Official Bios Visiontek 3870x2 stutter fix(powerplay)

Apr 10, 2007
Ok ive been waiting for this and it works :D

You will flash a Master bios first then a Slave bios....

Visiontek Driver forum..

I have not had time do bench any games....3Dmark06 has gained some points from less stutter/pausing of powrplay.

I still will use Riva to set fan 100% fan still cycles ....I wish they would just set it permanatly high for 3d mode.

9600BE Stock 2300mhz and Stock 3870x2 ...
Before Flashing 3Dmark06 with stutter from Powerplay.


9600BE Stock 2300mhz and Stock 3870x2
After Flashing Both Bioses Master/Slave...i picked up a few points(almost zero stutter)
I also run Fan100% for benching seeing the New Bios Keeps card at pretty much full speed now!


Note: Driver Version 8.1whql was used from CDVisiontek..(8.2 I eventually gave up on under XP with Phenom..)

It seems the less stuttering the less the CPU has to work ,, I took the best out of three benches each for BeforeFlash and AfterFlash results...Not bad i guess...What we really need is a Great Driver one that dosnt shut down a fricken PC like 8.1/8.2/8.3 are know for!!!!!!!!!!!