Official Crysis 2 Thread

You mean the Crysis 1 KPA were more durable, right? One headshot amazingly didn't always kill them. It depended on the weapon and whether it was silenced. With a silenced pistol I think it sometimes took several close up head shots. It kind of bothers me that you don't seem to need headshots to quickly kill the human enemies in Crysis 2. I only go for headshots anyway though. Not that you need to conserve ammo in C2 as you did in C1. Especially if you wanted to keep the SCAR for as long as possible, which I took as another challenge in the game. It was actually quite possible to keep the SCAR right up until Core.

C1 depended a lot on the helmet (if they were wearing one). I didn't use the pistols for anything other than headshots on downed enemies (sleep dart from the SCAR--the sleep darts were uber against suited KPA) but a silenced KPA rifle would one-shot any nonsuited KPA unless they were wearing a helmet, and then it took two shots. One for the helmet, one for the kill.

I recall one-shotting helmeted enemies at times, and I think it was dependent on hitting their head below the protection the helmet offered.

I'm registered on youtube so I wrote the guy that posted that and begged him to make that video public. I encourage others to do the same. Let him see/hear the demand. Be nice and polite, though. :)

I haven't played Crysis or Warhead in at least a year and half if not more so watching that video really kind of knocked me on my ass.That video easily covers more territory in less time than weeks and weeks of forum rants ever could.

Again: That video says it all.

LensofTruth is that website that does in depth graphics quality comparisons between Xbox/PS3/and sometimes PC.

I'm guessing it's an unlisted video because they are embedding it on their own site. It's not meant to be a public youtube video but one you go through to see.
LensofTruth is that website that does in depth graphics quality comparisons between Xbox/PS3/and sometimes PC.

I'm guessing it's an unlisted video because they are embedding it on their own site. It's not meant to be a public youtube video but one you go through to see.
I don't think "lensoftruth2011" has anything to do with the website is a console site plus I am sure they could spell physics correctly. not to mention all of their sites videos are public on youtube.
I'm not sure which game has more accurate physics. They are both pretty unrealistic. You can't cut down a tree so easily with a regular assault rifle or machine pistol or light machine gun. You need more like a mini-gun like they had on Mythbusters. The Crysis 2 bullet holes in the tree is much more like real life, but it is probably also less fun. It's nice to feel like you can affect your environment. A grenade lifting up a car into the air is ridiculous, but then so is a car bursting into flames. Again, Mythbusters showed how hard it really is to make a car burst into flames like that. While we are on the topic of realism what's with the gigantic flame-like muzzle flashes during the day? Is it my imagination or did they make the ridiculous things even bigger in Crysis 2? I've never fired an assault rifle but I have fired pistols and the muzzle flash is quite difficult to see during the day. Even at night it doesn't look like an actual flame. Just a quick flash. But then highly exaggerated muzzle flashes are a pet peeve of mine with shooting games. It doesn't even vaguely resemble reality.
Someone give me your copy of Crysis 2 if you are not enjoying it and wont play it anyways.
I will post about it on gamephys later.

Sweet. :)

I'm not sure which game has more accurate physics. They are both pretty unrealistic. You can't cut down a tree so easily with a regular assault rifle or machine pistol or light machine gun. You need more like a mini-gun like they had on Mythbusters. The Crysis 2 bullet holes in the tree is much more like real life, but it is probably also less fun. It's nice to feel like you can affect your environment. A grenade lifting up a car into the air is ridiculous, but then so is a car bursting into flames. Again, Mythbusters showed how hard it really is to make a car burst into flames like that. While we are on the topic of realism what's with the gigantic flame-like muzzle flashes during the day? Is it my imagination or did they make the ridiculous things even bigger in Crysis 2? I've never fired an assault rifle but I have fired pistols and the muzzle flash is quite difficult to see during the day. Even at night it doesn't look like an actual flame. Just a quick flash. But then highly exaggerated muzzle flashes are a pet peeve of mine with shooting games. It doesn't even vaguely resemble reality.

Fair points but in 2 it's like there's almost no physics at all sometimes.

When I'm playing a videogame I'm not expecting 100 percent realism, but if I fire a rocket at something I want to see a LOT of damage even if it's "over the top."

If I can fire a round of rockets a pile of boxes and nothing happens or barely anything happens, that's just sad.
Man the fail is in the numbers, I saw somebody selling a unused EA download manager code for $30 and I didn't even think it was worth that much.
Man the fail is in the numbers, I saw somebody selling a unused EA download manager code for $30 and I didn't even think it was worth that much.

See, I don't get that. The game is easily worth $30. $50, max. Having beat it, I would have paid a lot more than the $20 (after a gift card) I paid. Sure you can be pissed about the graphics situation, but it's a good looking game with fun gameplay.

Their loss.
See, I don't get that. The game is easily worth $30. $50, max. Having beat it, I would have paid a lot more than the $20 (after a gift card) I paid. Sure you can be pissed about the graphics situation, but it's a good looking game with fun gameplay.

Their loss.

To be honest my biggest issue so far with the game has been the lack of quick-saves, or at the least autosaves that aren't so far apart...I find it affects my desire to experiment with how I approach situations.
Well, to be fair, it's only 2011. The technology to implement a user-controlled save system simply doesn't exist yet. Crytek may have brought some major innovations to the table with this game, like textured polygons and sound effects that are triggered when something happens, but they still have to work with the technical hurdles on the PC platform which prevent them from, say, writing files to the disk when a key is pressed.
See, I don't get that. The game is easily worth $30. $50, max. Having beat it, I would have paid a lot more than the $20 (after a gift card) I paid. Sure you can be pissed about the graphics situation, but it's a good looking game with fun gameplay.

Their loss.

On its own merits, yes, I agree with you. I don't regret the purchase at all.
Well, to be fair, it's only 2011. The technology to implement a user-controlled save system simply doesn't exist yet. Crytek may have brought some major innovations to the table with this game, like textured polygons and sound effects that are triggered when something happens, but they still have to work with the technical hurdles on the PC platform which prevent them from, say, writing files to the disk when a key is pressed.

i'm enjoying Crysis 2, but this is just flat out funny. well done :D
Yes it is 2011, and not one shooter I've played that came out in 2011 which includes, Dead Space 2, Bulletstorm or Homefront had quick save. So yes, it's 2011 and the technology just isn't there yet.
Finally finished the game, loved almost every minute of it. :D

This sequence is possibly the most jaw dropping thing I've ever seen in a game; yes it's scripted, but all realtime. Incredible. (slightly spoilerish if you've not finished the game)
There were 2 or 3 amazing sequences of shit blowing up in spectacular fashion, that was the best one IMO.

The ending was a bit meh, I was expecting a huge boss battle like the first game. The lead up to the end was strangely reminiscent of Far Cry. There were some pretty epic battles towards the end but it was getting a tad samey at that point. My total playtime was about 9.5 hours on second hardest mode - I only really felt it was running out of steam by the last hour or so, and that could be because I finished off the game in a 2-3 hour sitting (I usually play an hour here or there)

The relative lack of physics in Crysis 2 didn't really dawn on me until I saw that comparison video. I understand why the tradeoff was made, and no I'm not that bothered by it because I thoroughly enjoyed the game. Perhaps the upcoming patch, if it's real, will add a lot of that stuff back in. I'd probably go for another playthrough if they did.
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Yes it is 2011, and not one shooter I've played that came out in 2011 which includes, Dead Space 2, Bulletstorm or Homefront had quick save. So yes, it's 2011 and the technology just isn't there yet.

Dear God i hope you're being sarcastic! If so, well done!

If not, well... Hl1 would like you to check it out...
Did anyone else feel that this game was just too short? From what I recall, I'd say Crysis 1 was at least twice the length. Of course, I took forever sniping and setting up my assaults with the wide-open spaces.
Did anyone else feel that this game was just too short? From what I recall, I'd say Crysis 1 was at least twice the length. Of course, I took forever sniping and setting up my assaults with the wide-open spaces.

i haven't finished Crysis 2 yet but i can safely say that i felt Crysis 1 was too long. a strange criticism i know...but it just felt like the last part of the game had some dull, dragged-out moments. and i can do without the VTOL mission...just not my cup of tea.
i haven't finished Crysis 2 yet but i can safely say that i felt Crysis 1 was too long. a strange criticism i know...but it just felt like the last part of the game had some dull, dragged-out moments. and i can do without the VTOL mission...just not my cup of tea.

I wanted to land the VTOL, walk around and cause more mayhem. :(
i haven't finished Crysis 2 yet but i can safely say that i felt Crysis 1 was too long. a strange criticism i know...but it just felt like the last part of the game had some dull, dragged-out moments. and i can do without the VTOL mission...just not my cup of tea.

I don't think it was that the game was too long but rather that the later levels showed a distinct lack of polish. I rather enjoyed the vehicle missions and thought they were a nice change of pace. Basically everything on the aircraft carrier on ran like shit, looked like shit, and was way too linear for my tastes. Especially coming from the rest of the game.
See, I don't get that. The game is easily worth $30. $50, max. Having beat it, I would have paid a lot more than the $20 (after a gift card) I paid. Sure you can be pissed about the graphics situation, but it's a good looking game with fun gameplay.

Their loss.

Everyone has their own meaning of value. You enjoyed it so that's great.:)
I played the game 3/4s through decided to uninstall and sell it, didn't see it as great.:(

Didn't like the gameplay and if I finished it, I will never play it again anyways.
I rather watch the rest of the game on YouTube, same as watching the scripted scenes in game.

Example: (slightly spoilerish if you've not finished the game)
There were 2 or 3 amazing sequences of shit blowing up in spectacular fashion, that was the best one IMO.

The ending was a bit meh.

I don't think it was that the game was too long but rather that the later levels showed a distinct lack of polish. I rather enjoyed the vehicle missions and thought they were a nice change of pace. Basically everything on the aircraft carrier on ran like shit, looked like shit, and was way too linear for my tastes. Especially coming from the rest of the game.

Yeah, I don't like how in the original Crysis it seemed like the game became more difficult to run as you progressed through the missions. Towards the beginning I was running it on maxed/high settings on my rig, and it looked great. But by the time I hit the final boss battle onboard the aircraft carrier (IIRC), I was having to crank settings down just trying to get a decent framerate. :( Maybe my setup just wasn't [H]ard enough, but I wish the game had delivered a more consistent experience throughout.
Well, to be fair, it's only 2011. The technology to implement a user-controlled save system simply doesn't exist yet. Crytek may have brought some major innovations to the table with this game, like textured polygons and sound effects that are triggered when something happens, but they still have to work with the technical hurdles on the PC platform which prevent them from, say, writing files to the disk when a key is pressed.

To be fair noobs always press F6 every 10 seconds like they did 13 years ago when they were playing HL1, a fps game that provides you challenge along with the the ability to quicksave simply doesn't exist yet.....................

so is this ok guys?

^^ Why not max it all out? AA and the rest?

Looks good overall. I'm 16x10 and using 75 FOV on both of those. Seems to work well.
^^ Why not max it all out? AA and the rest?

Looks good overall. I'm 16x10 and using 75 FOV on both of those. Seems to work well.

a friend told me to do this to reduce the annoying blur, not sure if he's right!
I'll try 75, i'm also at 16:10 (1680x1050)

btw the same friend *cough* who is using a multiplayer crack that is still working after the patch *cough* took this funny picture for me...

I still can't login to the game to play Multiplayer so I called EA 20 minutes ago and talked to the support people and they can't fix it on their end so they sent me a link to crytek to file a support ticket with them.

Since EA couldn't fix it they gave me a $20 Off Coupon Code, that doesn't expire, for any any purchase from the EA Store. I decided to pre-order Battlefield 3 for $39.99 shipped.

this is the number I called, 866-543-5435
Yes it is 2011, and not one shooter I've played that came out in 2011 which includes, Dead Space 2, Bulletstorm or Homefront had quick save. So yes, it's 2011 and the technology just isn't there yet.

The quicksave has been lost to the ravages of time like ancient Atlantean technology.
Yeah, I don't like how in the original Crysis it seemed like the game became more difficult to run as you progressed through the missions. Towards the beginning I was running it on maxed/high settings on my rig, and it looked great. But by the time I hit the final boss battle onboard the aircraft carrier (IIRC), I was having to crank settings down just trying to get a decent framerate. :( Maybe my setup just wasn't [H]ard enough, but I wish the game had delivered a more consistent experience throughout.

Not your fault. The final mission is badly coded for everyone. The framerate just drops to unplayable in that one for many people who can run the game smoothly.
^^ Why not max it all out? AA and the rest?

Looks good overall. I'm 16x10 and using 75 FOV on both of those. Seems to work well.

because edgeAA and post MSAA affect image clarity introducing ghosting ( like temporalAA on halo reach, ew ... ) and softness

motion blur radial blur SSAO colorgrading are all gpu intensive gimmicks that eat fps for breaskfast, i wish i could disable them in MP too.
Yes, I remember the good old days of F5 quick saves, just pointing out that PC shooters just don't have them anymore, perhaps the biggest victim in colsolization.

It's not the loss of quick saves that is the real tragedy is the adoption of checkpoint based gameplay.

It's so annoying and artificial. Always a checkpoint that's too far from the part you keep dying at.

I figure checkpoints might add another hour to to an 8 hour game in total because you keep replaying crap that you don't need to replay. Cheesy way to add value as well.
The garbage multiplayer in the demo was all I needed to know to stay way the fuck away from this trainwreck of a game.
The first Far Cry also only had checkpoint saves...

You could enable quicksave though. And it was the kind of game where you had to bind quicksave and quickload to the left and right mouse buttons to get any where because the enemies had telescopic vision and would spot your bright shirt and make you occupy the same space as a million billion bullets.