official DFI Lanparty SLI thread


Mar 15, 2002
I didn't see a thread on this board like the MSI, so I decided to make one.
Review is here.

Everyone post comments and OC results in this thread.

I liked the review, but again, I didn't like the overclocking section. Taking the board up to 350mz with a reduced multiplier on the CPU proves nothing. Many people hit roadblocks. I want to know how far you can OC a good CPU at the default multiplier on water.

Now, it doesn't have to be an FX55, although, OCing the fastest chip would be exciting to read about. Some fans would rather you OC a chip most can afford. So in this case, you did the review with a 3800+ and that would be fine. I'm interested to know if you can OC the CPU to say 270mz. That way we'll know if there is a roadblock or not.

In future reviews, please OC the MB/CPU/Memory at default multiplier, 1:1, upping Vcore a little is acceptable, and see how high you can raise the FSB before getting errors in Memtest. Then back it down a little, run a 32M super Pi test, and print the screen shot.


Edit: User requested the DFI forum link be put in the first post here.
EQTakeOffense said:
Do you mean the original CPU multiplier can't be changed? If so, why does this matter?
Great thread, thanks for posting it.
Why does it matter? Because reducing the multiplier of the CPU, and raising the FSB of the MB to some rediculous level (350mz) doesn't prove anything. What counts is how far the MB OCs at 1:1 with the CPU at the default multiplier. Why? Because some MBs have been hitting roadblocks when fans try to OC them. The Asus A8V will get stuck at 230mz. The Asus A8N-SLI will get stuck at 245mz. Yet fans bought these boards thinking they would OC to higher levels. Nothing wrong with the Asus boards, they're rock solid, but they have hit roadblocks. The CPU gets to a certain point, and gets stuck, for example, I can't go above 2800 on my FX53 no matter what I do.

I already knew the DFI would go up in the 300mz range, I've seen the messages over on and other boards.

I just think the MB reviews will be more exciting if they have a real world example for the overclocking section.

The H has everything set up perfectly. They've got the CPU water cooled, good memory, a good CPU. Now raise the Vcore a little, and go for the highest FSB possible. That's the number I want to see. Can you hit 300mz at 1:1?
Well, it'd be crazy to think that it could reach above 300+ without a different CPU multiplier.

FX-55 @ 13 x 200 = 2.6Ghz
FX-55 @ 13 x 300 = 3.9Ghz

A 1.3Ghz OC for a FX-55 Is pushing it.

Not saying it's impossible to get to that OC, but it would be VERY difficult.
Maybe this thread would have some traffic if anyone could actually get one of these boards.... :rolleyes:
Ohh... I have the MoBo and the PSU and my new 0450 3500+ (Winnie) and my 2*OCZ 3200 EL rev 2 just waiting at home BUT LEADTEK EUROPE JUST DOESN'T DELIVER MY 6800Gt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Otherwise id be very happy to post my results and asap I'll edit this post with some relevent results.

Sry about the Hijack

And have a look here
EQTakeOffense said:
Well, it'd be crazy to think that it could reach above 300+ without a different CPU multiplier.
Ok, you're right, I set the bar too high.

260mz would be a good target to shoot for. Not that they have to reach it, but at least try.