Official BenQ FP241W Thread !!! Info, Pictures, Reviews

I don't think I'm going to be covered if I receive my monitor with any dead pixels. I bought mine from All of their customer service/tech support numbers direct you to BenQ, so I'm pretty sure the website is affiliated with BenQ, but just a refurb outlet hosted by Yahoo Stores. Most people that I've heard from in forums have generally had a good experience with the refurbs they receive from there, so I'm hopeful that I'll have a good experience.

I'll be sure to post about my monitor's condition when I receive it, which should hopefully be early next week or sooner. But yeah, 10e is right, it'll only be a 90-day warranty. I still think it's fair for the price, though.
I have the monitor for about two weeks now. I had one stuck pixel at the beginning, but today I've noticed several new ones. I'm pretty sure they weren't there last time.

And I'm from UE, if that answers your question.

You still haven't mentioned where you bought it from.
I'll try, but after reading about their CS, I'm a bit worried.

Not sure if they're dead - or just stuck. They're green, but visible on a white background - so I'm guessing it's the former.
I'll try, but after reading about their CS, I'm a bit worried.

Not sure if they're dead - or just stuck. They're green, but visible on a white background - so I'm guessing it's the former.

Well, I guess call them if you can (I really can't) as their email CS is horrible in that I swear to God they don't even read your question. :mad:
Pulled the trigger and bought one from the BenQ Store using the 10% coupon. I'll post pictures of when I get it and will try to put any information, although I will need help doing this amateur review :)

My main requirement is crisp display and overall functionality. I don't play any games and plan to use this monitor for bluray playback / 2nd monitor.

I didn't want to wait for the dell 2408 because we don't know a) when the new revision is REALLY going to come out and b) it may fix current issues but introduce other issues..

Seems like this monitor has been refined over the time it has been released. Wish me luck :D
These pixels are still there in the morning, but are much smaller and I wouldn't have noticed them if I haven't looked really closely. Which leads me to believe they were there all the time, just got bigger yesterday.

Which means it might be problematic to get a new panel from them.
I have heard that BenQ's dead pixel warranty is more strict in Europe (EMEA) and Asia Pacific than it is here in North America. But even if you were here in North America I doubt you would have issues getting an RMA from them with that many.

I don't think it matters whethere they were there all the time or just appeared. Call them and tell them you have that many stuck pixels. Stuck pixels are often referred to as "bright" or "hot" pixels by manufacturers.

Good luck,


These pixels are still there in the morning, but are much smaller and I wouldn't have noticed them if I haven't looked really closely. Which leads me to believe they were there all the time, just got bigger yesterday.

Which means it might be problematic to get a new panel from them.
Well, like I've said, they were VERY visible yesterday, bright green and quite big - hard to miss, really.
I was quite relieved today - because I haven't noticed them. When I take a closer look (and I mean CLOSER, they are not easy to spot at all!), however, they are there - and there's maybe 8 to 10 of them total.
Which leads me to believe they might easily miss them and dismiss my complaint.
If you worried about the dead pixel try buying directly from BenQ in USA. When I purchased FP241W I checked with BenQ store for their dead pix policy and I found it's better than most other online retailers. Here is their dead pixel policy

Model FP241W/VW
Bright Dot 2
Dark Dot 4
Total Dot 5
Okay, I called them.

If I remeber it right, they said that 5 dead pixels (anywhere) are enough to warrant an exchange.

I need to carefuly count them - and that's not an easy task, these buggers are hard to spot.
BenQ store now says "Backorder" for the FP241W.

I ordered mine when the product page said "In Stock" but have not received a confirmation on shipping, only an order confirmation.

Lets hope I get one, a GOOD one ;)
10e, unfortunately nothing seems to work, I've tried various methods, but it doesn't seem to be working. Perhaps I'm doing it wrong. Either way, that pixel's really getting on my nerves.
You mentioned that you had more of them correct?

Call up BenQ and get them to RMA it. Don't take "no" for an answer.

Especially if there is more of them. Use "dead pixel buddy", display a black screen and count them up. If you make a small addition error that life yes :)

Go through the other colors red, green, blue and see if there are more.



10e, unfortunately nothing seems to work, I've tried various methods, but it doesn't seem to be working. Perhaps I'm doing it wrong. Either way, that pixel's really getting on my nerves.
Once this monitor is gone for good is there a good replacement for it or is the market now empty for this sort of thing?
The silver version can be had at . They have a USA site and are selling it for $549 which is pretty good.

I bought the black version on the BenQ Site on the 18th and I am still waiting for a delivery confirmation. Thank God I chose ground shipping, anything else would have been a waste of money.
You mentioned that you had more of them correct?

Call up BenQ and get them to RMA it. Don't take "no" for an answer.

Especially if there is more of them. Use "dead pixel buddy", display a black screen and count them up. If you make a small addition error that life yes :)

Go through the other colors red, green, blue and see if there are more.



Aye, but I was incorrect - in some cases it was just a speck of dirt, not a dead pixel.
Aside from that bright pixel, I think I've 3 dead pixels. Which is sadly not enough.

Like I've said, I can live with them, but not with that bright pixel. I've tried using your method - but there's no effect at all. I didn't wet the cloth, though. And perhaps I'm not applying enough force?
It's a "hot" pixel, not the "stuck" one, though. It's green on a dark background, not visible on a bright one (though there's a faint trace of it there when I look closely).
I have the flicker problem! Windows XP, 6800 Ultra....

Wow just picked up this BenQ FP241W from NCIXUS...blows me away (coming from a 19" Dell CRT...crap!).

HOWEVER, I have the flicker problem, BAD.

6800 Ultra...probably a contributor. Anyways...I see a lot of people saying it flickers once a day...mine has gone off multiple times an hour.

Anyone ever find a fix for this with the nVidia drivers?

I'm going to try out a (hopefully) better DVI cable from work tomorrow to see if that makes a difference...I doubt it though. I don't want to RMA this badboy because well, it's nice! And no dead pixels, that I can see!

Please, any recommendations would be appreciated on how to fix this flicker/black out issue!
Did you buy an open box one? How much was shipping? Any coupon codes? There price seems better thant the Benq store by $50.
Did not buy an open box...figure with monitors, that's got to mean at least a few dead pixels.

Shipping was a dick...$50 bucks I think. No coupon codes that I could find. Yea...basically dropped $614 for this beast (that includes shipping and insurance on the shipping).

But the thing is donkeying bad right now, with the black outs! I swapped DVI ports on my 6800 Ultra...see if that makes any kind of difference...somehow, I doubt it will, but this monitor rocks otherwise. WTF...can't anyone make a good 24" LCD that's NOT a crappy TN and doesn't have a million problems or cost a million bucks?
Hey systematicDestroyer, can you check the manufacturer date of the monitor?

Just curious, I am expecting mine tomorrow from the benq store.
Hey systematicDestroyer, can you check the manufacturer date of the monitor?

Just curious, I am expecting mine tomorrow from the benq store.

Jonathan, sure, I'll cut you a deal.

When I get home I'll toss my manufacturer date on here. When you get your BenQ tomorrow, you can toss your's up, and let me know how it's doing after you've played with it for a day. If you have no black out problems, maybe my best last resort is to either return this NCIXUS one and buy one from the BenQ E-store (that's where you got your's right?) or request one with the same manufacturer's date from NCIXUS.

Let me know, I'll reply tonight with my manufacturer's date!
Whats funny is that at BenQ store the FP241VW is more $60 less than the FP241W. At NCIXUS it is the opposite. The FP241VW is more expensive.
F241VW is usually on weekly sale at starting every Wednesday 9pm for less than regular price of FP241W.
Good news, my monitor arrived today :D

The box's sticker said Manf. Date May 2008 but still didn't believe it until I pulled the actual panel out.

Sorry about the quality, but my camera is dated and I had to use the flash ON, otherwise the picture would come out blurry. I also blurred the serial number. Luckily the panel seems great. No dead pixels anywhere. HD looks great, although I had some problems with the ATI drivers.

Anyone with the Gigabyte 780G chipset mobo and PowerDVD 8 , use the ATI 8.4 Drivers under Vista 32. I tried the week old 8.6 and I got nothing but blue screens, and I read on the AVS forum that 8.5 were buggy as well.

Without further a due,

May 2008!?? Wait that's last freaking month! Can that be right? I thought they stopped making these monitors a WHILE ago.

The date on mine is June 2007!

Let me know how that one operates for you. I want to know if you end up seeing any blackouts with one with a manufacturing date so new!

It's strange, today I swapped DVI output on my video card (6800 Ultra has 2 DVI conectors), and I haven't had a black out since. I was getting 1+ an hour I'm going on 3+ hours without a single one...but I'll keep you posted.
The sticker on the box says May 2008, which I didn't believe since everyone (mostly) has reported June 2007 or older.

I open it up, and that's the sticker that is on the actual panel. I can take a picture of the box later tonight, it will probably come out clearer since the panel material (the encasing, not the screen) is kind of reflective.

What exactly are the blackouts? I've been playing a bluray movie for about 30 minutes straight and it's been fine.

EDIT: Here's the unedited picture I took of the box.
This is what was occuring for me, but this poor fellow has it much worse than I did. Typically mine would last for about 2 seconds, and usually came in spurts of 2, sometimes 1.

This guy seems to have a really bad flicker/black out issue:

As you can see in the video, the monitor just goes black. The green LED stays on, you get no signal messages, the computer is fine, the video is just black for a few seconds.

Very annoying!

Again, as an update, I still haven't had a blackout since I switched DVI outputs on my video card! Knock on wood....
This is what was occuring for me, but this poor fellow has it much worse than I did. Typically mine would last for about 2 seconds, and usually came in spurts of 2, sometimes 1.

This guy seems to have a really bad flicker/black out issue:

As you can see in the video, the monitor just goes black. The green LED stays on, you get no signal messages, the computer is fine, the video is just black for a few seconds.

Very annoying!

Again, as an update, I still haven't had a blackout since I switched DVI outputs on my video card! Knock on wood....

I'm getting this black flickering once or twice every day. You might be right it could be the DVI cable. I remembered switching cable and using my old Acerc cable instead of the cable that came with the Benq thinking that the thicker Acer cable is better. Will try another cable and see what happen.
I'm getting this black flickering once or twice every day. You might be right it could be the DVI cable. I remembered switching cable and using my old Acerc cable instead of the cable that came with the Benq thinking that the thicker Acer cable is better. Will try another cable and see what happen.

So you are saying in that case it WASN'T the cable! Hmm yea, yuck.

Well as another update, I made it all last night without a single black out! I used the PC from probably 6:30PM to 11:00PM almost straight...had dinner in between, and a few other probably 3 to 4 hours of usage...with no black outs!

All I did was swap the connection the DVI cable was plugged into on my video card.
So you are saying in that case it WASN'T the cable! Hmm yea, yuck.

Well as another update, I made it all last night without a single black out! I used the PC from probably 6:30PM to 11:00PM almost straight...had dinner in between, and a few other probably 3 to 4 hours of usage...with no black outs!

All I did was swap the connection the DVI cable was plugged into on my video card.

I did not use the original cable that came with the Benq. So now I'm switching back to the Benq DVI cable and see what will happen. I've been using my Acer's cable.

I bought used FP241W and wondered how I could make sure does it or not have 1:1 Pixel Mapping.

Under monitor menus I found DVI-D and 1:1 option. But does this mean that it has it?

Monitor is March 2007.

Any advantages to update firmware?

And last question. (Too big thread to find)
What are optimal Color, Contrast & Brightness values?