Odd OC Problem


Nov 18, 2003
Whenever I bump up my fsb to 205-215 it boots into windows fine (216+ won't boot into windows), but soon after loading up something intense it freezes, then restarts giving me a message that my graphics card has caused the problem.

Any idea's on what the problem is?
Do you have the pci/agp lock set at 33/66mhz? Also, are you dividing your ram?
Yes, AGP/PCI lock is set, and mem was set at 1:1, changed it, but to no avail. I really find it hard to believe that I can't get an extra 50mhz out of this.
PSU size/make? need at least 500W for stable overclocks (although some would argue). and not some crap either - i use enermax personally.

what's your CPU voltage? tell me you upped that a bit. :)

oh, and memory timings - relax those. try 2.5-3-3-7
I guess i'll be the first to argue, I got a enermax 350 and oc my barton 2500 from 1.8 to 2.5ghz stable :rolleyes:
Antec True480, so I'm not skimping there.
I tried 1.6 vcore (from 1.5 default) and that did nothing.
Actually, you are skimping. The Antec 480 doesn't supply enough amps on the 12v rail.
my enermax 350 popped the caps on 2 athlon tbird boards... soltek and biostar, running a vantec 520 now
niconx said:
my enermax 350 popped the caps on 2 athlon tbird boards... soltek and biostar, running a vantec 520 now

did you notice any increase in performance?
yup, enermax would bounce around, within limits though (10%) on the voltage readouts, the vantec is near perfectly constant all the time.
have you tried upping the voltage going to the RAM? i had to do that when i OC'ed my RAM higher.