odd modem problem


Limp Gawd
Nov 22, 2004
I recently built a monster PC for details of that system view this thread


Anyhow I ran into another odd problem. I live in a rural area and dialup is my only alternative. The OEM Creative Modem Blaster I had in my old PC is good I tested it in my wife's pc and it works fine. However if I install either Modem Blaster (the one that was in my old pc or my wife's) it installs fine. XP has no complaints. However you dial up, you hear dial tone, it dials the number, it connects and the second it gets done initializing it immediately hangs up and gives me a popup box with an error 618 or 619 (I forget which exactly now).

I know for an absolute fact my username / password and dialup networking connection itself is setup correctly. I installed a crappy soft modem and it works fine just connects like crap. I'm adament about getting my old modem working because it was getting such good rates 48 or 49 kbps whereas the soft modem will only connect at 28.8 and the brand new encore I bought from newegg (which I thought would fix all this) can only squeeze out 33.6.

I know its a modem problem because my wife's machine can connect at these higher rates on the same phone line but using the Blaster modem.

I'm ready to just go out and try a NEW(ER) retail blaster to see if it'll work.
This really has nothing to do with what your talkin about but DAMN that sucks you can only have dial-up... I was like that but thank god just about a week ago I got cable. The company decided it was time to install it into my neighborhood.
LOL thanks for feeling my pain.

I used to use satellite internet but it sucks ass now. They refuse to support any problem that has ANY assocation with gaming. For example, I can't download this file / update. What's it for? A game. Sorry we don't support gaming with that system.

So needless to say I dumped them and eagerly await wireless. I'm short by 1 mile. I hoping / waiting that the guy can install a repeater near me this year. 600kbps sure as hell beats 28.8 or even 48 for that matter.

Anyhow I found this article on MS regarding my prob.


Too bad it would require my ISP to make the change on their side and I can pretty much guarantee that won't happen.
Well I give up. I have no f'ing idea whats wrong with this thing. It works fine in my old system and my wife's system.

I uninstalled all modems and related software / drivers.

Reinstalled the modem into a different pci slot. Everything looks good. I dial. It connects. Wow I think I resolved the problem. Then every single time I attempt to access a web page I get disconnected. Then I still receive 619 errors, but this time they're hit or miss.

I'll just spend the money and buy ANOTHER modem. I already purchased an encore from newegg due to its high reviews. Waste of money pos won't connect over 33.6. God damn I hate not having broadband.
I feel your pain, I got cable about a year and half ago. Now my family is planning on moving out of town a bit. Just wonderful, cable doesnt go out there, and DSL is doubtful. :(