Official Crysis 2 Thread

I can live with the graphics but I just expected more from Crytek for a 2011 game. its clear the game is not pushing high end gpus so they could have at least had better textures and foliage for the highest preset. I am sure the game will be 20-25 bucks around xmas and that is when I will bite.
I know, I'm just reminding all the people that said I'm an idiot for comparing hl2 to crysis 2 to wake up. I like how they said I'm "some people" and just passed off my facts as bs. I'm not glad crysis 2 looks like ass, everyone loses.

How something looks is just entirely subjective. A screen shot here and there simply doesn't prove much. You say it looks like ass, I think Crysis 2 on the PC looks fantastic. No it's not a big leap in visual quality like Crysis 1 and there is a lot of consolization that took place in it obviously. But damn, playing this thing in 3D Surround is just amazing. I've got and played tons of games (I have 150 in my Steam account alone), Played HL2 tons which doesn't work well in 3D, have the best hardware, and I have simply do not know of an action/FPS game that looks this good, performs this well and is this much fun in 3D Surround. There are some nasty clipping issues on peripheral monitors in spots where you stand close to a wall or other horizontally long object but other than that it just beautiful overall.

If there's a better looking FPS that looks this good and plays this well and is this much fun in 3D Surround I'd sure love to know because I without question buy it. Yes Crytek consolized the game and didn't push the limits on the PC, not with this DX9 only release. But they did make a great looking and fun to play basic shooter. There's a big market for this type of game for people that just want to play games and not worry about tweaking and benchmarking and needing $1500 of GPUs to play a game though this game can use $1500 very nicely in certain situations.
I know, I'm just reminding all the people that said I'm an idiot for comparing hl2 to crysis 2 to wake up. I like how they said I'm "some people" and just passed off my facts as bs. I'm not glad crysis 2 looks like ass, everyone loses.

It seems you rest the entire visual experience and judgement thereof on one specific thing: texture resolution.

It´s so much more than that. Shaders (huge), Lighting (huge), artistry (HUGE), modelling (huge).

I am not a big fan of gimmicking PP, I turn most off and still find Crysis 2 way superior than HL2, apart from texture resolution. Lets go back to your favorite topic textures.

Sure you can find better textures in HL2 and you can cherry pick too when it comes to artistry, there are a lot to choose from. The resolution is lower in Crysis 2 than HL2, even on hardcore. It sucks yes and it´s a sad development. Unfortunately for us hardcore gamers, this is a trend. Just look at Battle Field 3, same thing, you can tell from the HD videos. Everything is optimized to look perfect from 2 meters away or more, all in the name of creating lower demands for mem bandwidth (one aspect of consolitis). I like Metro 2033 too, you can walk up to point blank on anything and resolution supports this. In Crysis 2 this is not the case, it´s the only drawback I see, one that bothers me less than I thought it would, since it´s an action game and not so much a "go stand still and look at a curb or a crate" game. To be fair, I see how this can be a deal killer for a lot of people who enjoy standing in front of textures without moving and starring at them up close. Or for snipers. But for moving around maybe even with a widened FOV, this is a complete non issue. The overall visual look and level of artistry even with no PP is superior.
While I am disappointed by the graphics (considering Crytek's reputation) I'm enjoying the gameplay far more that the original. The action is a lot tighter and it's a relief not to have to unload 3 clips off ammo into an enemy before they hit the ground. Also the suit seems to drain power slower, meaning it's a lot more fun to use your suits different power on the fly. Rather than the original "unload a few clips hide behind a rock, wait for suit to recharge". It makes using the stealth option more viable, where previously it drained within a few seconds rendering it useless.
It's true though about it being a fast paced fps where you shouldn't have time to admire the scenery up close, this is just something I enjoy doing. Growing up with doom and gaming for as long as I have I love to see newer and better looking stuff in games that come out. There's always the initial oogling moments in any game for me then I just get into the game and play. Only thing though is the immersion, and when I am constantly annoyed by little things such as low rez textures or blurry objects it just kill the immersion for me. I know I am picky, I just have high standards I guess from so many years of gaming.

When I think of ultimate immersion I think of the stalker games, like the latest one. Stuff just looks sexy in that game and I easily become engrossed in the world. I feel like loading it up in fact this week. :D
I honestly don't see why people are bitching about the graphics. The game looks really good. I was never impressed by Crysis. It was a good looking game, but yeah so what? Graphics don't impress me in the slightest these days. So so what if its a little less its still a damn good looking game.
I find a common sense for those who think Crysis 2 have amazing graphic or even better than the first game..
They all think "Shiny" and "Glowing" is realistic and loves it....
I find a common sense for those who think Crysis 2 have amazing graphic or even better than the first game..
They all think "Shiny" and "Glowing" is realistic and loves it....

Because Crysis 1 wasn't all shine and glow..... Crysis 1 was "pretty" but it sure as hell wasn't anything amazing.
Just as a reference to the Crysis 2 screens posted by me and others, here is Half-Life 2 for comparison. the claim made that HL2 and C2 textures are on par seems to hold up.

gigantic pictures

fyi the original game didn't have that extra detail / grain up close, episode 2 engine added detail textures.
The foliage looks awful in crysis 2. I know for me, the foliage was one of the most impressive things about the first 2 crysis games.
The foliage looks awful in crysis 2. I know for me, the foliage was one of the most impressive things about the first 2 crysis games.

Crytek spent a lot of time on that in the first game. The trees didn't look great, but the grass and little plants all around looked pretty good.
How something looks is just entirely subjective. A screen shot here and there simply doesn't prove much. You say it looks like ass, I think Crysis 2 on the PC looks fantastic. No it's not a big leap in visual quality like Crysis 1 and there is a lot of consolization that took place in it obviously. But damn, playing this thing in 3D Surround is just amazing. I've got and played tons of games (I have 150 in my Steam account alone), Played HL2 tons which doesn't work well in 3D, have the best hardware, and I have simply do not know of an action/FPS game that looks this good, performs this well and is this much fun in 3D Surround. There are some nasty clipping issues on peripheral monitors in spots where you stand close to a wall or other horizontally long object but other than that it just beautiful overall.

If there's a better looking FPS that looks this good and plays this well and is this much fun in 3D Surround I'd sure love to know because I without question buy it. Yes Crytek consolized the game and didn't push the limits on the PC, not with this DX9 only release. But they did make a great looking and fun to play basic shooter. There's a big market for this type of game for people that just want to play games and not worry about tweaking and benchmarking and needing $1500 of GPUs to play a game though this game can use $1500 very nicely in certain situations.

though ...


but I agree with you.

how many players own video cards that has the GTX 470/HD 6870 power and more? 10% of the market? my card has less power than those two and I paid $640 for it 2 years back (that’s what you get outside the US) and it can hardly run this game in the extreme graphic mode. why push graphics more? to target the 0.5% eyefinity/SLI/CF users? they’ll complain anyway even if they had to say the edge of the shadow of the ass of some random guy in the stadium audience is not as crisp as it should be :p

it’s not evil if the developers target was to give the average gamer hardware (8800GT/HD 5770) the chance to run their game with a decent fps hence less priority to pushing the graphics. and the real pushing should be done by the graphic cards manufacturers before developers so I don’t have to spend $640 every year to chase any graphic pushing game.

yes a rushed up direct console port with unbelievable server browser related bugs that is driving me insane. yes they compromised interactive physics, high res textures and some other technical graphic stuff (probably only the 10% I mentioned will notice it) but the game has a lot of other amazing effects they brilliantly managed to achieve without sacrificing the frame rates.
here is a couple of screenshots I took (multiplayer) (single player)
and this is from someone at XS

btw I didn’t buy Crysis 1 or warhead. I can’t stand more than 2 stupid invisible spies in TF2 and I won’t be spending a lot of time on this because the stealth feature (and decreased power while running) does not match my playing style (in BC@ I mostly play Assault and I’m usually the one with the highest number of kills AND DEATHS in the round, hundreds of CS:S hours and still don’t know how to use sniper rifles, run & gun/spray & pray/rush first etc. lol)

now can we please please please start a thread about playing the game without all this :(, how does that read beam from the sky work? what’s the suit destroyer? how can I go to the gunner seat after entering a vehicle? and I have alot more
At least people are starting to sober up a little now. That other thread about Crysis 2 being the 'biggest disappointment of the decade' was an embarrassment to this forum - god, when I first saw it I thought I had entered the Gamespot forum by mistake.
Is anybody having issues trying to launch multiplayer? I bought this fucking game so I could play online but I can't because it keeps giving me that bullshit error telling me to check my network connectivity, argh WTF? Same error existed with the demo.
At least people are starting to sober up a little now. That other thread about Crysis 2 being the 'biggest disappointment of the decade' was an embarrassment to this forum - god, when I first saw it I thought I had entered the Gamespot forum by mistake.

I spent a couple years in Gamespot's System Wars forum a long time ago. The thread made me chuckle and remember. Though without biased mods who will ban people just because they don't like them or because they belong to a specific group its not quite the same.
What difficulty are people playing on? I started on the second from hardest and the checkpoint system is getting on my nerves, thinking of dropping it down. The AI is ungodly accurate.
What difficulty are people playing on? I started on the second from hardest and the checkpoint system is getting on my nerves, thinking of dropping it down. The AI is ungodly accurate.

I play on hardest and super accurate AI and checkpoint system made me replay several episodes several times to pass them. However, at the end it force you to use stealth mode, silencers and silent kills more often and adds to the atmsphere of the game. I recommend to play on hardest difficulty level.
What difficulty are people playing on? I started on the second from hardest and the checkpoint system is getting on my nerves, thinking of dropping it down. The AI is ungodly accurate.

Normal and it seems to have a nice mix between easy and tense depending on how you approach a situation and yes the AI is really accurate. I like that they take a couple minutes to forget about you so you can wait around or take the challenge to move around and pick off everyone while they're all on max alert.
Playing on the hardest difficulty. It's more difficult than Crysis/Warhead, but I'm near the end. For some reason I like playing on the hardest for this game whereas in other games, I play on easy just to rush through the campaign.
Also, why can't Crysis 2 be modded? The first one was. Maybe in the future, mods will be created to appease those individuals who aren't happy with how this looks?

Personally, I still don't get it. I think this game looks... uh, swell.

You do know it doesn't have Sandbox 3, right? you do know most of the console commands are locked, right?

Graphics: textures are ok at best, plus your character doesn't have a reflection anymore. It is silly to not have these things done right as things stand now. The polygon count is also a fraction of what it was in Crysis 1.

Crytek have given NO WORD as to when we can expect a patch or the new sandbox. As it stands, their silence in the face of much anger and venom by the now-defunct PC crowd means the chances of getting these things are 50/50 at best.
I started at the second difficulty level but I’ll play it again at the maximum one.
it’s easier than I was expecting, I remember that harbor section (before you enter the tower and destroy the server then the chopper comes) when I tried to kill everyone but they kept on coming endlessly until I got bored, so I played it again and stealthed my way through in a minute.

yay finally informative discussion hehe
At least people are starting to sober up a little now. That other thread about Crysis 2 being the 'biggest disappointment of the decade' was an embarrassment to this forum - god, when I first saw it I thought I had entered the Gamespot forum by mistake.

Im sure the game is fun. Im sure it looks very nice.

But it is a console port, and is most definetly not what we were led to believe it was.

Therefore it is as forgettable as say, Bulletstorm.

This is the sum and total of peoples anger. Please try to understand that.
This is the sum and total of peoples anger. Please try to understand that.

Unless we get some real statistics, I'm going to assume the obvious: the "total" people amount to a vocal minority that go out of their way to post on forums. I beat the game on Post-human warrior difficulty and it was a very good experience that doesn't feel consolized.
you guys know what pisses me off most? supposedly open-world games trying to force me to do something. i have played for abour 4 hours now. best example is when you are in the apartment with that geek/conspiracy guy (already forgotten his name - that's generic characters for you). tried to look at his presentation but there are invisible walls all over the place. when <generic pmc> attacks, i tried to take the snipers out from inside the room. but guess what: i couldn't shoot. and they wouldn't shoot me either. stood there for 5 minutes and watched them fail throught that mounted telescope of his.

Crytek have given NO WORD as to when we can expect a patch or the new sandbox. As it stands, their silence in the face of much anger and venom by the now-defunct PC crowd means the chances of getting these things are 50/50 at best.

At best. If memory serves me correctly, I don't remember much support from them on the first Crysis so 50/50 might even be optimistic.
I'm sure it's been brought up plenty of times, but the multiplay is ridiculous. We did not pay $60 for a chatroom. In my personal experience, ranked servers are completely unplayable (match never starts) and unranked servers are about 50-50. I can't understand how nobody at Crytek tested the MP experience and said 'That won't do.'

Does anyone have any tips for a more reliable online session? Any router settings to tweak? Any tricks at all? When the matches are able to start, the game is fun....
I started at the second difficulty level but I&#8217;ll play it again at the maximum one.
it&#8217;s easier than I was expecting, I remember that harbor section (before you enter the tower and destroy the server then the chopper comes) when I tried to kill everyone but they kept on coming endlessly until I got bored, so I played it again and stealthed my way through in a minute.

yay finally informative discussion hehe

Yeah, I ramboed that section and it was damn near impossible on the 2nd hardest difficulty, the enemies just kept coming and coming, I was starting to think maybe they were just constantly respawning.

you guys know what pisses me off most? supposedly open-world games trying to force me to do something. i have played for abour 4 hours now. best example is when you are in the apartment with that geek/conspiracy guy (already forgotten his name - that's generic characters for you). tried to look at his presentation but there are invisible walls all over the place. when <generic pmc> attacks, i tried to take the snipers out from inside the room. but guess what: i couldn't shoot. and they wouldn't shoot me either. stood there for 5 minutes and watched them fail throught that mounted telescope of his.


Yeah, that scene was pretty damn retarded. Completely destroyed any immersion I might have had. If the game is going to have a predefined scene just make it a damn cut scene, dont give me control but then dont let me actually do anything. Some of the invisible walls make me wonder "did anyone actually test this game?".
Yeah, I ramboed that section and it was damn near impossible on the 2nd hardest difficulty, the enemies just kept coming and coming, I was starting to think maybe they were just constantly respawning.

The way I did it with the hardest difficulty level is to use the mounted gun. You can remove the mounted gun and use like the other gun. There will be around 20 guys coming at you before it stops.
Well, at least I know for certain that at least certain enemies respawn. I'm not sure if it's an endless supply, but I now have video proof of an enemy literally popping up out of nowhere right in front of me after I thought I cleared the section.
I've been playing the second hardest setting. It's pretty tough, but I'm generally still faster than the computers, and stealth just kicks ass. I usually merc as many as I can, then rambo it out.

I think the game is meant to be played doom style. If you rambo. You have to rambo and keep moving towards your objective at the same time. It's not an objective to kill everyone. Once you clear the objective the area of respawn changes and you can go back and goof around in the previous location sometimes.


Specifically the harbor area. Picked up the sniper rifle, offed as many guys as it had bullets, picked my rifle back up and then jumped down into the water and did the ledge grab suggestion. From there I saw that guys were respawning, so I went stealth to the top of the pier. Up there it was more fighting, and I couldn't figure out where to go: the other ramp down, then in through the crouch hole, then through the back up the elevator. I missed the passage for the elevator TWICE. :( And yeah... The whole times guys kept spawning. I've taken to the 'run to a corner and let my suit recharge, then stealth and move quickly to another spot, recharge again, them ambush them.' strategy.
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Im sure the game is fun. Im sure it looks very nice.

But it is a console port, and is most definetly not what we were led to believe it was.

Therefore it is as forgettable as say, Bulletstorm.

This is the sum and total of peoples anger. Please try to understand that.

No. Bullestorm is still considerably more forgettable IMO.
SO I bought it. I had a gift card to Best Buy, and figured $20 for C2 would be appropriate. While I still don't appreciate being lied to by the devs, and there needs to be some kind of response or indication regarding dx11:

- Gameplay: a lot of fun.In Crysis 1, the mechic for switching between suit functions was clumsy at vest, and not very quick. By Binding armor to q, cloak to e, and speed to shift, you can switch among them, and combinations, at will, and very quickly. My favorite move, esp vs groups of aliens:
With the bazooka, cloaked on a ledge, sprint-power jump off the ledge, mid-air decloak into armor, fire, hit the ground (armor absorbing the impact), cloak, grab-strangle/kill anything left and then cloak away to recharge.
Baddies- Yea, the aliens are basically Halo covenant elites. Their guns are the same, and the different kinds are the same. I don't know what happened to the floaty squid things form Crysis1, but they're not here. Strangely, neither is anything like their design. None of the bad guy ships have much in the way of tentacles. If it were a website or piece of software, i'd say the UI language had changed for some reason.

Story- Lots of fun. While I won't spoil anything here, the characters are somewhat interesting, and there are more than in the previous games. Though, the silence of your character is odd, and not well explained. Too much like they were trying too hard for a Gordon-Freeman style character.

Graphics- So, definitely some issues, though not as bad as many people make them out to be I think. The biggest difference is that the polygon count on the levels is clearly lower than in crysis 1, and the water is a joke. Crysis 1 was all about how awesome water looked, and the DX10 water effects make all the difference. Also, there is a definite preponderance of crappy textures. Sure, the blur effect makes them less noticeable, but when you are huddling in a corner, or ducking behind a wall/jersey barrier/shipping container/apc, which you do a lot, they become very painful.

And much of the smoke is sprite-based. Ew, ew, ew and quadrouple EW.

That being said, for DX9, it does look pretty amazing. Explosions are impressive, and falling buildings in the distance look realistic. Fires are well done and the effect the suit's powers have on your vision and the hud in general are perfect. Just enough to tell you what's running, but not enough to be at all distracting.

Haven't tried mp because it says my key is in use. I hear there is a solution, but I'm going to focus on sp for now.

I think this game deserves 2 ratings:

1- as a stand alone, fps made in the age of consolization, and for it's gameplay experience (the focus of any [H] review), it's a solid 8-8.5, mainly because of its fun factor.

2- AS a sequel to one of the most graphically impressive and realistic games ever, preceded by promises for more of that, with refined gameplay and more open world design, and dx11 at launch, it's a 5 at best.

In other words, if you can play and enjoy the game, while ignoring all of the drama and broken promises, the sp is a blast and you WILL enjoy it.

If, like Kyle (and I'm not hating here), you cannot separate the sequel from the original, and all of the baggage in between, you will be pretty pissed, and not have any fun.
Playing on the hardest difficulty. It's more difficult than Crysis/Warhead, but I'm near the end. For some reason I like playing on the hardest for this game whereas in other games, I play on easy just to rush through the campaign.

I'm playing on second hardest, and it's challenging, but in a good way. When I get killed it's usually because I suck, not the game.

I used to play most shooters on hard when I had more time, but these days I tend to stick to normal. Especially ones that I'm not having much fun with... Homefront and Black Ops come to mind. Hard mode on the single player for those games wasn't a fun challenge, just cheap and annoying.

Because Crysis is that much more open and tactical, it's a blast playing against a challenging enemy.
So.... fyi.... I'm upgrading my earlier rating from "mediocre" to "good". It looks like I'm at least 3/4 of the way through. Once you get used to the game, you forget about the disappointing graphics and ineffective plot development, and it's actually pretty fun. I still don't think it's nearly as good as the original crysis with its awesome environments and dramatic plot handling... and *length*. But it's still good.

I wish there was another romp in the squids' zero-grav environment, or frozen wasteland, or giant flying squids, or long quiet sections where you're just exploring. The "spore" section is probably the best, and is a lot like the climb down the frosted mountain in crysis 1, but with less interesting aliens. I also wish I knew what the heck the aliens were doing there in NYC at this point - I guess the implication is that they were there awhile, but I'd expect to see similiar technology, look, etc to the same aliens in crysis 1. Maybe Crysis 3 will have the different alien factions battling for control of earth.

I didn't read all of the earlier posts about comparing it to Half-Life 2, but I did notice quite a few similarities there as well. Not just in scenario (fighting off aliens in urban setting), but in level design, look+feel, types of adversaries (esp. the tripods!), hey-you're-the-guy-with-the-suit interactions, and the sustained pressure at the end.
So.... fyi.... I'm upgrading my earlier rating from "mediocre" to "good". It looks like I'm at least 3/4 of the way through. Once you get used to the game, you forget about the disappointing graphics and ineffective plot development, and it's actually pretty fun. I still don't think it's nearly as good as the original crysis with its awesome environments and dramatic plot handling... and *length*. But it's still good.

I wish there was another romp in the squids' zero-grav environment, or frozen wasteland, or giant flying squids, or long quiet sections where you're just exploring. The "spore" section is probably the best, and is a lot like the climb down the frosted mountain in crysis 1, but with less interesting aliens. I also wish I knew what the heck the aliens were doing there in NYC at this point - I guess the implication is that they were there awhile, but I'd expect to see similiar technology, look, etc to the same aliens in crysis 1. Maybe Crysis 3 will have the different alien factions battling for control of earth.

I didn't read all of the earlier posts about comparing it to Half-Life 2, but I did notice quite a few similarities there as well. Not just in scenario (fighting off aliens in urban setting), but in level design, look+feel, types of adversaries (esp. the tripods!), hey-you're-the-guy-with-the-suit interactions, and the sustained pressure at the end.

Dramatic plot? What game were you playing? Crysis' plot was generic shit, like pretty much every sci-fi shooter. It was poorly written, poorly paced, and fell apart like the rest of the game as soon as the aliens became a threat. The only thing good about Crysis was its opening half and its graphics. Everything else was average.
that is not the least bit impressive looking for a 2011 pc game. the foliage alone looks like a joke.

Lets see some shots of what you think is impressive foliage...and don't post supersampled shots of a modded Crysis which cannot possibly run on your system.

The foliage is one part of the game that actually looks half decent in Crysis 2.

Dramatic plot? What game were you playing? Crysis' plot was generic shit, like pretty much every sci-fi shooter. It was poorly written, poorly paced, and fell apart like the rest of the game as soon as the aliens became a threat. The only thing good about Crysis was its opening half and its graphics. Everything else was average.

Yeah...both the plots in Crysis and Crysis 2 are just beyond awful.
that is not the least bit impressive looking for a 2011 pc game. the foliage alone looks like a joke.

People keep saying this and yet I've only seen three other games mentioned around here that are supposedly better looking than Crysis 2. Crysis 1, Metro 2033 and HL2? Got all those games and simply don't agree, it's a subjective issue so let's stop trying to convince each other. But is there anything else people are saying looks better?