OCZ 520 what is going on?


Limp Gawd
Oct 19, 2005
Im so pissed right now, I have no clue what is going on. This is my first build and everything seemed to be setup correctly. When I go to plug in the power to the outlet it sparks and turns off every power outlet in my room. I then plugged in my brand new APC UPS 450W thinking that my fix the problem. Boom it sparks again and it fries the ups (wont turn on). So I had to reset the breakers in my house just to get the power outlets working in my room again. Im not gonna try plug the thing back in cause something is obviously wrong. What the hell is going on? I spend 2600+ on new computer parts and the damn thing wont even turn on. I hope I didnt fuck up my whole computer. Someone please help!
Did you connect it up right?? Such as using the correct P4 connector, etc? I have seen so many people blow up with this psu who simply didn;t connect it up right. Check out Bleeding Edge Forums under OCZ and check it out. Let me know what you find out, but from my experience dealing with people it is probable you didn't connect it up right.