OCing Memory


Limp Gawd
Jun 21, 2004
Okay so i have 2x256 PC2700, 2x512 PC3200 now I wanna run them in dual channel but i would like to have both run at PC3200 so if i adjust the speed in bios were it says speed will it adjust all of my ram, basically leaving the PC3200 alone and adjusting the PC2700?

oh yea and how dangerous is ocing the ram to pc3200 its okay ram and im not changing any of the cas
Well, I'll first say that I know people have problems running 4 sticks of ram on A64 platforms. So if you are using A64...I think 4 sticks will default to DDR333, but I'm not positive on that. As for overclocking memory, you can always pump more voltage and up the HTT...or attempt to loosen the timings on them.

Good luck, that might prove to be a doosy! :rolleyes: