Obsidian to announce new title

It's an Obsidian game, which means I won't be touching it unless it gets rave reviews by the users after release. Been burned by that company too many times.
I completed both games. Putting 100+ hrs in FO3 and about 80+ in NV. I enjoyed it enough obviously but I think FO3 writing is superior. Even the quests were more memorable in FO3 IMO.

To each their own. There will always be a fanbase for Bethesda style writing in the same way that there will always be a fanbase for Terry Goodkind style writing.
To each their own. There will always be a fanbase for Bethesda style writing in the same way that there will always be a fanbase for Terry Goodkind style writing.

Ugh. Don't mention Terry Goodkind. The last couple Sword of Truth books were head smashingly bad.
Let's face the truth guys. Forget about canon, writing, quests, etc... New Vegas was unquestionably superior in every way concerning gameplay. However, we all know why Fallout 3 has fans that liked it better and why some (including me) liked its atmosphere better - so far the real reason has not been stated in this thread:

Fallout 1/2 atmosphere does not translate well into a large 3D world. No one wants to be on the ground exploring a marvelous, huge, sprawling...empty desert. If you remember, Fallout 1/2 only had us exploring specific locations / "maps" that were centered on interesting locations. We did not manually walk through deserts, we used a map to essentially "fast travel" across the desert.

Yes, Bethesda definitely should not have done some of the things they did in Fallout 3, and they could have made it better. But the location-atmosphere they chose was spot-on for a large 3d world: a destroyed metropolitan area.
Let's face the truth guys. Forget about canon, writing, quests, etc... New Vegas was unquestionably superior in every way concerning gameplay. However, we all know why Fallout 3 has fans that liked it better and why some (including me) liked its atmosphere better - so far the real reason has not been stated in this thread:

Fallout 1/2 atmosphere does not translate well into a large 3D world. No one wants to be on the ground exploring a marvelous, huge, sprawling...empty desert. If you remember, Fallout 1/2 only had us exploring specific locations / "maps" that were centered on interesting locations. We did not manually walk through deserts, we used a map to essentially "fast travel" across the desert.

Yes, Bethesda definitely should not have done some of the things they did in Fallout 3, and they could have made it better. But the location-atmosphere they chose was spot-on for a large 3d world: a destroyed metropolitan area.

Subway tunnels.
I would love more Fallout, New Vegas was a fantastic game despite many engine bugs and general gayness in performance and stability and whatnot. I also liked Fallout 3, I think Bethesda had a lot of the same engine problems but generally speaking it was a very enjoyable game.
Yesterday's "hidden" message

To tenderness, fellowship. To fellowship, vigilance. So bring we all to the Night Market. I am the Spindle of Esenath. Know me by my light and stand with me in darkness

I'm seeing a dragon encircling what looks like the number '3'

Or is that just the countdown :eek:

I know it doesn't make any sense, but that first quote sounds very much like the motto of the Grey Wardens from the DA:O Grey Warden trailer. The words are quite different, but the meter is similar. Then, a dragon wrapped around a 3? :p
^man, when I read it again I thought it was similar to the code of sith in KOTOR.
I'm going to laugh when it turns out this is all just to build hype for South Park: The Stick of Truth
Today's message

"I recognize your pain. Your kind must learn it comes from straining against the turning of the world. It spins thus. You cannot stop it. One day, you will wake up. You will stop pulling. The pain will be gone. Until then, all your waking hours are suffering."
Fallout: New Vegas by Obsidian was so much better (in my opinion) than Fallout 3 by Bethesda (though I did like FO:3 as well).

I think the split between people is those who played Fallout 1 and 2, and those who did not. Those who played the original games tend to prefer FO:NV, those who started with FO:3 tend to like it better.

Obviously not all fit into that mold, but that seems to be the general theme.
Today's message

"I recognize your pain. Your kind must learn it comes from straining against the turning of the world. It spins thus. You cannot stop it. One day, you will wake up. You will stop pulling. The pain will be gone. Until then, all your waking hours are suffering."

This really makes it sound like a Wheel of Time game; despite someone saying the rumor is not true.

Although this is talking about the spinning of the world. Not the spinning/weaving of the pattern.
Alpha Protocol aside Obsidian's games are a product of being fucked by publishers. LucasArts forced them to rush KOTOR2 which means they had to cut content. Atari rushed NWN2, but that game and it's expansions actually ended up being pretty good in the long run. I believe I heard that Bethesda was responsible for QA on NV. No clue where to toss blame for Dungeon Siege 3.

I think I'm going to cast my guess at it being a WoT game as well, especially since they were hired to do one back in 2010.

For Dungeon Siege 3, the inflexible top down view thing was horrid. And there some other design decisions that sucked. But as far as their own in house onyx engine goes, the game played rock solid for me. They built that whole engine with the intent for it to be their own ultimate debugging friendly engine and they succeeded very well in that respect. Whatever Obsidian does, they need to stick with the Onyx engine and stay away from other people's stuff. They have more experience with a wide variety of engines than any other dev. Every new game they have to learn the quirks of yet another new engine (yes I know, NWN2 and KOTOR2 evolved from Bioware's Aurora). Anyways, it's time for them to stop with a new engine per game. Stick with the onyx engine, and bugs probably won't be a big issue with this game.
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I honestly do not understand this opinion. There was really not much Fallout like about Fallout 3, other than the setting and a little lore. Fallout 3 very much led you by the hand while NV gave you the freedom to affect the world around you.

Anyway, reports are saying this is NOT a Wheel of Time game. Possibly Baldur's Gate 3 or Icewind Dale 3.

Well likely folks with that opinion never played FO back in the day. I was around but never played FO then. I first played a FO game with FO3...then I really liked New Vegas a lot more.
This really makes it sound like a Wheel of Time game; despite someone saying the rumor is not true.

Although this is talking about the spinning of the world. Not the spinning/weaving of the pattern.

Actually, I read that and thought "well that confirms it's not WoT".
This really makes it sound like a Wheel of Time game; despite someone saying the rumor is not true.

Although this is talking about the spinning of the world. Not the spinning/weaving of the pattern.

As someone currently re-reading the whole series to get ready for the last book, I can confidnetly state that that quote sounds nothing like anything in any of the books. WoT it ain't.
Obsidian has registered on Kickstarter.

Possibly unrelated, possibly not. If they do a Kickstarter game, it will likely be a PS:T spiritual successor. Chris Avellone had expressed great interest in that.

Will their announcement on Friday be a Kickstarter campaign? I'm not sure. Keep in mind Obsidian is the one doing the marketing here, where a publisher would normally be the one to handle all of that.
Interesting. Well that (even further) rules out WoT because I believe EA owns the rights to that and Obsidian was rumoured to be developing it under a partnership agreement with EA.

Not sure how an established studio justifies the use of kickstarter though.
Didn't Chris Avellone outright say if they start a Kickstarter it would be for Planescape 2?

So putting 2 and 2 together, the only logical conclusion is...
Didn't Chris Avellone outright say if they start a Kickstarter it would be for Planescape 2?

So putting 2 and 2 together, the only logical conclusion is...

Kinda. They will never make a Planescape 2, since that story is 100% complete, but he really wants to make a game with similar design goals.

Registering on Kickstarter doesn't mean they will do one. It doesn't mean it is related to this announcement either. I think they are being too sneaky to be found out that easily.
Man all this talk reminds me i need to get back into PS:T... it's funny, i rail so hard against companies holding your hand and making linear games, yet after all these years I've apparently been noobified because the first big town you get to was extremely overwhelming lol
That... looks like a very good possibility.

Oh man, I truly hope so. 40k is such an awesome universe and besides the Dawn of War games we really don't have anything else.
A WH40k hardcore RPG would be great.

Kinda interesting connection since there is a lot of Persian/Mesopotamian/Jewish mythology involved with the cult/legion Thousand Sons.

Though, it could still be The Black Hound (BG3) based in a Celtic Scotland.
I'm hoping its Wheel of Time. I was looking on wiki and found this,
" On February 12, 2010 it was announced that Obsidian Entertainment, developers of Neverwinter Nights 2, would be working with Red Eagle Games on the new Wheel of Time video game under the EA Partners-Program.[34] This game will be released on the PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, and PC. There is no information at this time as to whether or not it will be one or a series of games.[35]"


Damn I hope so :)
Is the site gone now? The link just goes straight to the forum for me now.

Similar to what I experienced yesterday, when it shows when I first open the link, and once I click on it which takes me to the forum, any subsequent visit takes me directly to the main page.

I think it will only show once each day.