Office 2013 Pro...Now I like it!


Supreme [H]ardness
Apr 25, 2003
Just had to share. Been working in Office 2010 for the last few years, upgraded to 2013 Pro (because it only costs $10 with the MS work at home price).

At first I hated the new ribbon, and how the apps open, how they look, etc... So I tried as much as I could to make it look like 2010, somewhat successfully.

I only discovered this weekend how much better Excel and PowerPoint 2013 are than the 2010 versions. I spent about 14 hours this weekend creating my own automated analysis spreadsheet for my work, mostly doing logic and formulas looking up values from other spreadsheets then exporting them into PowerPoint charts and graphs for the monthly executive reports for a program I just took over. They guy doing it before me did most of the work by manually manipulating the data, starting with 20-40MB spreadsheets, something that takes a day or so to do every single month. I'm now glad I decided I did not want to go through all that crap work in following his technique...which I could hardly follow anyway.

In the process I realized the formula analysis tools are actually useful...something I cannot say for Excel 2010 or earlier. That was the one big thing that helped make it all work for me, the 2010 version on my work PC is just stupid comparatively. Not only 2013 will tell you there is a formula problem, but it even tells you what part of the formula, and lets you edit it in the troubleshooter directly.

Ok, so I know that's a lot of unnecessary blabbering to get to one point, which is: Excel 2013 kicks ass.

If you guys haven't realized this or do not agree for whatever reason, you are either super advanced at formulas and are much better than me, or more likely, you just do not have to use Excel to the degree I do (which is more likely).