OCZ on its last legs?

I hope not.
I just sent in an RMA request for an SSD.

I think this was recently debated right here on [H].
they were one of the first to market a decent and affordable SSD...also made some great memory and PSU's back in the day...what happened!!?...how the mighty have fallen
they were one of the first to market a decent and affordable SSD...also made some great memory and PSU's back in the day...what happened!!?...how the mighty have fallen

They started bait & switching, relied on MIR for everything and released far too many faulty products. They burned community good-will, people stopped buying their products due to the poor reputation.

They'll make a great case study in what not to do for future business students.
I had really hoped that their PCI-E SSDs were going to catch on, and that the market would be full of cheap, fast SSD arrays by now. Unfortunately, they burned the enthusiast market that would've made this happen.

OCZ freeze is still my all-time favorite TC because of its ease of use and instant curing. Back when I was doing a high volume of builds/upgrades, it was great to be able to drop a blob of it on the CPU, boot into Stresslinux, move to the next machine and repeat.
It's not just that they sold SSDs that were crap.

Their RMA process was also insane, as in ruthlessly wasting customer time. For the RMA for my original agility I was asked to run two programs, one required to be run from a bootable USB stick, one windows only. Some people don't have windows. Making MS-DOS bootable USB sticks is a bit of trouble since windows doesn't have tools for it without downloading random internet stuff. Totally inappropriate.

Oh and I had 4 of their PSUs and only one is still alive. In a machine that isn't used, so...