Oct 10 Wii system update officially adds USB keyboard support


Supreme [H]ardness
Nov 17, 2004
New update out today. Officially adds usb keyboard support for the main menu, Shop Channel, and I *think* everybody votes channel, and Internet channel, though I have not had opportunity to test that myself. Anyone that has a keyboard handy can test it for us?

Darn, I just sold my wireless keyboard the other day :(. Opera support would be the most vital imho.
Just did a bit of looking on the Nintendo site. Here is the page about the update: http://www.nintendo.com/consumer/systems/wii/en_na/systemMenuFeatures.jsp

Here is what it says for the click-impaired. I even highlighted the important bits:

Wii System Menu and Feature Updates

Available for download on October 10, 2007, the following updates add new features and compatibility to your Wii console. Check out the benefits below!

  • Wii System Menu 3.1
    A Keyboard inserted into a USB port on the console can be used for text input and specific button controls. For instance, this can make typing Message Board messages and using the Updated Internet Channel (see below) easier. For instructions on downloading the latest version of the Wii System Menu, click here.
  • Updated Internet Channel
    The latest version of the Internet Channel features many new enhancements, including the use of a USB keyboard while surfing the net.
  • For information on how to get the Updated Internet Channel, click here.
  • For help using the Internet Channel, including troubleshooting and frequently asked questions, click here.
  • Updated Everybody Votes Channel
    The updated version of the Everybody Votes Channel provides an improved display for the National Results by Region.

USB keyboard on the internet channel, Oh yeah!! :cool::cool:

720x480 resolution browsing FTW.

Seriously, I don't see why this matters. Does anyone actually sit close enough to their Wii to use a USB keyboard?
What about mouse support, or do they consider the Wiimote a mouse?
Dunno officially, but I personally think that the Wiimote works pretty well as a mouse while browsing.

Only worked in Wii menu for me. It worked to type a wiimail, web browser and everybody votes didn't work.
Only worked in Wii menu for me. It worked to type a wiimail, web browser and everybody votes didn't work.

You have to go into the shop channel, Wiiware, and download the updated versions of those channels. Got it all this morning before work, works like a charm :)
It’s only a matter of time before the Wiiboard comes out. You just move the keyboard and your mouse pointer moves o yeah super mad awesome.
Now when are they going to add the update to let me use news and weather without having to turn out that stupid standby mode? Does it really take that long to download new information so that it requires a 24/7 standby connection??? The wii gets way too hot in standby for my liking so I've turned it off.
Now when are they going to add the update to let me use news and weather without having to turn out that stupid standby mode? Does it really take that long to download new information so that it requires a 24/7 standby connection??? The wii gets way too hot in standby for my liking so I've turned it off.

Might want to send it in then, mine's been on standby since launch day without a problem in the world :)
It's alright. My wireless only extends to about 5 feet, 3 feet short of my couch.
Now when are they going to add the update to let me use news and weather without having to turn out that stupid standby mode? Does it really take that long to download new information so that it requires a 24/7 standby connection??? The wii gets way too hot in standby for my liking so I've turned it off.

I have to agree with DragonMasterAlex on this one. I have had mine on standby since mid December when I picked it up and it never has gotten more than warm to the touch even after several hours of gaming. Do you just not have it ventaliated very well? If it really gets that "hot" then I would send it in for a repair, from what I have heard Nintendo doesnt send you the same one back but sends you a brand new unit?!
f it really gets that "hot" then I would send it in for a repair, from what I have heard Nintendo doesnt send you the same one back but sends you a brand new unit?!

What would happen to your downloaded Virtual Console games?
Wake me up when there's Bluetooth keyboard support. Even the PS3 has it... come on, Nintendo!

Still, it's an improvement, and any improvement to the Wii makes me more likely to buy it.