OBMM conflicts


Apr 1, 2008
Im hoping someone can help here. I am trying to mod the hell out of a vanilla install of Oblivion. This is the Steam version. I have quite a few mods installed now but I am not having much luck. I have some missing grass textures so I am getting purple placeholders where the grass is supposed to be.

I figured I would check for conflicts and found I had a shitload of them. Not only that but Im not really to sure what Im looking at. I can CnP the conflict report if anyone thinks they can help. This is just a sample.

Knights.esp] (unparented) - Active
No conflicts

[xulAncientRedwoods.esp] (Part of Unique Landscapes Compilation 1.4.2.omod) - Active
Very minor conflicts

[xulAncientYews.esp] (Part of Unique Landscapes Compilation 1.4.2.omod) - Active
Very minor conflicts

[xulArriusCreek.esp] (Part of Unique Landscapes Compilation 1.4.2.omod) - Active
Very minor conflicts

[xulBeachesOfCyrodiilLostCoast.esp] (Part of Unique Landscapes Compilation 1.4.2.omod) - Active
No conflicts

[xulBravilBarrowfields.esp] (Part of Unique Landscapes Compilation 1.4.2.omod) - Active
Very minor conflicts

[xulBrenaRiverRavine.esp] (Part of Unique Landscapes Compilation 1.4.2.omod) - Active
EDID 'AnimatedRiversV2TARLargeDownhill1' of record type ACTI conflicts with 1 other plugin.
xulChorrolHinterland.esp (Record type: ACTI) (Parent: Unique Landscapes Compilation 1.4.2.omod) (Active)
EDID 'AnimatedRiversV2TARLargeDownhill1Bend2' of record type ACTI conflicts with 1 other plugin.
xulChorrolHinterland.esp (Record type: ACTI) (Parent: Unique Landscapes Compilation 1.4.2.omod) (Active)
EDID 'AnimatedRiversV2TARLittleDownhill' of record type ACTI conflicts with 1 other plugin.
xulChorrolHinterland.esp (Record type: ACTI) (Parent: Unique Landscapes Compilation 1.4.2.omod) (Active)
EDID 'AnimatedRiversV2TARSteepDownhill1' of record type ACTI conflicts with 1 other plugin.
xulChorrolHinterland.esp (Record type: ACTI) (Parent: Unique Landscapes Compilation 1.4.2.omod) (Active)
EDID 'AnimatedRiversV2TARStraight1Z' of record type ACTI conflicts with 1 other plugin.
xulChorrolHinterland.esp (Record type: ACTI) (Parent: Unique Landscapes Compilation 1.4.2.omod) (Active)

[xulChorrolHinterland.esp] (Part of Unique Landscapes Compilation 1.4.2.omod) - Active
EDID 'AnimatedRiversV2TARLargeDownhill1' of record type ACTI conflicts with 1 other plugin.
xulBrenaRiverRavine.esp (Record type: ACTI) (Parent: Unique Landscapes Compilation 1.4.2.omod) (Active)
EDID 'AnimatedRiversV2TARLargeDownhill1Bend2' of record type ACTI conflicts with 1 other plugin.
xulBrenaRiverRavine.esp (Record type: ACTI) (Parent: Unique Landscapes Compilation 1.4.2.omod) (Active)
EDID 'AnimatedRiversV2TARLittleDownhill' of record type ACTI conflicts with 1 other plugin.
xulBrenaRiverRavine.esp (Record type: ACTI) (Parent: Unique Landscapes Compilation 1.4.2.omod) (Active)
EDID 'AnimatedRiversV2TARSteepDownhill1' of record type ACTI conflicts with 1 other plugin.
xulBrenaRiverRavine.esp (Record type: ACTI) (Parent: Unique Landscapes Compilation 1.4.2.omod) (Active)
EDID 'AnimatedRiversV2TARStraight1Z' of record type ACTI conflicts with 1 other plugin.
xulBrenaRiverRavine.esp (Record type: ACTI) (Parent: Unique Landscapes Compilation 1.4.2.omod) (Active)

[xulCloudtopMountains.esp] (Part of Unique Landscapes Compilation 1.4.2.omod) - Active
Very minor conflicts

[xulColovianHighlands_EV.esp] (Part of Unique Landscapes Compilation 1.4.2.omod) - Active
Very minor conflicts

[xuldarkforest.esp] (Part of Unique Landscapes Compilation 1.4.2.omod) - Active
Very minor conflicts

[XulEntiusGorge.esp] (Part of Unique Landscapes Compilation 1.4.2.omod) - Active
Very minor conflicts

[xulFallenleafEverglade.esp] (Part of Unique Landscapes Compilation 1.4.2.omod) - Active
EDID 'LODWaterPlane' of record type STAT conflicts with 1 other plugin.
xulImperialIsle.esp (Record type: STAT) (Parent: Unique Landscapes Compilation 1.4.2.omod) (Active)

Im new to the whole modding scene with Oblivion so if this is something easy, dont be to harsh on me :D
I am quite sure those conflicts are normal and will not affect gameplay. Some mods produce major conflicts that can be ignored, which I think is the case here. UL mods should not cause any harm to one another as they are made to be used all together (or split up).

Minor conflicts are nothing to worry about.

The missing texture is likely from a bad installation (which is unlikely assuming the omod was correctly used) or perhaps from not using Utilities>Archive invalidation>BSA redirection (look for it on OBMM). Do BSA redirection one time and it'll be set for life.

Also, there happens to be a new version of the compilation out (June 24th it was updated), that includes a few updates UL mods.
First off, a huge thanks for taking time to try and give me a hand with this :)

I did the BSA redirect but it didn't work. Im not sure what I did wrong for this. I did make a backup of my Data folder so I might start over from scratch.

The only thing I can think of is maybe I didn't install Qarl's texture pack correctly. I read in the readme that you were supposed to extract the files into the Data folder. All the other mods I used went pretty smoothly but this one might be my problem. It doesn't show up at all that I can see in the OBMM.
First off, a huge thanks for taking time to try and give me a hand with this :)

I did the BSA redirect but it didn't work. Im not sure what I did wrong for this. I did make a backup of my Data folder so I might start over from scratch.

The only thing I can think of is maybe I didn't install Qarl's texture pack correctly. I read in the readme that you were supposed to extract the files into the Data folder. All the other mods I used went pretty smoothly but this one might be my problem. It doesn't show up at all that I can see in the OBMM.

No problem! I just started playing Oblivion again myself (heavily modded, of course). I've been out of the Oblivion scene for at least a year and I've found many great new mods.

Anyways, I thought you only had UL installed for major mods (and maybe a few minor mods). In this case, it sounds like a bad installation of QTP3 (Qarl's Texture Pack 3). This mod does not contain a .esp or .esm file as it is purely a mod that only replaces textures. Since, essentially, it adds nothing new then Oblivion does not need a .esm/.esp file to direct it.

I always find it helpful to extract the mod on my desktop this way I select what I want to be placed within my Data folder. With QTP3, you should have a meshes and textures folder when QTP3 is extracted. Slide those into your Data folder and overwrite anything it asks to overwrite. Since you already have done BSA redirection, you can simply start Oblivion and it should work. If not, please post your full load order.
I had previously extracted Qarls to my desktop before I extracted it to my data folder. I still have the Mesh and Texture folders on my desktop. I dragged and dropped them into the DATA folder and started a new game but I am still having the purple placeholder issue :(

Here is my load order:

Short Grass V3.esp
Enhanced Waterv2.0.esp
UL mod(there are 20 .esp's for this)
Illumination Within Revived

These are some of what Krenum suggested to make Oblivion more up to date. I put the load order as close to his as I could but the Oblivion.esm in his order is lower than mine. I tried to put the Oblivion.esm where he said it went but OBMM says I cant put an esp before an esm.
I had previously extracted Qarls to my desktop before I extracted it to my data folder. I still have the Mesh and Texture folders on my desktop. I dragged and dropped them into the DATA folder and started a new game but I am still having the purple placeholder issue :(

Here is my load order:

Short Grass V3.esp
Enhanced Waterv2.0.esp
UL mod(there are 20 .esp's for this)
Illumination Within Revived

These are some of what Krenum suggested to make Oblivion more up to date. I put the load order as close to his as I could but the Oblivion.esm in his order is lower than mine. I tried to put the Oblivion.esm where he said it went but OBMM says I cant put an esp before an esm.

.esm files are master files so yes, they are loaded before any .esp file. By the way, I heavily suggest using a mod called Better Oblivion Sorting System (BOSS) - http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=20516 - it makes doing load orders much easier. And for future reference (if you didn't already know) OBMM has a feature that creates a text document of your load order - Import/Export>View load order. This way you don't need to type it out if someone wishes to see it.

Does your purple look like this? http://i28.photobucket.com/albums/c209/dev_akm/oblivion/patch/patchproblem.jpg
Exactly! That is what I am seeing.

That is caused by a shader issue and is not a texture problem. This occurs from the official patch 1.2 as patch 1.2 was the patch that used new shaders for the LoD (to remove the very ugly "soup" look that was originally in the game).

Try this:
"The solution is to uninstall the shader editing package (and possibly delete the Shader folder entirely). After doing this, reinstall the patch. The patch will set the new Shaders folder to read-only, so if you want to reinstall your edited shaders then go to the \Oblivion\Data\ folder and set it to read-write in the Properties menu. Now reinstall the shader editing package . Everything should work correctly after this."

Source: http://devnull.sweetdanger.net/texturehelp.html

If you delete the whole shader folder then you will likely need to reinstall either (or both) QTDoF.esp and MotionBlure.esp. I am not sure which of those use new shaders as I am not a fan of those mods, but it is likely that one of those was the culprit.
Im going to try that right now.

Another thing of interest...When I toggle Distant Land off the issue dissapears. I hate not being able to see to the horizon but the grass under my feet is green when I do this.

I'll update when I finish. Thanks again for all of your help!


This is the Steam version and it came prepatched. Will this be an issue?
Im going to try that right now.

Another thing of interest...When I toggle Distant Land off the issue dissapears. I hate not being able to see to the horizon but the grass under my feet is green when I do this.

I'll update when I finish. Thanks again for all of your help!


This is the Steam version and it came prepatched. Will this be an issue?

This is because this issue is directly related to the LoD.

I do not know if that will be an issue as I don't know if Steam will see that it needs to patch the game again.

If it doesn't work, you could do a complete uninstall of the game or perhaps using the patch found at the Oblivion website, though I am also unsure if that will work with Steam. Just remember to back up your original shader folder once you fix this before installing mods that affect it. If the simple method doesn't work and you do not want to do a complete reinstallation, then PM me.
Would someone on the West Coast please buy dj a beer? I will pay you back.

He helped me fix it. :D

Thanks man!
Hey dj, Im getting an error on Tesnexus when I go to dl BOSS. It says I have downloaded it over 50 times and cant dl it anymore. Is there anywhere else to grab this from? I tried googleing in and only found wkik entries and developer forums but no dl links.