Official [H] Star Wars:The Old Republic Thread

They've fixed my Foundry Flashpoint. You are now the lone, angry soul left in the hate basement. I'll miss your level 10 whatever-you-rolled.

Go back to WoW?

I've never played wow beyond the 10-day trial.

And I won't miss you; the hookers you delivered had dicks. Not cool, man.
Because if I do renew, I am then paying to beta their game -- a "AAA" release in 2012 that was pushed out the door for extra profit. Many of you look at this as though it is the norm -- and I think it's bullshit.

And face it, if everyone thought the game was roses and butterflies and remained silent in hopes that the issues would be fixed, nothing would be fixed.

If that's your point, go bitch about it on a forum that the SWTOR developers actually care about.
First, you'll be disappointed unless they've fixed all the rampant operations bugs

Secondly, I never said they're not making changes and listening -- I'm saying they're doing it after they released when they could have done it in beta for a substantially better launch.

They were squashing bugs in beta. But they'll never get all of them. At some point you have to launch. You can't keep it in beta forever. There are no game breaking bugs so they launched.

While you're bitching and moaning i'm happily playing the game.
Again, we get it, you hate the game, go back to Rift and play the game that completely satifies you. The key word there being you. Everything you mention is a game breaking to you, but pretty small to me. This is probably the best MMO to date that I have played but thats my opinion. I don't play games that I don't enjoy, and I certainly don't continue to play them just so I can justify coming into a forum to post so much hate over and over and over.

You stated your opinion many times, we get it. You are now just trying to start fights and troll the post which will get it locked.
This game is not competing with 2004 WoW -- it is competing with 2012 WoW. It has been said many times and many agree. You don't win over the hearts of customers by releasing unfinished buggy crap and expecting them to pay $15/mo while they play catch up. If you like to take it in the ass from EA feel free, though!


I played WoW at launch, and came back for the expacs and would quit in between. I was never a "hardcore" raider after the second expansion, but I did them when they were puggable, so to say "you're only level 10 so you don't know" is a crock of shit.

I don't even want 2004 WoW features--2009 WoW features would work. There are engine problems, (the combat activation / animation delay is one thing that sticks out beyond all the graphical and performance issues, an instant isn't an instant) but most of the complaints are seemingly simple features. I don't think it is some unacceptable demand to ask for features the leading MMO had 3 years ago.
Hi folks,

Just in case you missed it, we added the following to the Known Issues thread earlier today:

Anti-aliasing is currently disabled for ATI 6900 series graphics cards.
Holograms will disappear during conversations if players modify their preferences to turn off bloom while anti-aliasing is on.

To give you all some more insight, the ATI issue is due to a severe graphical glitch and we are in discussions with ATI to resolve this. Thank you for your patience.

When you go into an MMO on launch day, do so knowing the follow:
1.It will have bugs
2.They will take time to fix
3.If you race to the end, you will probably be disappointed until content patches catch up to you
4.If you race to the end, know that you are the MINORITY, not the MAJORITY, and raging all over a forum about how you were the first to 50 and you simply do not understand how they could release a game in such a state that doesn't have 5 raids and 10 pvp warzones from the start.

All of these things considered, you should have a fairly pleasent experience unless the actual GAME itself suffers from bad mechanics, progression and story. IMO, this game does not suffer from those things. That is my opinion, and thus I continue playing it.

This is my point. You accept those things as the norm -- they're not the norm and should not be accepted as the norm. This is why the games release like this -- because people allow them to. Rift had a stellar, smooth, and damn-polished launch. I mentioned it above. Why have you ignored that? Because it breaks your mold of what an MMO release should be?

1- If you are raging because you want to point out the bugs to be fixed, you are doing it in the wrong place
2- "It's buggy, it sucks" hardly sounds like comments that would allow anyone to fix the game.

Don't assume I don't do my part -- I've submitted close to 100 detailed bug-reports since launch.

If you had read the thread you'd see I outline some pretty substantial bugs. I think you're making up that last part.

I played WoW at launch, and came back for the expacs and would quit in between. I was never a "hardcore" raider after the second expansion, but I did them when they were puggable, so to say "you're only level 10 so you don't know" is a crock of shit.

I don't even want 2004 WoW features--2009 WoW features would work. There are engine problems, (the combat activation / animation delay is one thing that sticks out beyond all the graphical and performance issues, an instant isn't an instant) but most of the complaints are seemingly simple features.

I raced through vanilla WoW. One of the first to hit the cap. What did I do? I quit because I was bored. I haven't taken this approach to an MMO since then because I know it will inevitably turn out the same way. They release at with the bulk of the game ready for players to fully experience. Along the way they fix the bugs within that content while simultaneously working on end game content so it's ready when a good percentage of the populous has reached that point. The game is not even a full 30 days in since its official launch. Is it full of 50s yet? Hell no, just the opposite.
This is my point. You accept those things as the norm -- they're not the norm and should not be accepted as the norm. This is why the games release like this -- because people allow them to. Rift had a stellar, smooth, and damn-polished launch. I mentioned it above. Why have you ignored that? Because it breaks your mold of what an MMO release should be?

Rift did have a great launch. I beta tested it and bought it at release.

But now no one plays it. So it's polished and no fun. And see how well that worked out.

Ok, i'm being sarcastic, people do play it. Just not a very large amount. It had a pretty large drop off after the first 30 or so days. It will be interesting to see if SWTOR fares better. I think it will.
If that's your point, go bitch about it on a forum that the SWTOR developers actually care about.

But I like it here. Why can't we just be friends, Mark?

Again, we get it, you hate the game, go back to Rift and play the game that completely satifies you. The key word there being you. Everything you mention is a game breaking to you, but pretty small to me. This is probably the best MMO to date that I have played but thats my opinion. I don't play games that I don't enjoy, and I certainly don't continue to play them just so I can justify coming into a forum to post so much hate over and over and over.

You stated your opinion many times, we get it. You are now just trying to start fights and troll the post which will get it locked.

I never stated I liked Rift. I actually didn't really care for it once I pushed through the end game stuff -- but I can admire the dedication of the dev team to release a remarkably polished game.

I'm not trolling anyone -- I'm discussing issues here. You guys are getting all up in arms because I'm offending your beloved game.
Problem is, your issues are really minor and show that your standards (too high) are just setting yourself up for failure. Why are you posting here and not on the Bioware forums?

khanable said:
Because if I do renew
Oh, your subscription isn't turned on so you can't. Spare us, then.

I'm typing, by the way, not yelling.
I'm being sarcastic in my response, Khan.

ob1 said:
You stated your opinion many times, we get it. You are now just trying to start fights and troll the post which will get it locked.

+1 man.

khanable said:
Rift had a stellar, smooth, and damn-polished launch. I mentioned it above. Why have you ignored that?

I know Rift had a good launch technically. But I didn't like the game as much as I do Star Wars. There you go. No more comments about Rift in a STAR WARS THREAD. For me the slight bugs don't matter compared to everything else. Move on from your argument like everyone else has.
Rift did have a great launch. I beta tested it and bought it at release.

But now no one plays it. So it's polished and no fun. And see how well that worked out.

Ok, i'm being sarcastic, people do play it. Just not a very large amount.

You don't need to have a large subscriber base to be successful -- don't think that if you're not conquering the MMO hill and de-throning WoW that it's a total bust.

IMO, that is a game that SWTOR should be compared to, NOT WoW.

And that game alone is proof enough that you don't need to release an MMO unfinished and then work on getting it fixed -- because it simply is not necessary anymore. It is done out of pure greed, and it is bullshit.
This is my point. You accept those things as the norm -- they're not the norm and should not be accepted as the norm. This is why the games release like this -- because people allow them to. Rift had a stellar, smooth, and damn-polished launch. I mentioned it above. Why have you ignored that? Because it breaks your mold of what an MMO release should be?

Don't assume I don't do my part -- I've submitted close to 100 detailed bug-reports since launch.

If you had read the thread you'd see I outline some pretty substantial bugs. I think you're making up that last part.

I didn't quit Rift because of polish, though. I quit Rift because it was lackluster and had no replayability whatsoever. PvP was borked from the get-go, and was nearly worthless until you hit the cap so that all of the classes were equally evened out. At any given tier, a certain class raped face and everyone else got to sit by and take it. Not to mention they had virtually no end game at launch. I quit after 2 months so I do not know where the game stands now, but I imagine it's not so good. This game does NOT look like it is going to go in that same direction whatsoever. The primary reason being the Star Wars name and the developers backing it. You might not like this game right now, and thats fine, but you can bet that they want it to succeed just as much as you do because they want that monthly subscription money. They have the resources to develop a much better game than Trion did with Rift. Expect them to do so, and if they dont, play something else until GW2 or Tera comes out and see if those do more for you than this one does.
After years of serious-business WoW I am in full-blown casual mode for TOR. Its a great game if you aren't in a rush. The leveling experience is actually solid, a real change for MMOs. Looks like I will be playing it pretty steadily until at least Diablo3.

Working on alt #1 after finishing my Agent: a marauder. Claudia Black's distinct voice + hiding all the light/dark side options, I'm basically playing grey side. Good stuff. Everyone acts surprised when I occasionally show mercy.
You don't need to have a large subscriber base to be successful -- don't think that if you're not conquering the MMO hill and de-throning WoW that it's a total bust.

IMO, that is a game that SWTOR should be compared to, NOT WoW.

And that game alone is proof enough that you don't need to release an MMO unfinished and then work on getting it fixed -- because it simply is not necessary anymore. It is done out of pure greed, and it is bullshit.

Oh I am well aware you don't need a large base to be successful. And i'm sure rift is a success, but not the run away success the developers wanted. And most people don't care for it. Perhaps it could have shipped with a few more non game breaking bugs but more features and "fun" and have been more of a success today. Because clearly what they did resulted in a polished product that did not appeal to many. They should have shifted their dev team to that feature set.

No, it's not done out of pure greed. It's a business. They exist to make money. I don't fault them for that.
They didn't make any more money releasing swtor when they did versus months from now. It's clearly not a move based upon greed. They would have had the same revenue either way.

At some point you have to make the call when to release. The feature set was there and there were no game breaking bugs. So they launched. I would have done the same.
I raced through vanilla WoW. One of the first to hit the cap. What did I do? I quit because I was bored. I haven't taken this approach to an MMO since then because I know it will inevitably turn out the same way. They release at with the bulk of the game ready for players to fully experience. Along the way they fix the bugs within that content while simultaneously working on end game content so it's ready when a good percentage of the populous has reached that point. The game is not even a full 30 days in since its official launch. Is it full of 50s yet? Hell no, just the opposite.

See, I have no problem with most of the content. The content isn't the issue. It's the features surrounding the content and the mechanic's of playing the game that are at issue. The animation lag on instant casts is a prime example.
After years of serious-business WoW I am in full-blown casual mode for TOR. Its a great game if you aren't in a rush. The leveling experience is actually solid, a real change for MMOs. Looks like I will be playing it pretty steadily until at least Diablo3.

Working on alt #1 after finishing my Agent: a marauder. Claudia Black's distinct voice + hiding all the light/dark side options, I'm basically playing grey side. Good stuff. Everyone acts surprised when I occasionally show mercy.

I like this idea. I will be doing the hide-side options and I agree on the casual portion. I'm doing some Hard Modes but not enough to be anywhere remotely serious.
The game is good. The game is also flawed in many ways... some big, some small. Thankfully it's a big enough game that you should be able to overlook some of the flaws (for the time being) and enjoy what is there. There is more than enough content to be at least reasonably content for a while longer.

If you raced to 50 on one character and are bored/frustrated by the current end-game... roll another character. The storyline of the class quests are the best parts of the game at this stage as far as I'm concerned. I'm not happy with quite a few aspects of the end-game, but I'm not going to let that ruin the game for me right now either.

With that said, if the same issues that bother me today are still unattended to another month or two from now, more venting would be justified.
Oh I am well aware you don't need a large base to be successful. And i'm sure rift is a success. But most people don't care for it. Perhaps it could have shipped with a few more non game breaking bugs but more features and "fun" and have been more of a success today. Because clearly what they did resulted in a polished product that did not appeal to many. And as a business i'm sure they'd like more money.

No, it's not done out of pure greed. It's a business. They exist to make money. I don't fault them for that.
They didn't make any more money releasing swtor when they did versus months from now. It's clearly not a move based upon greed. They would have had the same revenue either way.
At some point you have to make the call when to release. The feature set was there and there were no game breaking bugs. So they launched. I would have done the same.

Games like this are backed by investors, or the money is funelled into them by the developer itself if it's not a start up company. The big wigs need a ROI, they need to see their money MAKING money, and they have a timeline for that. Unfortunately these games usually take the longest to make, and end up releasing prematurely no matter what. In the case of indie developers, this has 100% of the time turned out catastrophic in the long run. With well established developers, and especially with a well known IP (Warcraft or Star Wars) I think you will see the game keep a player base solely off of the love of the series alone, giving you the time to generate revenue and continue pumping out more content which eventually leads to more and more players getting into the game. People don't start playing a game like Rift months down the road after launch when they have read the game basically flatlined after the first couple of months. BioWare has the money to keep pumping into this game having seen a big return for the intial launch efforts, and you can imagine they will create an additional fanbase by using media outlets and word of mouth from players by continuing to make the game better each patch.
I know Rift had a good launch technically. But I didn't like the game as much as I do Star Wars. There you go. No more comments about Rift in a STAR WARS THREAD. For me the slight bugs don't matter compared to everything else. Move on from your argument like everyone else has.

I didn't like the game either; that doesn't change the fact that it did have a great launch is a much better game to compare to.
I didn't like the game either; that doesn't change the fact that it did have a great launch is a much better game to compare to.

It had a good launch but you could tell after a couple of weeks that it was destined for failure. It had ZERO depth and they put WAY to much focus on "Rifts" -- hell, it's the TITLE of the game. Rifts ended up being completely secondary, and had very little impact on the game. Not only that, but after you played each type of Rift, it was the same thing over and over from then on out. It should have been called "Quest" (with a few random cool Rift scenarios) in the fine print.
It had a good launch but you could tell after a couple of weeks that it was destined for failure. It had ZERO depth and they put WAY to much focus on "Rifts" -- hell, it's the TITLE of the game. Rifts ended up being completely secondary, and had very little impact on the game. Not only that, but after you played each type of Rift, it was the same thing over and over from then on out. It should have been called "Quest" (with a few random cool Rift scenarios) in the fine print.

I could say the same about SWTOR? What does SWTOR offer that is substantial enough to hold attention for years to come? What, the different class quests? Please.

If anything, SWTOR is stuck between trying to be a single-player game and a virtual chat room with co-op mini games. It should have been called KOTOR 3, with chat box!
It seems like all the people saying they're bored and cancelling are already level 50, and have been for some time.

Just a thought: My SWTOR guild is made up of several friends from WoW. The ONLY 50s in our guild, even now, are those that spent 5+ hours a day 4+ nights per week raiding up through and including Cata, min/maxing, updating UI mods, etc. These are very much a minority of people. Appealing only to these people is in no way going to support the entire game.

As a former 30+ hour/week raider in vanilla WoW / TBC, I very much appreciate the approach Bioware has taken, spending the time/money up front to really knock it out of the park when it came to the leveling stories. The class quests, and variations between classes, are excellent. I've enjoyed the FP's I've done. I like the space combat as a way to kill 20-30 minutes before dinner. All these things make me more likely to keep my sub going, giving them more money they can turn around and spend on all types of content, endgame included.

I don't have time to raid/prep 30+ hours a week anymore, nor do I have a desire to. For the casual-type players that support a game like this, I don't think I could've asked for a better launch. And until the last beta weekend, I had no interest in playing, period. Now, I can hardly wait to get home at night and log on for a bit, even if only to send out companions on gathering missions...
I could say the same about SWTOR? What does SWTOR offer that is substantial enough to hold attention for years to come? What, the different class quests? Please.

If anything, SWTOR is stuck between trying to be a single-player game and a virtual chat room with co-op mini games. It should have been called KOTOR 3, with chat box!

Right now? It's got the fans of the SW universe. Just like WoW had the fanbase of the Warcraft series. What will it eventually have? The same as WoW, lots of raids, lots of Warzones, and lots of players.

Why can't you see this? Anyone who thinks this game is going to flop over and die is crazy. It's going to continue to grow. If you want to hop off the bandwagon that's fine, perhaps youll come back later and appreciate how the game has grown since launch.
If anything, SWTOR is stuck between trying to be a single-player game and a virtual chat room with co-op mini games. It should have been called KOTOR 3, with chat box!

For many people, that is exactly what they want. I, for one, really liked this aspect of it. I am lvl 50, but still social rank 1.
I think MMOs can bring out the worst in people. I quit WoW after a guild of real life friends broke up when one of the officers manipulated DKP, hijacked the guild bank, and blackmailed the GM in doing what he wanted or he'd leave with it. And we are not talking about kids, either. This was a 30 something married man.
And every time I've tried anything more organized, I am reminded of that. I had an idiot ragequit mid normal hammer station because I was healing but wasn't heal specced. We got a replacement and finished it without issue, but that's what you get. I enjoy casual grouping and casual PVP, so there is that part of the MMO feel that I like. So in that sense, what you dislike about swtor is precisely what I, and many others, enjoy.
Yeah, I figured. With the faction imbalance right now...Ilum will suck. But eh, I'll still give it a shot and attempt to kill some Imps. That's a challenge I really can't refuse. Even if it's just one or two kills. - Some comments from the Devs recognizing some issues.

Edit: Didn't realize the extent of the issue when I posted this. I'll see how my server fairs, but......this seems like a little more than a "slight" :p problem. Good thing is, we should hear hopefully of a solution within the few hours.
Last edited:
If anything, SWTOR is stuck between trying to be a single-player game and a virtual chat room with co-op mini games. It should have been called KOTOR 3, with chat box!

And you know this by getting a character up to level 10?

Those Bioware forums are just calling your name, aren't they?
The UI is their top priority. But for the most part it's fine. It could use some customization but it's coming. As is it's quite functional. Give me a couple more hot bars and the ability to move them and i'm set.

I don't expect the engine to run on old machines. That's unrealistic. That said it does run well on my imac which is pretty damn good.

They broke out the level 50 into it's own bracket so yes, I think PvP is a blast.

Like I said, no game breaking bugs here. I've been running every flashpoint with my guild without issue. We'll be raiding soon and see how things go then.

In fact just about every complaint people have had has been acknowledged by the developers. They are aware of what they need to work on. And that has me very optimistic. I find many MMO developers to be clueless as to what the main issues are so a very positive sign here.

Well BioWare's priority list certainly won't appease anyone. I certainly don't agree with all their decisions about what's most important. Personally I just want to be able to keep all the UI elements on the center screen and run with three monitors if I so choose. As of right now 3x1 Eyefinity / NV Surround is unusable because the UI elements on the sides end up too far out to be useful.

I've never played wow beyond the 10-day trial.

And I won't miss you; the hookers you delivered had dicks. Not cool, man.

It doesn't sound like you know it well enough to really compare it to SWTOR.

I can confirm this is the case. Your best bet is to simply turn bloom back on and disable AA. That's what I did. AA isn't worth the cost of the lighting blinking on and off everywhere, failing to render, lightsaber blades disappearing, visual effects not showing, lights not really being lit, holograms not appearing at all, etc. Face it, AA doesn't work with most AMD cards and SWTOR right now.

guys, my email can't keep up with all the posts. damn subscribing to threads.

I post too much in active threads to bother with subscribed thread activity E-Mails. Best bet is to track them in your control panel and see what's going on by logging in there.

I didn't like the game either; that doesn't change the fact that it did have a great launch is a much better game to compare to.

And how long did you play that game? How much SWTOR have you played? Doesn't sound like you've had enough time to get to know these games. It sounds like you troll forums and read everyone's complaints and make them your own.
First, you'll be disappointed unless they've fixed all the rampant operations bugs

Secondly, I never said they're not making changes and listening -- I'm saying they're doing it after they released when they could have done it in beta for a substantially better launch.
Yes, you did actually, sir. Want me to go grab a quote from the thread?

Ps antialiasing no workie with 7970, lots of random stuff in titles too.... Going back to my sli 570 and waiting for kepler. Single card and amd can't get it right still 4 gens later, haha.
Yes, you did actually, sir. Want me to go grab a quote from the thread?

Ps antialiasing no workie with 7970, lots of random stuff in titles too.... Going back to my sli 570 and waiting for kepler. Single card and amd can't get it right still 4 gens later, haha.

You can use a Radeon HD 7970 with this game. As I've said you have to avoid enabling / forcing AA in the CCC or via the .ini file for the game. Secondly, bloom must be enabled. You can enable V-Sync to avoid the flickering issue, or a reboot before playing the game, or after encountering the issue will resolve that problem. AA doesn't really work for NVIDIA either. I couldn't force it with the latest beta drivers on my GTX 580's.
Right now? It's got the fans of the SW universe. Just like WoW had the fanbase of the Warcraft series. What will it eventually have? The same as WoW, lots of raids, lots of Warzones, and lots of players.

Why can't you see this? Anyone who thinks this game is going to flop over and die is crazy. It's going to continue to grow. If you want to hop off the bandwagon that's fine, perhaps youll come back later and appreciate how the game has grown since launch.

Who said it was going to flop over and die? I think you just invalidated a lot of the "well you rushed to 50" arguments too; the game, ilke all other mmos, will center around end game play. Of, which, right now, is busted.

For many people, that is exactly what they want. I, for one, really liked this aspect of it. I am lvl 50, but still social rank 1.
I think MMOs can bring out the worst in people. I quit WoW after a guild of real life friends broke up when one of the officers manipulated DKP, hijacked the guild bank, and blackmailed the GM in doing what he wanted or he'd leave with it. And we are not talking about kids, either. This was a 30 something married man.
And every time I've tried anything more organized, I am reminded of that. I had an idiot ragequit mid normal hammer station because I was healing but wasn't heal specced. We got a replacement and finished it without issue, but that's what you get. I enjoy casual grouping and casual PVP, so there is that part of the MMO feel that I like. So in that sense, what you dislike about swtor is precisely what I, and many others, enjoy.

Just because you played a MASSIVE multiplayer game with a bunch of assholes doesn't mean the entire genre should be nuked into single player mode. I agree it's a nice change, but it's also not a full MMO.

Soooo....slight oversight. If you are Republic I would NOT go to Ilum, it's beyond awful. Expect rollbacks or at least an Ilum disable shortly.

I'm Imp and will not be participating in this, just thought I'd give a heads up.

Funny enough, this doesn't have any affect on me. I'm the only person in Ilum as we speak -- my server is far to dead for this to be an issue. Though I will admit it's pretty short sighted of Bioware, who has access to faction statistics, to release something like this. The thing that does impact me a bit is the requirements have now become impossibly high to complete without anyone else in the zone. I was pretty against being able to gain pvp rewards easily without pvp, so I can't sit there and say I'm pissed that progress has completely stopped.

If anything, they made a dead mildly useful zone completely useless to my server.

Yeah, I figured. With the faction imbalance right now...Ilum will suck. But eh, I'll still give it a shot and attempt to kill some Imps. That's a challenge I really can't refuse. Even if it's just one or two kills. - Some comments from the Devs recognizing some issues.

Edit: Didn't realize the extent of the issue when I posted this. I'll see how my server fairs, but......this seems like a little more than a "slight" :p problem. Good thing is, we should hear hopefully of a solution within the few hours.

It's kind of nice to see an issue hit the populated servers. I wish some of the exploits would roll around to them as well so they could quickly be fixed instead of completely and blatantly ignored.

I've heard Imps hitting rank 100 valor with in hours or less.

Don't expect a roll back -- They didn't roll back anything on my server after the dupe exploit.

And you know this by getting a character up to level 10?

Those Bioware forums are just calling your name, aren't they?

I cannot post the problems on the Bioware forums as they are removed as soon as they are made. Go ahead and google any of the exploits I outlined.. you'll see the swtor forum links that will take you to a deleted thread.

It doesn't sound like you know it well enough to really compare it to SWTOR.

And how long did you play that game? How much SWTOR have you played? Doesn't sound like you've had enough time to get to know these games. It sounds like you troll forums and read everyone's complaints and make them your own.

3 months on Rift and pretty much since release for SWTOR. I think the general consensus around here is that I "played too much", so I don't see where this argument is going.

Yes, you did actually, sir. Want me to go grab a quote from the thread?

Sure, please do. If it is the thing where I am saying they have blatantly ignored all the exploits going on, well then yes, that is true. I never said they're ignoring the player base at large. They're fixing what pisses off the largest amount of people first. I'm just making it very clear that there are still massive issues that will only really be seen on a low-population server, which they are largely ignoring in the hopes that the issues remains relatively unknown until they can stealth fix it.

Much like the dupe exploit. It existed since beta. People bug reported it and was ignored. It was in the game at release and people abused the shit out of it. Threads about it were instantly closed.

Finally when it started to hit the general population they stealth fixed it and never so much as mentioned it.
Khan...come on man....just stop...stop posting the same shit every reply...I understand if you are playing and find something new.

It is like you are just sitting here refreshing this reply for arguments sake...Like every 3 posts...1 of them is yours..(unless it is a long reply, since you take longer to type)... But you are just cluttering this thread.

You have a problem with PvP and the end-game and the non game breaking bugs that you think are game breaking? Guess what...that is a cool opinion...the first time I heard it...but every 3 is you saying the same thing.

Instead of writing a reply to this within 10 minutes and in a very mad troll like fashion...Sit there for a couple minutes and just think for a second..."Do I have to hit the reply button and say the same thing again"...?
so what's new in the patch? Good or bad?

So far so good. Honestly most of what they've changed hasn't effected me directly. I haven't gotten into PvP yet. Also, the AA isn't working for many AMD users through the game menu and forcing it through CCC still has the same problems it always has.