Official Crysis 2 Thread

You're joking right? All 3 games have their fair share of corridor sections. And most of the levels are intended to be played out in a linear fashion, just with wider open spaces. Crysis 2 is indeed a little more, shall we say, confined, but makes up for this with vertical space. Keeping the action more confined can make for a more focused and intense experience. Some of the levels are still massively sprawling; what a lot of people aren't realising is that they are streamed on the consoles, whereas everything is loaded in at once on the PC, like the previous games. Having buildings everywhere is a neat way of limiting the draw distance.

I'm not joking. Crysis was much wider. There were many paths to a single objective. If I wanted to play a corridor shooter, there are many other out there that do better (i.e. Fear).

I haven't encountered any invisible walls in this game, just visible ones, and they make sense in the context of a ruined city. I can't believe you're claiming it has the worst invisible walls when you have games like Calladoody that doesn't even let you jump over a waist-high fence.

In the context of a modern game, it's almost laughable. It almost felt like the invisible walls in Thief 3.

I'm halfway through the game, have replayed most of the levels more than once and it hasn't happened once to me.

I wouldn't say it if I didn't.

I think you may be exaggerating. I've seen enemies lose track of me many a time when I cloak.

I'm not. It's borderline ridiculous for a modern game. For instance: aliens shooting at you when you uncloak for a second, instantly cloak and jump far out of the way. Somehow, they know exactly where you are and still kill you. In Crysis 1, enemies would focus their firepower on the last place they saw you, or in that general vicinity. Which would allow me to flank them and ambush them from behind. That's almost impossible on Crysis 2. I've tried many a time, so much that I've reloaded the game more than I can possibly think of.

I actually think it expanded well on the rather flimsy plot of the original, which struck me as a rather contrived vehicle to make a frozen tropical island. To me it seemed like they had that idea first then built up the premise around it, whereas with Crysis 2 it was probably 50% a technical decision to set it in a city, and 50% just to make it different as the jungle/tropical island thing was getting old. It also did well to take the nanosuit which was merely a gameplay mechanic and turned it into an integral part of the plot. It's not the best game plot, but it's told effectively (so far, although I've seen too many spoilers already so I kinda know what happens). There are far worse examples (Modern Warfare 2, Homefront)..

Crysis kept you on the edge of your seat. The only thing that was messed up was that it ended so early. Crysis 2? It was basically Call of Duty for the entirety of the game, I'm not kidding. You were basically just another military grunt, staving off wave after wave of enemies, not to mention blatant respawning scripts.

It has plenty to do with the original game, the change in setting was necessary I think since the majority of the people who will play it never played the first one. I don't think Nomad or Psycho were well enough developed characters to bring back. Perhaps they'll make an expansion that fills in the 3 year gap between the games. I'd like to see what went down when they got back to the island.

Nomad or Psycho? They were well developed to me. They had character. This Alcatraz dude (which sounds wayyyyy to much like Call of Duty) doesn't even have an identity; he doesn't talk, react, does nothing. I think it's obvious which set of characters are more developed.

I think Crysis 2 is the best game they've made, and one of the best games I've ever played. This really seems to be a love or hate game, I've not seen much indifference about it, people either love it or want to burn Cevat Yerli's house down.

Therein lies the problem. It's not a bad game, if the name Crysis is not attached to it. If they wanted to make such a different game, call it something else, it would have had more acceptance. The moment you attach a significant name to a title, it has a requirement to live up to its name. Just like Deus Ex, which is why Deus Ex: Invisible War tanked so badly.
Originally Posted by meatfestival View Post
I think you may be exaggerating. I've seen enemies lose track of me many a time when I cloak.

I'm not. It's borderline ridiculous for a modern game. For instance: aliens shooting at you when you uncloak for a second, instantly cloak and jump far out of the way. Somehow, they know exactly where you are and still kill you. In Crysis 1, enemies would focus their firepower on the last place they saw you, or in that general vicinity. Which would allow me to flank them and ambush them from behind. That's almost impossible on Crysis 2. I've tried many a time, so much that I've reloaded the game more than I can possibly think of.

You are both correct. If you uncloak you have to lose LOS on enemies before they will lose track of you. If you re cloak right in front of them they will continue to track them. Really this is actually reasonably similar to how stuff performs in multiplayer (obviously not 100%, but similar) as well though, cloak is not 100% invisibility it is just mostly invisible. If you see a person go into cloak it is not that hard to track them, but if a person was already cloaked then you are much more likely to miss them.
I think Crysis 2 is the best game they've made, and one of the best games I've ever played. This really seems to be a love or hate game, I've not seen much indifference about it, people either love it or want to burn Cevat Yerli's house down.

Only way to play a game is on the hardest difficulty IMO...

Yes. That would be because the game is ridiculously easy. At least against human opponents. I haven't fought any aliens yet. Anyone have any idea why it is so much easier to kill the enemy soldiers than in Crysis? I don't get it.
You know, I could be griping about Crysis 2. But I'm having too much fun playing Privateer 2 and Wing Commander IV in Dosbox.

Seriously, fuck most of these modern "next gen" (lulz) games. Some of the older stuff, which you can still play today via or Dosbox, is so much better.
Yes. That would be because the game is ridiculously easy. At least against human opponents. I haven't fought any aliens yet. Anyone have any idea why it is so much easier to kill the enemy soldiers than in Crysis? I don't get it.

I don't find it any different (easier or harder) than the KPA in crysis 1. They don't move as well, but they are more durable. Headshots are still one shot kills. I think the big difference is the various indicators of what kind of baddie you are encountering.
In C1, the KPAs all looked the same, for the most part, despite packing various different weapons. In C2, the armor type and color gives a lot away.

Also, in C1, the enemy nanosuit soldiers were pretty difficult just because of the pounding they take. I think the aliens in C2 have better AI. They let any bigger baddies take the lead and circle around your flank, and then attack at once.Just wait, they are a lot of fun.
RPS weighs in with an intelligent take on the problems PC gamers are having with Crysis 2...


Though I'm probably playing right into their hand by spreading it around

edit: oops, guess i'm a little late to the party

Nice. Has this link been posted yet?

This was posted in January:
Overclocker956 said:
So, the other day I was talking to my friend who works as a game developer for Crysis.
He was telling me about the development and marketing plan for Crysis 2 and the whole graphics concern.

He told me that the PC graphics of Crysis 2 ARE going to be worse than the graphics of the orginal Crysis.
The only reason for this is because of the port for consoles. I was told it was a necessary sacrafice they had to make since they are moving away from being PC-exclusive.

Even though Crytek knows they will lose a large community of the PC gamers, they are expecting a lot of success with the port to consoles.
In the end it adds up to the ultimate sacrafice of, well, making the PC graphics worse.
Essentially Crytek is moving away from the PC gaming community to the more profitable console gaming community.

And here is more evidence that Crytek now sees itself primarily as a console developer. I don't hate Crytek for selling out and becoming a console-whore. I hate them for getting my hopes up for a game with graphics at least at the same level as the original. They were flat out lying to us, probably in the hope that some of us would buy the game based on their former reputation. Well that reputation is certainly gone now. But I'm sure they will make more money selling mediocre games to the console kiddies. But it's not the graphics that make the game unplayable for me. It's everything else. But I still blame the consoles for that as well. Console players are different. Younger with shorter attention spans and less patience. Or at least that is the stereotype that Crytek has fully bought into. It looks like it is paying off for them. The thing I don't get is isn't Cevat Yerli already rich? I guess you can never have too much money.
I don't find it any different (easier or harder) than the KPA in crysis 1. They don't move as well, but they are more durable. Headshots are still one shot kills. I think the big difference is the various indicators of what kind of baddie you are encountering.

You mean the Crysis 1 KPA were more durable, right? One headshot amazingly didn't always kill them. It depended on the weapon and whether it was silenced. With a silenced pistol I think it sometimes took several close up head shots. It kind of bothers me that you don't seem to need headshots to quickly kill the human enemies in Crysis 2. I only go for headshots anyway though. Not that you need to conserve ammo in C2 as you did in C1. Especially if you wanted to keep the SCAR for as long as possible, which I took as another challenge in the game. It was actually quite possible to keep the SCAR right up until Core.

In C1, the KPAs all looked the same, for the most part, despite packing various different weapons. In C2, the armor type and color gives a lot away.

Also, in C1, the enemy nanosuit soldiers were pretty difficult just because of the pounding they take. I think the aliens in C2 have better AI. They let any bigger baddies take the lead and circle around your flank, and then attack at once.Just wait, they are a lot of fun.

Actually I found the Aliens to be quite difficult in Crysis 1 on Delta. I found them almost too tough to be fun. Especially since most of the weapons you have initially are rubbish against them. It wasn't until I got the Gauss rifle and ammo to go with it that I started to really enjoy fighting them. Needless to say I hated Core and routinely skip that level on replays. I may well try to make it far enough into Crysis 2 to fight some aliens. It's just so tedious for me at the moment. I actually did really enjoy the whole Crysis 1 exosuit battle though. That was nearly impossible on Delta but lots of fun all the same. Sometimes I replay just that level trying various tactics. It would be funny if in Crysis 2 I find the humans boring and the aliens fun. Exactly the opposite of the first game. At first I was worried they were going to leave out the human opponents in the sequel. I am starting to wonder if it might have been a better game if they had. To be fair I was playing on the second level down from the highest for my first attempt at Crysis 2. That was clearly a bad idea. Maybe it will be more fun at the highest difficulty.
Crysis 2 is massively lower on the number of draw calls per frame, which probably plays a large part of performance going up.

That's what I thought as well but had no means of testing it (the r_displayinfo and budget monitoring commands are missing from the final game). What sort of number are we talking about here?

I was just testing the same thing (draw calls) in Crysis Warhead a couple of days ago. The difference between minimum and maximum 'object detail' is up to 1000s of calls. I'd be curious where Crysis 2 fits into that (particularly the extreme setting) if you could find the time.
DX11 patch 2-3 months away. Didn't start on it until November, when Nvidia paid 2 million.

Crytek never had PC gamers in mind, Nvidia had to pay them not to port the game and they still did.

I agree with Kyle 100%.
I'm still in the "I'll believe it when it's on my hard drive" camp. That said, I'm not waiting on the patch to buy the game, I'm waiting on price drops.
I'm not joking. Crysis was much wider. There were many paths to a single objective. If I wanted to play a corridor shooter, there are many other out there that do better (i.e. Fear).

Pretty much the entire 2nd half of Crysis is a straight shot. From Core and on. If I remember correctly:

Alien ship was a straight path
You were led through the frozen jungle
After that there was that long on rails shooter segment and then the boss fight
after that the VTOL section
then the ship
DX11 patch 2-3 months away. Didn't start on it until November, when Nvidia paid 2 million.

Crytek never had PC gamers in mind, Nvidia had to pay them not to port the game and they still did.

I agree with Kyle 100%.

Man that's pretty sad if true that they didn't even begin any work on a DX11 version before nvidia's money.
I haven't advanced too far in the game, but I arrived at the first big alien encounter, where there were about eight or nine of them circling around in this big sunken area. There was a variety of them - some tall ones, and some shorter cartoony ones.

Was I supposed to run through that area cloaked? Because I died about twenty times before giving up in frustration. I suck at FPS gaming, but the difficulty level went from 'enjoyable' to 'who in the name of Socrates designed this thing!'.

Did I not have the correct weapon on me? I could barely do damage to even one alien. Meanwhile they kept on ramming into me and killing me dead in literally three seconds. They also seemed to know where I was even though I was supposed to be cloaked.

Next time, I'm going to see if I can just run like hell through that area and not even bother engaging any of the aliens. Not exactly a great design decision if that's what I'm actually supposed to do.
is this their way of punishing the "pc community" because they allowed it to get leaked and some of us played with the leaked version?
theres one thing i love about the pc version so far.. it runs fluid on my pc, install was easy, selecting hardcore/extreme settings was easy.. theres nothing to fiddle with, and if you got an xbox controller, its automatically setup, EASY EASY EASY.

but sometimes i wanna tweak it out, sometimes i wanna see what my pc can handle, and sometimes i might wanna do some modding...
its both a gift and a curse.
So are the aliens actually harder than in Crysis 1? That combined with no saves makes me cringe. I'm probably going to have to fire up the leaked version for its quicksaves in order to make it further into the game. I find repetition too annoying, and I hate having to be overly cautious due to lack of saves. I hope someone eventually hacks the released game to re-enable quicksaving or that if/when Crytek eventually releases their mythical DX11 patch they will also enable saving and full console commands again for the PC crowd. Until then I guess I'll just have to deal with the additional bugs from the leaked version if I want to get further into the game. Maybe this is like any console port. We can only hope that this initial release will eventually be replaced by a more polished port to the PC. They really should have just waited for the PC release.
I haven't advanced too far in the game, but I arrived at the first big alien encounter, where there were about eight or nine of them circling around in this big sunken area. There was a variety of them - some tall ones, and some shorter cartoony ones.

Was I supposed to run through that area cloaked? Because I died about twenty times before giving up in frustration. I suck at FPS gaming, but the difficulty level went from 'enjoyable' to 'who in the name of Socrates designed this thing!'.

Did I not have the correct weapon on me? I could barely do damage to even one alien. Meanwhile they kept on ramming into me and killing me dead in literally three seconds. They also seemed to know where I was even though I was supposed to be cloaked.

Next time, I'm going to see if I can just run like hell through that area and not even bother engaging any of the aliens. Not exactly a great design decision if that's what I'm actually supposed to do.

At that stage I had the sniper rifle from the previous level still. I sniped one that was on the left of the broken bridge, then dropped down off the bridge on to a platform that had a stationary machine gun. I dismounted the gun and then just walked through blowing all the aliens away for their sweet sweet nano juice. A bit further on there's another stationary gun, so I swapped for that as the old one was almost out of ammo.

The game told me to cloak but I just ignored it.
So are the aliens actually harder than in Crysis 1? That combined with no saves makes me cringe. I'm probably going to have to fire up the leaked version for its quicksaves in order to make it further into the game. I find repetition too annoying, and I hate having to be overly cautious due to lack of saves. I hope someone eventually hacks the released game to re-enable quicksaving or that if/when Crytek eventually releases their mythical DX11 patch they will also enable saving and full console commands again for the PC crowd. Until then I guess I'll just have to deal with the additional bugs from the leaked version if I want to get further into the game. Maybe this is like any console port. We can only hope that this initial release will eventually be replaced by a more polished port to the PC. They really should have just waited for the PC release.

I'm only about half way through but I find the aliens easier to kill than Crysis 1. The Crysis 1 aliens were fast and small, making them hard to hit, or huge and tough requiring heaps of ammo to bring them down. These aliens are mostly big and though still quick, not as hard to hit.

The lack of saves does annoy me in Crysis 2. Sure, have your checkpoints, but also let us save. If I have to leave my computer I dont want to have to think "wait a second, where was my last checkpoint", I just want to save and leave. If a game has a really fun segment in it, I might want to go and replay that 10 minutes. The checkpoint system in Crysis 2 is crap. At one time I got killed by a vehicle which was right at the end of a checkpoint, so I had to replay the whole damn sector again, then I got killed again in a similar place and had to replay it again, basically it wasn't fun. Some games its no big deal to replay a boring and tough sector, but those games aren't on the rails FPS games.
Lack of quick saves is pretty annoying and inexcusable. I generally like to kill every soldier in a level. I'm only a few levels in and there's already been several times where I've stealthily cleared out most of the enemies only to die and have to start the entire level over again.

The only saving grace is that if you really want you can stealth back to the point at which you died.
Is crossfire working properly for this game? I just got the game today and am not impressed at all with the performance. I know that the flicker is a known issue, but I wasn't expecting Crysis level performance on my 5970. I can't even maintain 60 fps most of the time at 1920 x 1080 on extreme graphic setting.
And that is exactly what is optimization about. It is a extreme difference having 3000 or 300 objects in same area. Exploding house is nice thing, but there is a huge performance difference haing such house as 5 objects or 500.
And that is exactly what is optimization about. It is a extreme difference having 3000 or 300 objects in same area. Exploding house is nice thing, but there is a huge performance difference haing such house as 5 objects or 500.

There's also a huge fidelity difference and gameplay experience difference. When a car explodes because a nade went off under it, it should probably leave the ground a bit...
There's also a huge fidelity difference and gameplay experience difference. When a car explodes because a nade went off under it, it should probably leave the ground a bit...

They probably could have made it do that, I mean, you can kick them around. Not sure why they don't move much with explosions.
So wait, the leaked beta had quicksaves and the final one did not?

Yeah. It makes me wonder if it was removed out of sheer spite or as a big F U to pc gamers. Cevat Yerli seems to be one of those guys who goes completely nuts about piracy. I think he takes it personally.
There's also a huge fidelity difference and gameplay experience difference. When a car explodes because a nade went off under it, it should probably leave the ground a bit...

They probably could have made it do that, I mean, you can kick them around. Not sure why they don't move much with explosions.

i've never thrown a grenade under a car in real life (the opportunity just hasn't come up :p), but i'd imagine a typical frag grenade cannot apply enough force to lift a 3,000 lb car off the ground. in fact i'd be willing to bet the chances of the car 'exploding' are pretty slim. i'm not saying that Crysis is attempting to achieve realism...but i'm glad the cars don't jump 3 feet in the air because a frag grenade exploded beneath them.
i've never thrown a grenade under a car in real life (the opportunity just hasn't come up :p), but i'd imagine a typical frag grenade cannot apply enough force to lift a 3,000 lb car off the ground. in fact i'd be willing to bet the chances of the car 'exploding' are pretty slim. i'm not saying that Crysis is attempting to achieve realism...but i'm glad the cars don't jump 3 feet in the air because a frag grenade exploded beneath them.

While the physics in the first game aren't necessarily realistic, many more things are destructible from the look of it which is a good thing. The second game simply made too many concessions to be made available on the consoles.
While the physics in the first game aren't necessarily realistic, many more things are destructible from the look of it which is a good thing. The second game simply made too many concessions to be made available on the consoles.

Yeah shooting a rocket at a pile of wooden boxes or a cable spool and it not moving or being destroyed at all is a pretty shocking difference. Video should def be made public.

I'm registered on youtube so I wrote the guy that posted that and begged him to make that video public. I encourage others to do the same. Let him see/hear the demand. Be nice and polite, though. :)

I haven't played Crysis or Warhead in at least a year and half if not more so watching that video really kind of knocked me on my ass.That video easily covers more territory in less time than weeks and weeks of forum rants ever could.

Again: That video says it all.
it's not particularly shocking news. the fact that sacrifices were made for the sake of going multi-platform has been a consideration amongst the community for a long time. in other words: we all expected it to be 'dumbed-down' in some ways. it's nice to have a succinct visual aid like this video, but i think things like this are already widely known (or at least the general idea that sacrifices were made). i don't see the need for "make it public" outcry.