October Nexus Prime rumors

I've read (Anandtech, among other places) it was actually the Qualcomm chip's fabrication size that was the reason the iPhone4S didn't have it. It's too large to fit comfortably into even the current size of the iPhone 4/S; and they want to go slimmer in the iPhone 5 apparently (which was Steve Jobs last labor of love at Apple).

Tim Cook stated that current LTE modems would force Apple to make design decisions Apple didn't want to make. That pretty much sealed the 4S not having LTE.
(In reply to Electrofreak)
^ That's all fine but there is still no reason to use such an old TI chipset and not Exonys/PowerVR.
That new Motorola razr is pretty damn slim, almost 2mm slimmer than the 4s so it is possible to get it slimmer.
Don't even bother explaining the real reason, because, to some people, it cannot be Apple's fault.
That new Motorola razr is pretty damn slim, almost 2mm slimmer than the 4s so it is possible to get it slimmer.

The phone looks nice, but it either has a big Pinocchio nose or a badonkadonk housing the camera. Take your pick.

Any OEM can make a phone slimmer by packing components in one location.
(In reply to Electrofreak)
^ That's all fine but there is still no reason to use such an old TI chipset and not Exonys/PowerVR.

I guarantee the reason a TI OMAP chipset was used instead of a Samsung Exynos is because Google is trying to optimize Android across all SoCs.

Each manufacturer's SoC is essentially a tweaked ARM design (with the exception of Qualcomm, which is a reworked ARM design) and each tweak is designed to improve performance in some way. Samsung, for example, hired a company named Intrinsity (now owned by Apple) to perform tweaks to logic gate functions in the Hummingbird processor to allow certain binary functions to be processed using less instructions. Remember that Android runs in the Dalvik virtual machine, and this VM needs to be optimized for the hardware it's running on.

So if you think that the first SoC that Google used was a Qualcomm in the Nexus One, and a Samsung SoC in the Nexus S, it would stand to reason that the next would be a NVIDIA or TI chip. I assumed originally that we would see a TI chip (as they've been in the game longer than NVIDIA) inside a Motorola body, but it's possible that when Google laid eyes on Motorola Mobility with thoughts of an acquisition, a Motorola body was dismissed to prevent concerns by other manufacturers about favoritism.

By this logic, the next SoC in a Nexus phone will be an NVIDIA chip, followed by a Snapdragon, which is a full circle back to Qualcomm.

Anyhow, that's my theory, at least.

EDIT - Also note that Google is currently collaborating with Intel. Hmmmm...!
Don't even bother explaining the real reason, because, to some people, it cannot be Apple's fault.

Fault? Did you even read what I said? Apple won't build something that doesn't meet their design criteria. Why don't you ask them for a gigantic gaming laptop instead.

Apple wouldn't build a phone like the new Razr humback whale. The engineer that would dare suggest a monstrosity would be sent down a trap door minutes after that suggestion.
This live stream makes me feel like I am back in the days when RealPlayer ruled the roost....
Everything sounded good except the camera.

Camera still sounds good to me. No shutter lag and image stabilization are good features. I would rather have the same 8 MP from the GS2, but maybe this one will even outperform it with less resolution.
Camera still sounds good to me. No shutter lag and image stabilization are good features. I would rather have the same 8 MP from the GS2, but maybe this one will even outperform it with less resolution.

I heard those features and I hope u r right.
Fault? Did you even read what I said? Apple won't build something that doesn't meet their design criteria. Why don't you ask them for a gigantic gaming laptop instead.

Apple wouldn't build a phone like the new Razr humback whale. The engineer that would dare suggest a monstrosity would be sent down a trap door minutes after that suggestion.
not talking about you... dude! lol

I think I am having an nerdgasm :D

Android 4.0 "Ice Cream Sandwich" is unfucking real :eek:

iPhone lovers always say it's about the software not the hardware, well the software in Android 4.0 is bar none head and shoulders above anything else right now. The iPhone4S just got totally outdated.
So does the nexus have hdmi out? I couldn't see anything like that in any of the pics.

Any word on if it has swype? User replaceable battery?
So does the nexus have hdmi out? I couldn't see anything like that in any of the pics.

Any word on if it has swype? User replaceable battery?

Swype is an app, no reason it can't have it once they update it for ICS.
ZOMG you can cap your data bandwidth in android 4.0! That's perfect since i'm on the 150mb plan which verizon will let me keep if I upgrade!
Quick notes from release, looks awesome:

Galaxy Nexus
Super Amoled
4.65" Screen
Dual Core

Barometer Capability
November World Wide Release Date

Roboto font
Core Navigation included in UI
App\Widget tab in App Drawer
Widgets resizable
Stackable Icons (Folders) Contacs, apps, etc.....
Notifications available on lock screen
Instant talk to text
Facial recognition lock screen
Updated tab browser in web browser
Can switch from mobile web site to desktop version
Save web pages for offline viewing
Gmail offline search
View/limit your data usage per month
View data usage by app, and restrict background data per app
Camera accessable from lockscreen
Edit photo's from gallery (apply filters)
Panorama photo mode
Video Camera--Continus focus, time lapse
Visual Voicemail now integrated into call log
Quick response for phone calls (Decline phone calls and send quick response sms)
Android Beam--Share whatever content between phones (web pages, google map location, youtube video, people cards, takes you to app in marketplace, etc...)

Looks fantastic! LTE means it will work with Verizon? I joined the stream late... did they mention a carrier?

Looks fantastic! LTE means it will work with Verizon? I joined the stream late... did they mention a carrier?

Still waiting for official announcement, but Verizon #1 for sure...and the phone has HSPA+ with the radio bands for ATT + T-Mobile, so one or both of those may also get it at some point.
I'll reserve the laughs for now until a real review is posted. But FTA:

The camera app comes with a promise of zero shutter lag and indeed we saw a Google rep bash away at the capture button with practically no delay between shots. They weren’t all in focus and the time it takes you to load up the application will of course depend on the underlying hardware, but it was an impressive demo and a sign that Google is taking the speed of photography on Android devices seriously. As to overall performance, we saw a good deal of stutter in the Galaxy Nexus before us. Taps were not always recognized and there were occasional delays in performing an instruction, though in Google’s defense, it was a phone fully loaded with running tasks and the software is being continually improved and optimized (i.e. it’s not yet fully baked).

I'll excuse the obvious apologizing that the author is doing for Google. It was probably running every app on the phone. No need to semi-apologize and make excuses about ICS not being fully baked. It's not going to magically gain a large performance boost right before release.

But a few paragraphs before that the author states:

The Recent Apps link brings up a visual multitasking overview, which is very similar to the design in Honeycomb and shows a vertically scrollable list of the latest applications you’ve opened. They’re all represented by a screen grab of the last activity you had in each app and can be dismissed by being swiped out of the way. Importantly, that action doesn’t shut down the app, just removes it from the list, turning the Recent Apps into a sort of launcher rather an than actual task manager. The reason for this decision, Google tells us, is that the company believes it knows how to manage apps’ resource usage and doesn’t want you to ever worry about “killing” them. Brave words.

If true then the phone really is still stuttering along. It doesn't matter what was running in the background.

That having been said, it unfortunately remains the case that Android isn’t as swift and responsive as iOS or Windows Phone (or even MeeGo Harmattan on the N9). Or at least it wasn’t on the demo phone we got a look at. The subtle, pervasive lag that has characterized the Android UI since it inception is still there, which is not a heartening thing to hear when you’re talking about a super-powered dual-core device like the Galaxy Nexus.

WTF... I'll reserve judgement until later, but that can't be true.

I think I am having an nerdgasm :D

Android 4.0 "Ice Cream Sandwich" is unfucking real :eek:

iPhone lovers always say it's about the software not the hardware, well the software in Android 4.0 is bar none head and shoulders above anything else right now. The iPhone4S just got totally outdated.

Listen man, I try to be objective. I do. But I'm sorry, the promo video for ICS is the most cheesy, unappealing thing I've seen. The OS itself looks like some kind of knockoff indian effort. The UI elements and new features all look cheap with no polish.

Furthermore, I hear that there is still the same Android lag on this device as all other Android phones which bears this quesiton: What is the proper multiple for the specs that Andoid needs to compete with iOS? I was starting to think it was 2X. Is it maybe 3X? Cause it seems that 1.2ghz is not enough to vanquish 800mhz. Maybe 1.6ghz will get closer. Maybe not. Without the ability to leverage that GPU, which the 4S has 2 of by the way, Android still can't keep up.

Since the lag still exists, surely Hardware Graphics Acceleration didnt make it into ICS. If it did, then theres no hope for Android. At least if it didnt make it, Android lovers could still have something to cling to, some future hope that HGA will finally enable the Andoid OS to compete with iOS on a performance level.
Listen man, I try to be objective. I do. But I'm sorry, the promo video for ICS is the most cheesy, unappealing thing I've seen. The OS itself looks like some kind of knockoff indian effort. The UI elements and new features all look cheap with no polish.

Furthermore, I hear that there is still the same Android lag on this device as all other Android phones which bears this quesiton: What is the proper multiple for the specs that Andoid needs to compete with iOS? I was starting to think it was 2X. Is it maybe 3X? Cause it seems that 1.2ghz is not enough to vanquish 800mhz. Maybe 1.6ghz will get closer. Maybe not. Without the ability to leverage that GPU, which the 4S has 2 of by the way, Android still can't keep up.

Since the lag still exists, surely Hardware Graphics Acceleration didnt make it into ICS. If it did, then theres no hope for Android. At least if it didnt make it, Android lovers could still have something to cling to, some future hope that HGA will finally enable the Andoid OS to compete with iOS on a performance level.

They didn't talk about all the features of ICS & yes, there is HGA.


eginning with Android 4.0, hardware acceleration for all windows is enabled by default if your application has set either targetSdkVersion or minSdkVersion to “14" or higher. Hardware acceleration generally results in smoother animations, smoother scrolling, and overall better performance and response to user interaction.

If necessary, you can manually disable hardware acceleration with the hardwareAccelerated attribute for individual <activity> elements or the <application> element. You can alternatively disable hardware acceleration for individual views by calling setLayerType(LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE).

For more information about hardware acceleration, including a list of unsupported drawing operations, see the Hardware Acceleration document.
Then like i said its over. Theres no hope. If ics with hardware acceleration on a phone built for ics cant get this shit done, what excuse is left?
Pretty sure hardware acceleration got pushed back to Android 4.5 "Jellybean" due out next Spring 2012.