OEM xp from Newegg

Oct 23, 2006
Alright I need some help.
I recently ordered Windows XP MCE from Newegg for a build I am working on. The site said that the software was "OEM" and I am not sure what that implies. Is this legal software that I will be able to activate? I did a google search on oem software and found that sometimes oem software is pirated. It said that the only way it is legal is when it is purchased with hardware such as motherboard, proccessor, and hard drive. They did not mention that at egg and all I bought with it was a psu and some ram. Does OEM software come with a cd key like normal MS stuff? Someone please put my mind at ease with this $109 software purchase.
Here is a link to the software.
You will be fine with that OEM OS. What it means is that Microsoft will not give you support for it, and you can only use it on one system only.

I have the 64 bit Vista OEM from newegg for about the save price ( $119.00 ) and all is fine for about a month now.

It comes with a key, and you can install it five ( 5 ) times without activation by phone, than you will have to call Microsoft up after that for activation. No worries my friend.

( Now I wish who ever fixed this forum would get it fixed again and speed the load time. Its so darn slow )
I read somewhere with vista if you even change the video card it recognizes it as a new computer. Is that true?
I bought OEM XP Pro from NewEgg a few weeks ago (I'm not ready to buy in to Vista, heck, I was running Win2K until a few weeks ago). It comes with a Certificate of Authencity (COA) sticker that you're supposed to attach to the PC box, and the install CD.

No worries. It installs and activates just fine.
I read somewhere with vista if you even change the video card it recognizes it as a new computer. Is that true?

Nope! Only when you change mobo. Even then it authenticates just fine over the Internet. Ive done it 5 times this past week already (upgrading the office :) )