Office 2007 w/screen shots


Limp Gawd
Feb 21, 2005
Sorry if this has been posted, did a quick search and didnt find anything, or if this is the wrong place for this but i just got the beta and i gotta say.. its a mac lol









i guess tabs are the new thing :)

That looks awful. Those tabs look like they will get real annoying... looks like there will be no reason to upgrade from Office 2003 (at least not visually)

I'm pretty happy with the functionality of Office 2003 also, so I'm pretty sure unless there are some drastic changes that those screen shots aren't showing... I'll be sticking with what I got.

if theres anything you want a screen shot of.. lemme know and i'll post it, also, i definetly kept my 03 lol
Ok so I have been playing around with this for a short while now, and I am extremelly impressed.

I love how you dont have to actually commit the changes, you can just hover your cursor over the font size, colours, styles, headings and so on and they update in real time. I can go through a ton of different options a lot faster then I can in 2003.

The tabs are awsome, everything I need is right there. I didnt even know a lot of these features were in the other office programs. I love the way smart art works in word, (havent tried in in powerpoint yet) The premade table to are going to be awsome because now I wont have to spend forevor making tables and drawing them out and them colouring them. I also enjoy how the header and footers work, come to think of it I havent really found anything I dont like yet.

Anyone that just looks at the screen shots and has negative impressions about this already is crazy IMO. Just from the short while I have been playing around with this I can already tell my workflow is going to be much faster then in 2003, and I am going to be able to use way more features then I even knew where in 2003. The tabs work wonderfully, although they may take a little getting used to they put everything I need at my finger tips.
I had the same "WTF?" impression with the ribbon the first time I saw it.

But the more I use it, the more I actualy like it. They actualy got Office halfway right from a usability standpoint for once. Everything is right there where you need it, when you need it. No more digging though cascading menu after menu to find what you need. It may be kinda funky looking, but so is the Wii.
I see alot of Apple in all of the new MS stuff (Office 2007(layout) and Vista (widgets). I have always been an MS loyalist living in redmond but it seems that they are getting to artistic and bent out of shape on all these extra features. I would take 98 se over xp and vista's looks anyday.
i like it also. it's more "user-friendly." and i also agree that it's a radical change from versions before.
Anyone had trouble activating it over the internet? I installed it today and it refuses to activate.
From the picture, it looks like they replaced the sidebar with a topbar. Can it be closed like the sidebar could? At least it's a better use of space than the sidebar.

A "Home" tab? They are taking this web junk too far. If they are going to change the interface anyhow, now would be a great time to switch an organization to OpenOffice. I wonder what it looks like on Vista. Probably very familiar looking.
Langford said:
I wonder what it looks like on Vista. Probably very familiar looking.

The looks always seem a step behind the MS Office (to me anyway) so will probably look quite nice on Vista
digitalman said:
Can you finally tab documents like Firefox?
From the pictures, it looks like the tabs switch between different top-toolbars. The pull-down menu is nowhere in sight, so I guess the toolbar is just being forced on people. Even if it is something that can be enabled, it's logistically futile to go against the defaut settings in a buisness enviornment.

I like the idea of tabbed documents like you said. I wonder if OpenOffice could be convinced to do that. Anyone know of a suggestion box?
Langford said:
From the pictures, it looks like the tabs switch between different top-toolbars. The pull-down menu is nowhere in sight, so I guess the toolbar is just being forced on people. Even if it is something that can be enabled, it's logistically futile to go against the defaut settings in a buisness enviornment.

I like the idea of tabbed documents like you said. I wonder if OpenOffice could be convinced to do that. Anyone know of a suggestion box?

OO forum?
i had signed up for the beta, this is beta 2 correct?

looks nice, i think microsoft is finally getting the "ease or use" thing down better, something many claim has been in MAC for so long - personally for me, MAC's are that easy to use, but anyways.

I prefer the look of things right there, or being able to customize what you want to show, can you do this?

i hate the cascading menu systems on ANYTHING, menu after menu, move your mouse a little to far down an BAM, for to start over again!
MrGuvernment said:
i had signed up for the beta, this is beta 2 correct?

looks nice, i think microsoft is finally getting the "ease or use" thing down better, something many claim has been in MAC for so long - personally for me, MAC's are that easy to use, but anyways.

I prefer the look of things right there, or being able to customize what you want to show, can you do this?

i hate the cascading menu systems on ANYTHING, menu after menu, move your mouse a little to far down an BAM, for to start over again!

A toolbar is fine in Powerpoint, but Word needs to have some kind of cascading menu for the sake of efficency (even if it is hidden until ALT is pressed). Why? It needs it for the sake of working withoug removing ones hands from the keyboard; it's just more productive that way. Excel also, but to a lesser extent.
I'm happy with Office 2000. I won't be upgrading anytime soon. I truly see no need, but the screenshots look different.

beanman101283 said:
Anyone had trouble activating it over the internet? I installed it today and it refuses to activate.
yeah. Im having the same problem.
Shhhh said:

That looks awful. Those tabs look like they will get real annoying... looks like there will be no reason to upgrade from Office 2003 (at least not visually)

I think so too. Ugg.
It looks interesting to try and its going to have XML embedded in it could mean more ideas but that's yet to be seen. I would like to get my hands on it when it is released just to try it, but I'm still good with Office 2004.

I wonder how many businesses are going to purchase it right away?
Just downloaded the BETA. Its definetely heading in the right direction IMO. I like the tab views, instead of the menus. Makes inserting things much easier IMO. It can use some more tweaking and some more organization, but im liking the new design.
Lazy_Moron said:
Just downloaded the BETA. Its definetely heading in the right direction IMO. I like the tab views, instead of the menus. Makes inserting things much easier IMO. It can use some more tweaking and some more organization, but im liking the new design.
Lazy_Moron said:
Just downloaded the BETA. Its definetely heading in the right direction IMO. I like the tab views, instead of the menus. Makes inserting things much easier IMO. It can use some more tweaking and some more organization, but im liking the new design.

i have been playing around with it a lot too. Has anyone else messed around with the new Outlook? I love the integrated RSS feature. That was somthing majorly missing from Outlook 2k3. The rest of the changes are good as well, the most improved i would have to say is the Excel forumals tab, simply awsome! lol