Odd Vertical Line of Stuck Pixels on Samsung 205bW


Limp Gawd
Oct 20, 2004
So I just got my replacement 205BW after suffering from a defective stand. But now after less than a week a vertical line of stuck pixels has appeared, red and blue in color. The odd thing about them is that they only appear when certain images are displayed.

It appears when I use my Xbox 360, at the windows start screen, and on some wallpapers. But even when it does appear the whole thing does not appear at once.

It won't appear on a black screen which is supposed to be when they are the most noticeable.

I have tried pressing on them, and UDpixel. If anyone has encountered this before any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
i had that once, it was determined to be a failing dvi port by manufacturer. Nothing I tried resulted in it being fixed(new cable, massaging, UDpixel). Good Luck, I hope your IS NOT this problem. But something for you to consider.