Official Deus Ex: Human Revolution thread

There was a DX1 remake project using Unreal 2.5, but that died out I think.

But honestly I wouldn't want just a remake with better graphics, and this really applies to every game I like. While there is the appeal of nostalgia, there are plenty of mechanics and elements in DX1 that could be improved and even removed, a long with adding certain things to make the game better. I never feel a game is really perfect, there are always flaws and areas to improve.

If they continue onwards with the story line I think it would be interesting to possibly explore Paul Denton as a character instead. Although I'd still want to know what exactly happens with the story post DXHR and Adam Jensen.
If they continue onwards with the story line I think it would be interesting to possibly explore Paul Denton as a character instead. Although I'd still want to know what exactly happens with the story post DXHR and Adam Jensen.

Agreed. Many different wide open possibilities for the entire franchise and concept. Very exciting.
Beat the game last night in 21 total hours. I screwed up and missed a lot of the side missions. Will definitely play through a couple more times. I'm not really sure how I feel about this game. My end feeling was neither disappointment nor exceeded expectations. Loved the first game, even liked DX IW. Maybe I'll fall in love with it on a replay. Major gripes are the outdated facial animations and long load screens.
I agree with mls. Just finished it like 15 mins ago. Half of the story plot I saw from miles and miles away. Never played the first only the second. And, shrug, I had no issues with the second.

Overall it didnt really do it for me. Doesnt hold a candle to ME2 imo, but its far from being a bad game. I guess if the story just wasnt so predictable it would've held my attention a little better.
Is there any flying of planes or helicopters in this game? and is there any multiplayer?
I recently played deus ex using the HR package. It really helped the game, but man, i'd love to see an HD remake (like serious sam HD). In fact I wish more companies would do this in general, does not appear like any others bother.
Is there any flying of planes or helicopters in this game? and is there any multiplayer?

No to both.

I agree with mls. Just finished it like 15 mins ago. Half of the story plot I saw from miles and miles away. Never played the first only the second. And, shrug, I had no issues with the second.

Overall it didnt really do it for me. Doesnt hold a candle to ME2 imo, but its far from being a bad game. I guess if the story just wasnt so predictable it would've held my attention a little better.

The game intentionally leaves clues for what happens later on. Even in the intro sequence you can already piece together what will happen later and who the major players are. Could these clues have been more subtle? Well you need to strike a balance depending on what your expectations of the audience are.

Although I don't know how you can have a complaint about DXHR's story being predictable while not feeling the same about ME2.
Aye, the story in DXHR was far better than ME2's. The only thing that kept ME2 interesting was the characters, which were excellently done for the most part. The rest of the storyline was borderline ridiculous, what with the protheans/collectors and the giant Terminator at the end. It absolutely paled in comparison to the original ME.

I'm on my 2nd playthrough, and I've already picked up on all kinds of hints so far that I failed to notice before.
Doesnt hold a candle to ME2 imo

We agree again! Mass Effect 2 definitely is my favorite game of all time, with Mass Effect 1 and the original Dues Ex coming close behind. I was hoping DXHR would rise to the top but I still haven't played anything better than Mass Effect 2.
The only thing that kept ME2 interesting was the characters, which were excellently done for the most part

That pretty much sums it up. The biggest sole difference between the two, the characters. That and ME1 connects to 2 and 2 connects to 3. This game? If they create a second prequel I'll just have to sigh.

And theres a difference between them throwinga curve ball and throwing a fastball. This game was all fastball. Nothing subtle, nothing like zomg didnt see that coming! I mean come on, lets be honest here, who here can say they didnt see exactly how this game going to unfold after the first part of Detroit? Sure they threw a few minor things here and there but nothing that I considered substantial.

Maybe another play through in a month or so will show me a few things that I missed along the way like the other poster said though. And maybe the story didnt do it for me because its a prequel and well... I kinda outta know where its going since as its the third chapter in the series. Maybe thats it for me. I'm sure if ME3 was a prequel and not a sequel I'd probably be saying this exact same thing in 6 months.

Anyways its just some stuff on my mind that I thought I'd share, just to give a different perspective.

And towards the end in DE I really was just running and gunning to get it over with. My next playthough I'll try an all stealth approach but I'm not holding my breath that that wont get real old real quick, unfortunately.
I recently played deus ex using the HR package. It really helped the game, but man, i'd love to see an HD remake (like serious sam HD). In fact I wish more companies would do this in general, does not appear like any others bother.

Some games don't get remakes while others do has a lot to do with not only the demand for the game but also how large the game is.

A large game like Deus Ex is less likely to get a remake than Resident Evil or some fighting games. Deus Ex's assets may have been relatively simple to create for their time, but to update those assets to be competitive with today's games would require a lot of artists and money.
Eh, That might be the dealbreaker for me... Once I beat campaign there would be nothing left to do with the game... I NEED multiplayer to justify a game...

You sir are part of the problem.

This game is brilliant.
You sir are part of the problem.

This game is brilliant.

it just sounds like this guy uses Multiplayer as his replayability factor. Like if Oblivion didn't have modding tools... that woulda killed its replayability factor, while it never had multiplayer.

Anyway... for me, unless they release mod tools to increase my replay-ability of DEHR, i won't feel my 38 bucks is well spent.. which saddens me.
We agree again! Mass Effect 2 definitely is my favorite game of all time, with Mass Effect 1 and the original Dues Ex coming close behind. I was hoping DXHR would rise to the top but I still haven't played anything better than Mass Effect 2.

Same here. Of course, it would have helped if I had actually installed the cloak and stealth augments.

Glad to know I wasnt the only one. Reading a lot of these comments I honestly thought I was the only one, which is why I chimed in. 99% of the comments in here seem like they're ready to give it GOTY but I just cant see that in it. I'm trying to but I just dont see whats catching everyone's attention so much about this game:confused:

And I've been thinking about it some more. I really think it was the character development, among other things, that keeps me from being drawn into the game. They leave you hanging on several character developments with no real reason. You can flesh out the characters and still leave a, "dun dun duuunnnnnn" for the next game:confused:

I wish there was a spoiler thread for this discussion, I cant accurately state where I feel the game lets you down without spoiling it for everyone still playing and will be playing years from now.
I'll echo it again: Mod tools needs to happen.

Quoted for motherfucking truth.

You know what i jsut realized? There's no skill system in DXHR! :eek:

I just loaded up DX for my buddy to play because he'd never tried any of them... and i hadn't noticed until then that in DXHR they merged Augmentations with the Skill system. What a fucking waste of Augmentation slots, seriously :(
Quoted for motherfucking truth.

You know what i jsut realized? There's no skill system in DXHR! :eek:

I just loaded up DX for my buddy to play because he'd never tried any of them... and i hadn't noticed until then that in DXHR they merged Augmentations with the Skill system. What a fucking waste of Augmentation slots, seriously :(

I noticed this and miss it too. I feel that some of the augs are just lame. I'm sorry but I am not going to waste praxis points on crap augs like fortify when I can max out hacking and just quicksave before every hack attempt in case it doesn't work. I'd rather max out my inventory and waste two spots for Nuke and Stop Virus's to aid hacking than put unnecessary points into those augs. I'd rather have an aug that turns Adam's arm into a gun like Barrett than some of the ones we have.
I don't like that I had to upgrade my arms to break down walls just to get one praxis kit. I never would have invested in that aug otherwise. Walking around making noise breaking down walls is counterproductive when you are trying to be stealthy. I can only see it being useful when combined with smart vision to see a guy hidden behind it and I don't even know if I want that aug yet.
Is there any flying of planes or helicopters in this game? and is there any multiplayer?
This is Deus Ex, not Battlefield.
Walking around making noise breaking down walls is counterproductive when you are trying to be stealthy. I can only see it being useful when combined with smart vision to see a guy hidden behind it and I don't even know if I want that aug yet.
If you're trying to play the game non-lethal, you won't want to do that. Breaking down a wall with an enemy on the other side makes you perform a lethal takedown. However, breaking down walls can actually be a useful distraction if you're playing the game stealthily. You can break a wall to lure the enemies to a certain spot and then sneak around them.
OK, I take back what I said about punching through walls. I just found another Praxis kit by breaking walls in the sewers in China along with some ammo and a mine template.
I finished it last night, and I thought it was pretty good. There was definitely room for improvement on some things (LOAD TIMES!!!), but overall I enjoyed it.
I just noticed something else I miss from Deus Ex. There are no rats in the serwers, no cats in back alleys, and I haven't seen a single child yet. These are minor though. This is still my GOTY and one of the best single player games I have played in years since possibly STALKER.
I just noticed something else I miss from Deus Ex. There are no rats in the serwers, no cats in back alleys, and I haven't seen a single child yet.

The kids are because you run in to a problem: A number of countries ban games if you can kill kids. So if you put kids in, you have to make them unkillable, which can then break the nice open-world type gameplay.

That is why in Fallout 3, though there are kids, you cannot kill them. In Fallout 1 and 2 they had to remove all the children (actually they replaced them with invisible sprites) for versions sold in those countries.

Thus it can be easier to just leave kids out of the game.
This is a great game imo, but I think titling it GOTY before Rage or Skyrim are out is a little premature.
I think this game proves easily a modern VTM:B would do rather well if properly funded.
I'm finding it very humourous how careless people are with their credits. They are literally, everywhere.
No hold to crouch in this day and age? Really? I keep forgetting im crouching and then I hit jump to stand back up like in most games but it just makes me do a retarded crab hop and I usually get my head blown off.

I'm 7 hours or so in so its becoming apparent that one game isnt going to cause me to magically unlearn my hold to crouch muscle memory.
No hold to crouch in this day and age? Really? I keep forgetting im crouching and then I hit jump to stand back up like in most games but it just makes me do a retarded crab hop and I usually get my head blown off.

I'm 7 hours or so in so its becoming apparent that one game isnt going to cause me to magically unlearn my hold to crouch muscle memory.

It probably helps people like me more, who don't want to hold the button (i understand what you are saying though, you are used to it) and it allows me to focus on what's going on without needing to worry about keeping a button pressed down while I perform other actions.
I just solved something that was slowing me down.

Seems I can pick up robots and throw them lol. Works great.
Finished it. Overall, it is very well done.

Gameplay is good. Levels are generally well designed, nothing feels rushed, etc.

Story is in every way less than DX1, yet in every way more than DX:IW. Overall well done, yet I wish I knew more about the characters. The game tends to reveal its secrets in a very well thought out fashion (ie who Adam actually is, etc.), but there just aren't that many of them. Having finished the game, I still don't know much about Reed, the Illuminati, and don't even remember the name of that lady that runs Tai Yong Medical (if I even got the name right). Then again.. I doubt most of the people playing ever cared enough to hear that much of it, so I don't blame the devs here too much. Especially since what's there is good.

Length is good. I was worried it might be on the short side like so many modern games, but this wasn't the case.

I for one don't mind the new augmentation system. One of my criticisms of the original Deus Ex was that if you played without a walkthrough, you'd miss a large amount of the augmentations.

They do need to fix the engine. Crashes with any type of AA on for me, but I guess I should be happy my Mac Mini even runs the game at 30+ fps.