Ocz Vx


Limp Gawd
Jan 9, 2005
I'm inerested in finding out how to get the best out of OCZ VX. Does anyone have any experiences they can share or resources they can point me towards?
set v-dimm to 3.2v
tweak the hell out of everything to get every last mhz out of 3.2v
then bump it up to 3.4 and see how high you can go.

active cooling helps a lot.

i hope baron doesn't mind, but here's the settings he used to use for his twinmos, which is essentially the same stuff. things have since been tweaked, but i'm pretty sure it's close
As long as you have a way to provide it with enough power... thats all you need to worry about.

3.3V will have it do 250Mhz DDR (500) Cas 2-2-2-6

That fast and tight as hell...

My current settings, also with the TwinMOS TMSP/400. Baron's changed his quite a bit since that shot, for one thing his latency is a lot lower and he's running CAS 1.5 now.
You need to either have a DFI motherboard or the OCZ DDR booster in most cases to put enough voltage (3.2-3.4) into VX in order to get it up to DDR480+ at 2-2-2, and of course a solid power supply.. but it is worth it for the price.
ashmedai said:

My current settings, also with the TwinMOS TMSP/400. Baron's changed his quite a bit since that shot, for one thing his latency is a lot lower and he's running CAS 1.5 now.
OCZ VX is rated at 250Mhz (500) cas 2-2-2-6-1T @ 3.3 Volts

Are you saying with OCZ VX, a good PSU, etc etc... I could run 250MhzDDR (500) Cas 1.5 - 2-2-5-1T? on more volts?
baron is limited to 3.2v for the time being. i know he can do 260mhz at 1.5-2-2-12, but it's not 100% stable.

dropping it down to cas1.5 offers next to no benefit. i've tried it on my ballistix.. managed to get up to 225mhz at 1.5-2-2-5, but 2-2-2-5 is only .1ns and 10mb/s slower :rolleyes:
I wish I got the A64 tweaker settings in this

But that so far is the most I can get out of them, latency wise. Basically you want the Max Async latency down as far as possible. Try a DQS skew of Decrese 160 (in A64 tweaker its called "Faster/160" and tRas of 12 seems to be the best. Again, this is on 3.2v. Windows is stable enough for games for me in 10x260, but its not memtest stable. Once I get my OCZ PSU, I will be able to push it higher I hope.

(cf)Eclipse said:
baron is limited to 3.2v for the time being. i know he can do 260mhz at 1.5-2-2-12, but it's not 100% stable.

dropping it down to cas1.5 offers next to no benefit. i've tried it on my ballistix.. managed to get up to 225mhz at 1.5-2-2-5, but 2-2-2-5 is only .1ns and 10mb/s slower :rolleyes:

Yeah, CAS 1.5 just looks cool though. As for the difference between 2 and 1.5, your results are probably just within Everest's broad margin of error.
robberbaron said:
Basically you want the Max Async latency down as far as possible. Try a DQS skew of Decrese 160 (in A64 tweaker its called "Faster/160" and tRas of 12 seems to be the best.

I'll try that - thanks. On my system Tras of 5 or 6 seems best - according to memtest bandwidth figures anyway.

robberbaron said:
Again, this is on 3.2v. Windows is stable enough for games for me in 10x260, but its not memtest stable. Once I get my OCZ PSU, I will be able to push it higher I hope.

I've had 2-2-2-6@9x264 with 3.5v...memtest stable and without much tweaking or attention to maxxing the memory clock, per. volt. Have since tweaked and am ramping clock rates. Will see what I can do. Am cuurently at 2.34Ghz...taking it slow 'cos of my cpu's unresponsiveness to volts. Might try some of that hyperama cpu burn-in to see if it sparks some life into the old dog!

However, the reason I started this thread is because I read something where a guy was explaining VX and saying that some people have got as much as 280-290 FSB at 2-2-2-5 timings out of them. He reckoned you have to treat them right - whatever that means. I wish I could remember where I saw it and read it again...never mind.