Official [H] Star Wars:The Old Republic Thread

I still can't get AA to work, but I played a bunch of warzones last night. I still cannot get beyond the fact that instant casts are really "instantly lets you channel an ability" casts. That is very, very frustrating and I consider it game breaking. How am I supposed to force push someone into the pit or fire in huttball when I have to watch it go through a two second ridiculous jumping animation first? All they have to do is run through me when they see the animation and they neutralized that.

The backblast for my scoundrel is similarly annoying. I have to get up close and behind to use it, but 99% of the time when it actually fires I am neither up close nor behind.
Huh? You never once thought that "hey, maybe camping spawn so that people can't even transport themselves out of here is not an intended feature?"

Also, no, the valor claims were not "vastly" exaggerated. With all the valor buffs you could get in Ilum, every single kill was giving me 200 valor. And I didn't even have to have the killing blow, just do any sort of damage. My server is low pop, but in the 15 minutes there were repubs around I made about 6000 valor.

They were vastly exaggerated.

When people on the forums are raging "my guildies went from valor 30-60 in an hour", that's total bullshit.

Even 24k an hour wouldn't get it done. The valor gains were great, they weren't as great as were stated.
Yeah, that ability delay is still a big thing for me as well. There were tons of threads on it a couple weeks ago but haven't heard it mentioned since.
They were vastly exaggerated.

When people on the forums are raging "my guildies went from valor 30-60 in an hour", that's total bullshit.

Even 24k an hour wouldn't get it done. The valor gains were great, they weren't as great as were stated.

My friend went from 25-30 in the 30 minutes he was there. While 25-30 is still low, it still would have taken hours, not just 30 minutes. Those gains are pretty fucked up, IMO. I just wonder about the people that were out there for hours.
What is all this about a missing cancellation button?

Could be isolated incidents....But you have to admit, the timing is fishy.

This actually happened to me too, I like the game but I want to wait before re-subbing and I did not have a cancel button anywhere I thought that was weird so I went to the official forums and it seems like lots of people have the same problem so someone there posted a link which we had to add /cancel at the end in order to get us to the right screen! Not even a customer rep could tell us, the only thing mentioned was to call in.
No, bans aren't necessary and the only people that could possibly be labeled as "poopsuckers" would be the devs that thought the whole Ilum thing was a good idea in the first place. It's not anyone's fault except there's that the zone turned into what it did. No one had fun last night, and everyone got valor whether you were getting spawn camped or not. Look at the videos of the Republic side and you'll see that they were getting objectives completed even as they were getting insta-gibbed at their spawn.

I joined an Imperial ops group and went to the republic base for a while to see what all the fuss was about. Believe me, the valor claims were VASTLY exaggerated. Sure you could make more than what you could just doing warzones, but after completing the daily you weren't getting bags or commendations either, just valor. You also couldn't actually DO anything because the game was running at 5 fps. I stuck around for a couple hours and was bored the whole time. Made a couple valor levels but I hardly think that's a bannable or "poopsucking" offense. :rolleyes:

Sounds like you abused it then. If you sat around and poopsocked the spawn for hours on end, again, extreme cases, then you deserve a ban.

No one went from 1 to 100 valor, but people did take in massive amounts (which it looks like they get to keep).

Again, they should be banned.

Honestly it sounds to me like you abused the system (and wont fully fess up to it) and now you're worried.
EA falls on broker concerns about 'Star Wars' ( EA ) by Dan Gallagher
SAN FRANCISCO (MarketWatch) -- Shares of Electronic Arts Inc. fell nearly 3% to $17.75 on Thursday morning after an analyst with Brean Murray Carret & Co. cut his price target on the stock to $22 from $28, citing concerns about the recently released online multi-player game "Star Wars: The Old Republic." In a note to clients, analyst Todd Mitchell wrote that "creeping concerns" about the performance of "Star Wars" -- which was released in late December -- is causing him to trim his earnings estimates for the 2013 fiscal year. "Specifically, initial sales appear to be below expectations, and casual observation of early play is causing us to rethink our churn assumptions," Mitchell wrote.

i wish i would of shorted this above 22..damn
This actually happened to me too, I like the game but I want to wait before re-subbing and I did not have a cancel button anywhere I thought that was weird so I went to the official forums and it seems like lots of people have the same problem so someone there posted a link which we had to add /cancel at the end in order to get us to the right screen! Not even a customer rep could tell us, the only thing mentioned was to call in.

And it happened the exact same way in another EA MMO.

"This isn't the link you were looking for." *waves hand*
I finished the trooper story line last night. Pretty cool stuff. I was expecting to get some dark points for what I had to do, but I didn't, so my trooper remains "pure" with 6900 light and 0 dark.
I finished the trooper story line last night. Pretty cool stuff. I was expecting to get some dark points for what I had to do, but I didn't, so my trooper remains "pure" with 6900 light and 0 dark.

I should be hitting Dark V tonight. 200 away... (9800/10000 lvl 47 sith jugg)
They were vastly exaggerated.

When people on the forums are raging "my guildies went from valor 30-60 in an hour", that's total bullshit.

Even 24k an hour wouldn't get it done. The valor gains were great, they weren't as great as were stated.

Well, 30 to 60 may be an exaggeration, but people were not exaggerating when they said massive gains could be had. Especially if you camped the spawn location. You get 5 or 6 repubs trapped in there, and you are talking about 1k valor every time they respawn.

Which brings me back to the original point. Being able to camp spawn and not let people even get out is obviously not an intended feature, which clearly makes it an exploit.
I finished the trooper story line last night. Pretty cool stuff. I was expecting to get some dark points for what I had to do, but I didn't, so my trooper remains "pure" with 6900 light and 0 dark.

I just reached level 48 last night. In the beginning I wasn't sure what Iw as going to do and chose a few light side options trying to gain affection with Vette. I ended up with about 550 light side points. I just reached 10,000 dark side points (Dark V) last night just after reaching level 48. Additionally I found that you can only have 10,000 alignment points period. Once you've reached 10,000, your choices from that point on can make either light side or dark side points vanish thus allowing for alignment shifts. As of last night I have zero lightside points and 10,000 dark side. :)
I'm actually liking the Warzone level segrigation. Playing with level 50's, it seems more people understand their class a lot better, and understand the damn tactics better as well. Had 4 games of huttball and Alderaan warzones, and won them all.

The only downside is the longer wait between warzones. Seems like I normally spent less than a minute waiting in the queue before, and now it's around 5 minutes.
I'm actually liking the Warzone level segrigation. Playing with level 50's, it seems more people understand their class a lot better, and understand the damn tactics better as well. Had 4 games of huttball and Alderaan warzones, and won them all.

The only downside is the longer wait between warzones. Seems like I normally spent less than a minute waiting in the queue before, and now it's around 5 minutes.

It'll only get better though. I'm ok with that. Eventually it'll be the only tier that gets played.
I just reached level 48 last night. In the beginning I wasn't sure what Iw as going to do and chose a few light side options trying to gain affection with Vette. I ended up with about 550 light side points. I just reached 10,000 dark side points (Dark V) last night just after reaching level 48. Additionally I found that you can only have 10,000 alignment points period. Once you've reached 10,000, your choices from that point on can make either light side or dark side points vanish thus allowing for alignment shifts. As of last night I have zero lightside points and 10,000 dark side. :)

Nice. My Marauder is level 43, and has somewhere around 8300 dark points. There are a lot more opportunities for light/dark shifting in the force classes than in the non-force classes.
Nice. My Marauder is level 43, and has somewhere around 8300 dark points. There are a lot more opportunities for light/dark shifting in the force classes than in the non-force classes.

Well shifting alignment is more of a concern with the force users as it restricts what gear they can and can not use.
Well shifting alignment is more of a concern with the force users as it restricts what gear they can and can not use.

No doubt. I wasn't really all that concerned with the Trooper being light or dark rather than with making him something of a paragon of the republic. I always chose what I felt was the right thing for a soldier to be doing, and it happened that it was always the light side choice.
No doubt. I wasn't really all that concerned with the Trooper being light or dark rather than with making him something of a paragon of the republic. I always chose what I felt was the right thing for a soldier to be doing, and it happened that it was always the light side choice.

I'm the same with my smuggler. Whatever seems like the right / best option is what I generally do.
Same with my Imperial Agent. Whatever is good for the Empire. I'm right now 6k Light/3,5k Dark.

Too bad there is no neutral gear so far... would love to stay that way and still be able to use relics.

BTW: Bioware, closing servers till 8.30 P.M is just wrong :p
I'm actually liking the Warzone level segrigation. Playing with level 50's, it seems more people understand their class a lot better, and understand the damn tactics better as well. Had 4 games of huttball and Alderaan warzones, and won them all.

Totally agree.

Besides the Ilum junk, this patch was great. Played a match in the 10-49 zone on an alt, and was #1 damage as a level 11 Bounty Hunter, with no advanced class, heh. Level 50 PVP is a lot more intense now, since mostly everyone knows what they're doing. It seems all the people who are bitching about the new patch are just speaking of Ilum. Few graphical glitches here and there are normal to massive MMOs (like the random loading screen in the Fleet, which I haven't encountered). If you hadn't noticed, they're also doing an emergency maintenance, which I'm assuming has to do with Ilum, which in a 24hr turn around time, seems pretty fucking quick. I am hoping they do a Valor rollback though as it's a little unfair to people who gained their Valor legitimately.

There are also some undocumented changes you can read about here.

Kudos, Bioware. :)


I'm not sure if this was posted here already, and it is at least 15 hours old.
Hello everyone; I wanted to update you on the issues we’ve been seeing today on the live servers, specifically within the Open World PvP area on Ilum. We’re aware that on some servers, either Republic or Empire groups have been capturing the Ilum control points, entering the enemy’s base and ‘camping’ the medcenters, preventing the opposite faction from leaving their base to recapture control points. This is not a fair or balanced gameplay experience and can also severely affect client performance, so we’re taking steps to address this.

Our intended design for Ilum Open World PvP is that players are instantly killed when entering the enemy’s base safe area, just like in Warzones, and that the defending faction can take taxis to other points within the zone. As of Game Update 1.1, this is not working as intended. We have found the issue preventing this from happening under server load and will be publishing an Emergency Patch to address the issue. We’re aiming to have this patch published early tomorrow morning (January 19th, 5 AM US CST).

In addition to these changes, we’ll be reducing the population cap on Ilum. This should help increase performance by requiring your client to render fewer characters on-screen at once.
Regarding Valor gains, with the 1.1 update, players now receive a base reward of 20 Valor per unique enemy player defeated in a short time, and this base reward is modified by the number of objectives that the player’s faction owns. The gains are rate limited per player killed, encouraging players to attack unique players, not to pursue vendettas. The Valor gains players can see over time will vary greatly depending on the activity level in the zone. This is expected.

To dispel a couple of rumors that have been seen today – there is no Valor gain from destroying turrets within enemy bases, and none from killing NPCs.

We encourage players to avoid Ilum until our patch is deployed. As a temporary measure we will be disabling taxi services which would normally take players into the Open World PvP area. However, players will still be able to taxi out of the area.

We will continue to monitor Ilum across all servers and will make further changes to gameplay if required. We welcome your feedback here on the Forums, but please ensure your feedback is constructive and specific. Feedback based on rumor does not help us isolate potential issues.
Gabe Amatangelo Principal Lead PvP, Flashpoints and Operations Designer
Again, to recognize the problem exists and find a possible solution, as well as add in a population limit to solve one-sidedness, is awesome.
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I'm the same with my smuggler. Whatever seems like the right / best option is what I generally do.


And here he is after his victory on Corellia:


I chose stan because I wanted a mundane name for the guy and Stan seemed to fit the bill. Then I chose Marsh, because...well...South Park. I'm going to try to find blue leggings, a brown chest piece, and a blue helmet for him eventually.
Same with my Imperial Agent. Whatever is good for the Empire. I'm right now 6k Light/3,5k Dark.

Too bad there is no neutral gear so far... would love to stay that way and still be able to use relics.

BTW: Bioware, closing servers till 8.30 P.M is just wrong :p

With force users there are. Lightsaber crystals in certain color ranges such as yellow and orange are neutral. Red is restricted to dark I and higher. Blue and green are restricted to light I and higher.
Man, EA/Bioware/SW:TOR is having a no good, very bad, terrible day. In the past 24 hours:

--EA's stock price is getting hammered (down over 3.50% right now) because an analyst says SW:TOR sucks.
--Patch 1.1 is a huge clusterfuck.
--They disable the cancel subscription online form, and close threads about it.
--You get "founder's status" not by buying and playing the game within the first 30 days, but by resubbing after the first 30 days.
--They plan down time for prime time in some locations.

It's as if millions of stock portfolios suddenly cried out in terror...
--Patch 1.1 is a huge clusterfuck.
Besides Ilum, what was a huge clusterfuck?

--They plan down time for prime time in some locations.
Really? No matter what time they choose, it's going to be prime time somewhere. Today's emergency patch to fix Ilum is an exception, as downtimes never go as late as this one.
Man, EA/Bioware/SW:TOR is having a no good, very bad, terrible day. In the past 24 hours:

--EA's stock price is getting hammered (down over 3.50% right now) because an analyst says SW:TOR sucks.
--Patch 1.1 is a huge clusterfuck.
--They disable the cancel subscription online form, and close threads about it.
--You get "founder's status" not by buying and playing the game within the first 30 days, but by resubbing after the first 30 days.
--They plan down time for prime time in some locations.

It's as if millions of stock portfolios suddenly cried out in terror...

It's funny because another MMO did the same thing with the cancel sub button missing(Warhammer Online) -- Didn't BW/EA hire some of these goons on their development team? Must have been the same tards as before.
Besides Ilum, what was a huge clusterfuck?

Illum is huge, obviously, but the cool down UI change is also ridiculous, breaking everything trying to fix one thing.

Really? No matter what time they choose, it's going to be prime time somewhere. Today's emergency patch to fix Ilum is an exception, as downtimes never go as late as this one.

Why have separate Euro servers and then do the patch the same time as the US servers? That makes no sense. They could have done something as a hotfix, or just let it slide a couple hours.

It's funny because another MMO did the same thing with the cancel sub button missing(Warhammer Online) -- Didn't BW/EA hire some of these goons on their development team? Must have been the same tards as before.

Not sure about who they hired, but Warhammer was an EA game.
Are people having problems with their cooldown skills in their toolbar like me?

I'll cast something, and the cooldown will appear with that translucant bar slowly going down over the button, but the button itself is still lit, like I can cast it again. it's extremely annoying because it looks like I can cast it, but it's still on cooldown with the disapating cast over it.
Are people having problems with their cooldown skills in their toolbar like me?

I'll cast something, and the cooldown will appear with that translucant bar slowly going down over the button, but the button itself is still lit, like I can cast it again. it's extremely annoying because it looks like I can cast it, but it's still on cooldown with the disapating cast over it.

This is a STUPID fucking change they made in the latest patch. I hate this crap as well. The cool down animation is the same, but they no longer gray out buttons for things still in cool down. This is retarded in my opinion. I find myself clicking on things as the cool down animation nears the very bottom of the icon and of course these abilities don't cast again.

Sucks ass.
Cancelled yesterday, the game just is kinda blah, the levels fly by and sure its a great story but something about the game is just meh, and i cant put my finger on it. I will not bash the game since i did have fun to an extent while playing but i think im over the whole MMO thing, its been a fun run but MMOs aren't like they use to be which is sad but atleast there are some decent single player RPGs like Skyrim which im having a blast with and a few others either out or on the way.
Cancelled yesterday, the game just is kinda blah, the levels fly by and sure its a great story but something about the game is just meh, and i cant put my finger on it. I will not bash the game since i did have fun to an extent while playing but i think im over the whole MMO thing, its been a fun run but MMOs aren't like they use to be which is sad but atleast there are some decent single player RPGs like Skyrim which im having a blast with and a few others either out or on the way.

Actually I think the largest problem with MMO's is that they aren't evolving fast enough. They are all pretty much meh. I like this one because of the story lines for each of the classes. I do enjoy the general game mechanics and it will take me awhile to explore all the classes that interest me and complete their storylines, but after that only regular content updates could possibly hold my interest I think. I can see myself playing this game for several months at least, but they'll have to keep giving me reasons to come back down the line.

That's the real trick anyway. We'll find out if BioWare is up to the task.
Huh? You never once thought that "hey, maybe camping spawn so that people can't even transport themselves out of here is not an intended feature?"

Also, no, the valor claims were not "vastly" exaggerated. With all the valor buffs you could get in Ilum, every single kill was giving me 200 valor. And I didn't even have to have the killing blow, just do any sort of damage. My server is low pop, but in the 15 minutes there were repubs around I made about 6000 valor.

To be honest, there are more than a few unintended "features" in this game currently that are frustrating and provide no benefit to anyone. At least in this case both sides were able to get a little extra valor while standing around doing nothing at 5 fps anyway.

No, they really were exaggerated. People were claiming they went valor 1 - 60 in a matter of hours. That is quite simply impossible. So we all got 200 valor for the first kill on someone... big whoop. They already had a hidden timer on players so you couldn't get valor credit on the same guy over and over again within a certain timeframe anyway. I sat around for a couple hours and got a couple valor levels on my high pop server.

Unintended? Sure. Game breaking? No. Even if they roll back valor to before the patch I couldn't care less. It's going to take me forever to get to rank 60 valor anyway. A couple levels plus or minus isn't going to kill anyone.
Sounds like you abused it then. If you sat around and poopsocked the spawn for hours on end, again, extreme cases, then you deserve a ban.

No one went from 1 to 100 valor, but people did take in massive amounts (which it looks like they get to keep).

Again, they should be banned.

Honestly it sounds to me like you abused the system (and wont fully fess up to it) and now you're worried.

Oh yeah, I'm just shaking in my boots... oh please oh please Bioware, don't ban me for standing around for a couple hours, bored out of my fucking mind with a bunch of other nitwits just to see what your broken Illum PvP zone is all about! They'd have to ban every 50 on my server if they really wanted to do that.

Sound like you're just jealous you weren't there. :rolleyes:
I don't know what to think at this point.

I get the feeling at some points that EA just threw their money at the problem to "git er done" without any real thought behind it. Like, "Oh we need an AH, here's a pile o money, whip one up quick". So yes we have the GTN, and boy does the interface suck ass compared to any other MMO AH I've used. Dealing with the UI is a battle unto itself. How a completely non-tweakable UI could have been thought to be the way to go on a PC title is beyond me. This isn't a console game (yet) but it sure feels like it whenever I'm forced to deal with the UI to do something like compare all my mods on 6 pieces of gear.

Open communication to the community also seems lacking as to WTF is going on with exploits/problems that have been around since beta and still aren't fixed.

Statements like, "This indicates that a small number of competitive players have been denying access to high end content based on whether a player has the BioChem Crew Skill.". This makes me wonder just who they are listening to if a "small number of competitive players" are the ones determining the changes that are coming in the future. Does that mean it's only the hard core end game raider types? I'm not saying whether Biochem did or did not need to be tweaked, I'm more interested in their explanation of how they came to the decision.

I guess it's all moot anyway. As long as enough people keep shelling out the money every month to play, EA will be happy and so will their stockholders. I haven't looked at my account page lately but if they did indeed remove the option to "unsub", they are asking for an assload of problems both financially and in the PR department. Granted a quick call to your CC company can usually easily put a stop to charges like that, but it shouldn't be necessary.

It's all kind of sad because the storylines for each class are (for the most part) really well done and have been very interesting for the 4 characters I'm slowly levelling. The game still feels like a typical Bioware single player game though for the most part and not some epic MMO.

Just my opinion, and I'm hoping EA/BW proves me wrong within another month or two, because that's about all the time (and what little money I have) they're likely gonna get without some major changes.
I unsubscribed as well. My last day is on the 4th of Feb.

The game itself shows promise, but it just feels like it could be so much better. I bought the game after talking with a good friend, and I thought I'd be blown away, much like I was when I started playing WoW, but the game just feels buggy and there are a lot of small issues that need to be worked out.

I may re-up sooner than later, depending on my school/work schedule, but I don't expect any big changes to be made until BioWare wakes up and starts listening to the community, and fixes the issues we all know are there.