OC'ing my 9600 Pro


Limp Gawd
Jul 17, 2005
Spent some time tonight overclocking my 9600 Pro 128mb with 3DMark03:

410/310 - 3577
418/300 - 3626
425/324 - 3776
432/337 - 3865
439/344 - Artifacts
432/344 - Artifacts
439/337 - 3888
445/337 - 3919
452/337 - 3942
459/337 - 3977
472/337 - 4033

Not looking at overclocking the core anymore, just wanted to break 4000. Not bad considering all I did was add RAMsinks. Pity the ram wouldn't push 50mhz past stock, although my RAMsinks are scaulding to the touch so I guess this is just hot running memory.

I might consider buying an aftermarket cooler but I'm pretty happy with the current results.
Not bad scores there... You should try 3dmark05 :p

I overclocked my 9600XT

540/800....1997 Score
from 500/700 1885 Score

No differents in games though >_>
V99 said:
Not bad scores there... You should try 3dmark05 :p

I overclocked my 9600XT

540/800....1997 Score
from 500/700 1885 Score

No differents in games though >_>

how fast you running your cpu?

to OP, nice overclock :cool: