_Korruption_ said:
The NeoPower.

wow, really? im looking into getting a new PSU...i might have to get a Neo then =) thanks for the heads up..

anything to your knowledge as to why its a better choice over the OCz? I thought they were awesome PSU's.

(sorry, couldn't resist going along with the last 2 posters)
wtf is he talking about. and btw, the modstream is a dream to work with cause of the cable managment.
I also support OCZ, although I haven't used an Antec PSU. My modstream 450w is rock solid, even on a mobo that requires 480w "minimum".

And what's with people just picking out PSUs and saying "get this" ? Provide some support for your claims. I can only offer the experience I've had with my PSU, but if you're just going to name a PSU, at least say why.
iJeff said:
I also support OCZ, although I haven't used an Antec PSU. My modstream 450w is rock solid, even on a mobo that requires 480w "minimum".

And what's with people just picking out PSUs and saying "get this" ? Provide some support for your claims. I can only offer the experience I've had with my PSU, but if you're just going to name a PSU, at least say why.
no one is sayin "get this," they are juss answering the OP's question on which power supply is better
The Modstream is "a dream to work with cause of the cable managment"? No way. Those cables are way too stiff for them to be any good. You end up having the cables dangle there instead of hiding them away, which is the point of modular cables.

The NeoPower is a better choice as it offers more juice on the important +12V output, and should be more efficient than the Modstream (Topower P5 based, old-school v1.3 spec). The cables alone on the Modstream should steer you away, I hated working with them.
_Korruption_ said:
The Modstream is "a dream to work with cause of the cable managment"? No way. Those cables are way too stiff for them to be any good. You end up having the cables dangle there instead of hiding them away, which is the point of modular cables.

The NeoPower is a better choice as it offers more juice on the important +12V output, and should be more efficient than the Modstream (Topower P5 based, old-school v1.3 spec). The cables alone on the Modstream should steer you away, I hated working with them.


The NeoPower 480W is better.

It has independent 12V and 5V rails, and the cables are easier to work with than the Modstream.

Although the Powerstream is better than the Modstream, it still doesn't have independent voltage regulation and efficiencty of the Antec is still tighter. Also, the Antec has PFC.
I really want to vote for the NeoHE, but since you have an A8N board don't even bother with the headache. :p
InorganicMatter said:
I really want to vote for the NeoHE, but since you have an A8N board don't even bother with the headache. :p

Why would even vote for the NeoHE in the first place when that's not even one of the OP's options?

He said Neo 480W, which would be the NeoPower, I believe.

The NeoHE is built by Seasonic, screwed up by Antec. The NeoPower is Channelwell.
jonnyGURU said:
The NeoHE is built by Seasonic, screwed up by Antec.
Do you mean that the equivalent PSU sold by Seasonic never had the problems that the early NeoHEs had with certain DFI mobos? What did Antec ask for that screwed it up?
InorganicMatter said:
I really want to vote for the NeoHE, but since you have an A8N board don't even bother with the headache. :p

whats the deal with the A8N and a HE550? Im using it for the past few days now, no real issues.

I did however figure out that Peg Link Mode was messing up my video card overclock.
Highlife said:
whats the deal with the A8N and a HE550? Im using it for the past few days now, no real issues.

I did however figure out that Peg Link Mode was messing up my video card overclock.
It may have been fixed. The original NeoHE power supplies had huge problems with ASUS A8N boards. Antec and ASUS were both at fault, but Antec recieved a lot more bad PR than ASUS did. The get it working requires a new BIOS for the motherboard, and a newer revision (A03) of the power supply. Given that this happened a few months ago, I'm willing to bet that all the incompatible parts have long been phased out.
InorganicMatter said:
It may have been fixed. The original NeoHE power supplies had huge problems with ASUS A8N boards. Antec and ASUS were both at fault, but Antec recieved a lot more bad PR than ASUS did. The get it working requires a new BIOS for the motherboard, and a newer revision (A03) of the power supply. Given that this happened a few months ago, I'm willing to bet that all the incompatible parts have long been phased out.

Ya thanks, i started a search for it and found the thread dated a few months back. I belive AntecRep reported that all units shipped after Nov 2005 should be ok. Just to be safe, im going to crack open my case and check out the PSU Barcode for the A3. Also going to check my Mobo i just got. However, the person who i got the board from said it was fresh back from RMA...so im hoping its the v1.02 version.

Everything seems to work ok..been benching with Super PI 32m and 3dmark 05/06. Ive also been playing Lineage2 alot for a few hours at a time.