OC Stability


Limp Gawd
Mar 1, 2004
I finally found out how to set the ram to run @ a 1:1 ratio w/ the fsb :cool: Anyways, so I set the fsb to 225 and that put my cpu @ 3.15ghz, and the ram @ 225mhz. I relaxed the timings on the ram all the way just to be sure can't remember the exact timings, just put them as relaxed as they would go. So I boot into windows and all appears fine. I run the sissoft sandra memory bandwidth test and my score improved, compared to running my ram out of synch w/ my fsb. So I listen to a few songs on iTunes, take a shower and come back to my comp. I begin to run 3dmark2k1 to test stability and go away. When I get back it has some error on the screen (sry can't remember name). I hit cntrl + alt +delte and nothing. So I turn it off and set it back to the way I had it (the way it is in my sig w/ my ram out of synch w/ fsb). I then ran both 3dmarks (2k1 and 3) and both ran fine. Shouldn't my ram be able to handle that? It's the nice expensive corsair xms series stuff. http://www.newegg.com/app/viewProductDesc.asp?description=20-145-450&depa=0 <---- that's a link to the ram on newegg in case that helps. Is that too much of an oc for my ram? Or did I get crappy ram? Thx for any help in advance!
weeel...technically , an OC is not guaranteed...it's luck of the draw. So if your RAM was running fine at what it's rated to run at, you don't really have much ground to stand on for an RMA...

could be you got RAM that just doesn't perform exceptionally well...try cooling it better, what are your case temps like? how's your airflow?
Carnival Forces said:
weeel...technically , an OC is not guaranteed...it's luck of the draw. So if your RAM was running fine at what it's rated to run at, you don't really have much ground to stand on for an RMA...

could be you got RAM that just doesn't perform exceptionally well...try cooling it better, what are your case temps like? how's your airflow?
Asus probe doesn't tell case temps (gonna have to d/l mbm5). But my airflow is pretty good, I could post some pics if u want me 2. My cpu temps are pretty good (28c idle 35c load) so I'm assuming my case temps are pretty good.
v1p3r-386- said:
Asus probe doesn't tell case temps (gonna have to d/l mbm5). But my airflow is pretty good, I could post some pics if u want me 2. My cpu temps are pretty good (28c idle 35c load) so I'm assuming my case temps are pretty good.

yeah, pics would be nice.
post back / MBM5 temps.
Just installed mbm5, idle my case temp is 28c. I will post pics and case temps under load tommorow I'm getting tired gunna go to bed.
great temps and adequate voltage are only part of the OC equation, not the whole thing. you can have great temps and power running into your components, but may not be able to OC too well just because its the chip's natural limit. you and i got about the same OC (i got 100 mhz more), but as u can see i have a great heatsink on there and running great temps, yet anything higher then 230 fsb and my system magically becomes unstable, no matter what
ARGH..... :mad: Right after I took and resized this picture asus probe pops up telling me my psu fan stopped spinning. So I look back there and of course it is :mad: That better still be under warranty, ugh I thought antec made quality stuff... Anyways here is the pic of my case, I don't know when I'll be able to post load temps cause my psu fan isn't spinning :(
I am prolly going to have to rma my psu :( Anyways, from the picture my airflow shouldn't be affecting the oc should it?
v1p3r-386- said:
I am prolly going to have to rma my psu :( Anyways, from the picture my airflow shouldn't be affecting the oc should it?
nah, your airflow looks great.

what kind of PSU do you have? I have an Antec TruePower 430W, it works fine. A little loud, but fine.
Carnival Forces said:
nah, your airflow looks great.

what kind of PSU do you have? I have an Antec TruePower 430W, it works fine. A little loud, but fine.
I have the same psu. I'm gonna mess with it tommorrow. I have to study tonight, I have a big test tommorrow.
v1p3r-386- said:
I have the same psu. I'm gonna mess with it tommorrow. I have to study tonight, I have a big test tommorrow.
heh, yeah, study++

well, all right. Idk why your system's messing up...maybe you just got a faulty PSU...sorry; although newegg should RMA it no problem.

EDIT: Wait! have you tried memtest? http://www.memtest.org/ leave it running overnight to test your RAM for errors!
Carnival Forces said:
heh, yeah, study++

well, all right. Idk why your system's messing up...maybe you just got a faulty PSU...sorry; although newegg should RMA it no problem.

EDIT: Wait! have you tried memtest? http://www.memtest.org/ leave it running overnight to test your RAM for errors!
Hmm I will get up early and study before the test tommorrow. Air seems to be comming out of the back of the psu again yay :cool: However since you have the same psu I have a question for you. There is what looks like a fan grill on the underside of the psu but on mine it looks like there is no fan? Is that right, did they just put that there so some hot air could escape w/ out a fan? Thanks for all your help Carnival :)

Edit: I havent' tried memtest however the ram does run rock solid @ it's rated speeds and latencies so I don't think memtest would find anything. I guess I really can't complain that it wont do the speeds I want it to because it does the speed it's rated for fine.
I can finally post case load temps after about 45mins of ut2k4 my case was @ 30c according to mbm5. So I am guessing my oc is limited by the ram itself right? Not heat?

Edit: w00t B+ :D Anyways my case doesn't get much hotter than 30c after like 2 hours of doom3 it hit like 33c. So I'm guessing it's my ram I'm gonna see if it will do 220mhz (3080mhz)
I just got done playing ut2k4 with theese ram settings:

Seems pretty stable I played for about a 1/2 an hour w/out a crash! I will report back after I test w/ 3dmark.

Edit: Passed 3dmark 2k1 and 2k3 @ above settings :cool: I'm gonna try to go a little higher later today.
Well my overclock is severly limited by my ram. Would it be better to run my cpu @ say 3.2 orr 3.3ghz w/ the ram out of synch or @ 3ghz w/ the ram in sync?
v1p3r-386- said:
Well my overclock is severly limited by my ram. Would it be better to run my cpu @ say 3.2 orr 3.3ghz w/ the ram out of synch or @ 3ghz w/ the ram in sync?

well..i'm not sure, the best thing is to test it at both using a full suite of benchies

i.e. both 3dmarks, Aquamark, and the [H] CPU test, and SiSoft Sandra's benchmarking utils.

sry i can't just give you an answer :(
Carnival Forces said:
well..i'm not sure, the best thing is to test it at both using a full suite of benchies

i.e. both 3dmarks, Aquamark, and the [H] CPU test, and SiSoft Sandra's benchmarking utils.

sry i can't just give you an answer :(
Kinda figured.... I'm gonna have to test it , thanks for all your help Carnival! :cool:
It runs faster @ 3.3ghz (235fsb) w/ a 5:4 mem ratio (188mhz) ram. I'm getting a 6800gt soon and I was wondering, I get 684 cpu marks in 3dmark2k3. I have seen people w/ lower clocked cpus getting scores over 700. I was just wondering why. It only sees my system as having 1022mb of ram, but it does see 2x512 sticks. Here is my compare link:

Edit: In case u want/need to know my sandra cpu/mem scores are:
Cpu Arithmetic: Dhrystone ALU 9820 MIPS Whetstone FPU/iSSE2 4122/7192 MFLOPS
Cpu Multimedia: Integer x8 iSSE2 25308 Floating Point x4 iSSE2 35322 it/s
Mem Bandwidth: Ram Bandwidth Int Buff'd iSSE2 4814 MB/s
Ram Bandwidth Float Buff'd iSSE2 4828 MB/s