skingrad house. Will post a pic of the mess.
Ok, I got everything uploaded. Here is my collection. It isn't complete yet, but I am rather proud of it :)







@ Master Pain, that is sick. I should have you do my Oblivion install from the ground up.
When I get my new PC parts this week and get it up and running you can be sure this will be the first things I install.
I found a few more that I will upload to my FTP here later tonight. It's a couple of gigs :p
I use winrar.

And I have all the mods downloaded, so I just need to get them all uploaded.
THANKS FOR HELP, i got the esp file. However, i am confused with this step:
Unzip the files into "Oblivion/Data" folder. On the Oblivion run menu select the Data Files button
and double-click "POVS2v1.1" so a tick appears in the box next to it. Run and enjoy.

What is the oblivion run menu? I dont quite get that. Help is appreciated. Thanks
UPDATE: I got it working, and bought the deed. Now I have a new home. I like my battlehorn castle better still. Or my spaceship.
All these files including this castle is at www.tessource.net

Yes, yes they are, as well as a bajillion other mods for Oblivion :)

I just finished getting the FCOM: Convergence mod installed and working properly. It took me about 12 hours to get it all working. But if any of you are interested, I simplified the process. If any of you want to DL it, lemme know.