Official [H] Star Wars:The Old Republic Thread

I think the best solution would be to alter how medals are earned in the first place. Something more level across the board for all classes and players. And damn it, objectives and goals should count. Why the hell that wasn't in there from day one is totally beyond my understanding. I do still believe that valor progression is way too slow. It seems that many aspects of the game's design is to keep people playing as long as possible after level 50. Probably to keep subscriptions high. But rather than provide more content and more stuff to do, they milk what they have by making progression through the content they have as slow as possible.

Well of course that's their goal... that's what an MMO (especially one with this sort of business model) is supposed to do... keep you playing (and more importantly paying)for months, if not years on end. The only teeny, tiny, itsy, bitsy, little thing they forgot to do is actually create a game that makes people want to do that... or at least find it tolerable if they are just sticking around to play with friends. Their chosen form of grindfest is just too blatant, broken, and boring for all but the most oblivious to see right through and tire of it before their subscription is up for renewal.
Well the one thing that has plagues me for the last few weeks in warzones, (I only do the daily 3 wins X 3 days for the weekly), is that lately I will get into like hutt ball, and one team will dominate, while three to four people on the losing team just go afk, and that winning team won't even score, they hold the ball off in a corner, and then just farm kills until the timer runs out. Its frustrating being on the losing side of that...
Well the one thing that has plagues me for the last few weeks in warzones, (I only do the daily 3 wins X 3 days for the weekly), is that lately I will get into like hutt ball, and one team will dominate, while three to four people on the losing team just go afk, and that winning team won't even score, they hold the ball off in a corner, and then just farm kills until the timer runs out. Its frustrating being on the losing side of that...

The patch will change that for the better, but not completely. Now you'll just get farmed until everyone has 4 medals, then they'll cap 6 times in a row and you can do it all over again.
Unfortunately BioWare can only do so much to reduce douchebaggery.

It's really not that hard of a problem to solve though. Steal the AFK removal feature from WoW and there ya go. To make a better solution on top of that, just start rewarding players that actually complete objectives. Then you'll not only have a penalty for not going AFK, but you'll have a reward for people that play the warzone as intended.
I think they also need to add in a cooldown for leaving warzones before they are finished. I have joined too many where the match is more than half over and I make the 4th player of 4 on the team.
I think they also need to add in a cooldown for leaving warzones before they are finished. I have joined too many where the match is more than half over and I make the 4th player of 4 on the team.

That's what I'd have tied in with the AFK removal feature... if you leave/get booted from the warzone for any reason, you go on a timer. I wouldn't have it be exactly like WoW's though, like where you immediately had to wait 15 or 30 minutes or whatever it was. I'd have it gradually ramp up so that if you got disconnected for some reason, you wouldn't be stuck waiting around with nothing to do while your friends kept queueing without you.
I think the best solution would be to alter how medals are earned in the first place. Something more level across the board for all classes and players. And damn it, objectives and goals should count. Why the hell that wasn't in there from day one is totally beyond my understanding. I do still believe that valor progression is way too slow. It seems that many aspects of the game's design is to keep people playing as long as possible after level 50. Probably to keep subscriptions high. But rather than provide more content and more stuff to do, they milk what they have by making progression through the content they have as slow as possible.

The weird thing is that while progression is artificially delayed in pvp, in pve they put none of the traditional obstacles to progression. Raiding three weeks and my guild cleared both ops in hardmode.
Some classes have an inherent ability to get more medals during warzones. Until that is balanced it needs to be an across the board limit, and I think 4 is fair.

Full disclosure, I can usually hit 7-9 per match, but seeing my friends hitting 4 or 5 because they are straight DPS makes it unfair. Classes need some serious balance/rework.

Doing pure dps I can get 6 medals on most maps without an issue.

Killing Blow
10 kills
25 kills
75k dmg
1k defender
Solo kill

Then tack on the extra medals from me actually working hard and snagging the expertise buffs

2.5k in one shot
300k dmg
3k defender.

Some classes can't do all that until they get to 30+ but its not hard to get medals as DPS.

They need to put more medals in for objectives and remove some of the other medals... I even think 300k dmg and healing should go so people don't sit and try to do only dmg and farm players
Doing pure dps I can get 6 medals on most maps without an issue.

Killing Blow
10 kills
25 kills
75k dmg
1k defender
Solo kill

Then tack on the extra medals from me actually working hard and snagging the expertise buffs

2.5k in one shot
300k dmg
3k defender.

Some classes can't do all that until they get to 30+ but its not hard to get medals as DPS.

They need to put more medals in for objectives and remove some of the other medals... I even think 300k dmg and healing should go so people don't sit and try to do only dmg and farm players

2.5k in one attack is easily attained for me. 300k damage is not. I concentrate on the objectives far too much to hit that one. I think I've done it or came really close once, but normally I don't pass 250,000 damage at the most. 3k defender happens mostly on Alderaan for me. Not so much in Huttball or even Voidstar. Solo kill is an easy one for me, but rarely do I ever find myself alone enough to do it.
2.5k in one attack is easily attained for me. 300k damage is not. I concentrate on the objectives far too much to hit that one. I think I've done it or came really close once, but normally I don't pass 250,000 damage at the most. 3k defender happens mostly on Alderaan for me. Not so much in Huttball or even Voidstar. Solo kill is an easy one for me, but rarely do I ever find myself alone enough to do it.

Yeahhh 2.5k is easy, I find solo kill to be pretty tricky, But I'm usually playing in premads (Not BM premades, just 4 people rolling and fucking shit up :D)

Since the surge nerf and specing in to power crit surge instead of just crit surge, I find I'm doing wayyyyy more consistent damage, and my crits are just as epic.

Rakata main hand probably helps. (Sentinel. :D )
Yeahhh 2.5k is easy, I find solo kill to be pretty tricky, But I'm usually playing in premads (Not BM premades, just 4 people rolling and fucking shit up :D)

Since the surge nerf and specing in to power crit surge instead of just crit surge, I find I'm doing wayyyyy more consistent damage, and my crits are just as epic.

Rakata main hand probably helps. (Sentinel. :D )

I'm still rocking Champion lightsabers. In fact I'm using Champion everything in PvP and full Columni (minus the weapons) in Flashpoints and Operations. But a couple stacks of deadly saber and anhiliate gets me 2.5k damage medal everytime.
my operative at lvl 38 is usually around 250-260k damage per match still havnt managed to break 300k with her tho but ive been upto 299,500 damage twice... lol. 98% of the time im the top damage dealer and have been since level 20 or so.

my lvl 50 marauder on the other hand when i played rage spec could easily get 400-500k damage.

but i play annihilation spec and if im going for kills 300k is very very common. if im playing huttball i just build fury and ive scored 6-0 before in one game with under 10k damage dealt.
I'm still rocking Champion lightsabers. In fact I'm using Champion everything in PvP and full Columni (minus the weapons) in Flashpoints and Operations. But a couple stacks of deadly saber and anhiliate gets me 2.5k damage medal everytime.

I just roll most of my PVE gear in PVP and just use about 4.5% worth of expertise from implants, earpiece, and the few champion pieces i've managed to get on the quest to BM Status seeing as the bonus from those is WAY better than the stat loss from champion. (Valor 40 currently, wayyyyyyyyy far away. )

with the new patch, I'm going to snag a few expertise crystals and use my old Columi sabers for PVP :D
The weird thing is that while progression is artificially delayed in pvp, in pve they put none of the traditional obstacles to progression. Raiding three weeks and my guild cleared both ops in hardmode.

Can you explain a bit more about this when you say there's no traditional obstacles to progression? The only traditional obstacle I can think of is ... either raid-time lockouts or gear-checks/dps checks.
Does anyone just play PVP, Flash Points, and their class quest and skip all of the other quests on the planets? All I did with my Sith Warrior was do quests and hardly did any PVP. My bounty hunter I'm already level 17 valor @ level 20. I think I might just skip all of the quests and stick to PVP, flash points and my class quests on this char. The bad thing is, I can only play 3-4 matches of PVP then get tired of it and have to log off for a few hours.
Does anyone just play PVP, Flash Points, and their class quest and skip all of the other quests on the planets? All I did with my Sith Warrior was do quests and hardly did any PVP. My bounty hunter I'm already level 17 valor @ level 20. I think I might just skip all of the quests and stick to PVP, flash points and my class quests on this char. The bad thing is, I can only play 3-4 matches of PVP then get tired of it and have to log off for a few hours.

That's pretty much exactly how I've been playing for a while now. My priority goes like this:

1) Space mission daily/s, but only if they're recently unlocked and give the most XP for the given level... otherwise, hell no.
2) PvP Daily
3) Flashpoint if I have a friend to help out
4) Class quest if no one else is around

Usually I'm only able to get through 1 & 2 before I need to move on to something else.
Can you explain a bit more about this when you say there's no traditional obstacles to progression? The only traditional obstacle I can think of is ... either raid-time lockouts or gear-checks/dps checks.

A lot of WoW content required some form of attunement before you could even zone into certain dungeons/raids. When the game was young, some of those attunements were extremely involved and every single person in the raid needed to complete it for themselves or they couldn't go. Over time they dumbed them down a lot, or made it so that only one person in a group needed to have the key or whatever it was. Eventually they ended up phasing out attunements almost entirely and most content just had your standard gear check as the primary obstacle.
That's pretty much exactly how I've been playing for a while now. My priority goes like this:

1) Space mission daily/s, but only if they're recently unlocked and give the most XP for the given level... otherwise, hell no.
2) PvP Daily
3) Flashpoint if I have a friend to help out
4) Class quest if no one else is around

Usually I'm only able to get through 1 & 2 before I need to move on to something else.

ok, sweet
And my team hardly ever wins hut ball but every time wins the canon warzone. wtf

9 times out of 10, Alderaan is a loser for me. The other day one team member went to take the east point, which should pretty much be a given. One escort in case the other team decided to throw someone that way is usually enough. Instead all but TWO (I was one of the two who didn't go over there) ran to the east to capture it leaving central and the west point to be taken by the other team almost uncontested. Normally I'm not one to complain too much aloud but I had to say something in that case. It was the most retarded thing I think I've seen in PvP to date. Voidstar is usually a win for me and Huttball is hit or miss. Sometimes I'll get on a win streak and other times it practically takes me all day to get my daily warzone quest done.
9 times out of 10, Alderaan is a loser for me. The other day one team member went to take the east point, which should pretty much be a given. One escort in case the other team decided to throw someone that way is usually enough. Instead all but TWO (I was one of the two who didn't go over there) ran to the east to capture it leaving central and the west point to be taken by the other team almost uncontested. Normally I'm not one to complain too much aloud but I had to say something in that case. It was the most retarded thing I think I've seen in PvP to date. Voidstar is usually a win for me and Huttball is hit or miss. Sometimes I'll get on a win streak and other times it practically takes me all day to get my daily warzone quest done.

That shit would piss me off! Always 2 MAYBE 3 snow and rest mid. I used to think 2-3 snow and rest grass.... but that only worked twice. The other times we got spanked and just took mid.

Voidstar (bombs on doors? lol)... I usually lose as well. Canon PVP is the only pvp I win, haha.
That shit would piss me off! Always 2 MAYBE 3 snow and rest mid. I used to think 2-3 snow and rest grass.... but that only worked twice. The other times we got spanked and just took mid.

Voidstar (bombs on doors? lol)... I usually lose as well. Canon PVP is the only pvp I win, haha.

For the most part, I think two east and the rest in central works the best. Central and east are the easiest to reinforce. Getting people to the west side from anywhere but the ship just takes too long. For the Republic, the west side and central are really what they want most of the time because that's the easiest points to reinforce. Going east is just again to hard to reinforce. I've seen taking east and west while giving up the middle work once or twice, but for it to work certain things have to happen. You have to outgear your opposing team and you have to have the right classes / people allocated to each location. So rolling with a carefully thought out premade group is one way to do it.

I never win Alderaan. I almost always win Voidstar. It's extremely easy to defend the doors. As an attacker, all it takes is for your team to zerg one side and wipe them quickly enough to give you the tiny window needed to plant the bomb. Defending the bomb is then easy. Once it goes off, I can hit frenzy and then predation, plus use my stealth (even though it only lasts 4 seconds) to speed to the next objective before the enemy can really react. From that point I can practically walk my ass all the way through to the end with almost zero opposition. That first door is hard to defend and breach, but once you do it's all cake after that.

As long as you keep telling your team over and over again that they need to fight close to the doors, (assuming they do it half-assed at least) you shouldn't lose Voidstar.
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For the most part, I think two east and the rest in central works the best. Central and east are the easiest to reinforce. Getting people to the west side from anywhere but the ship just takes too long. For the Republic, the west side and central are really what they want most of the time because that's the easiest points to reinforce. Going east is just again to hard to reinforce. I've seen taking east and west while giving up the middle work once or twice, but for it to work certain things have to happen. You have to outgear your opposing team and you have to have the right classes / people allocated to each location. So rolling with a carefully thought out premade group is one way to do it.

I never win Alderaan. I almost always win Voidstar. It's extremely easy to defend the doors. As an attacker, all it takes is for your team to zerg one side and wipe them quickly enough to give you the tiny window needed to plant the bomb. Defending the bomb is then easy. Once it goes off, I can hit frenzy and then predation, plus use my stealth (even though it only lasts 4 seconds) to speed to the next objective before the enemy can really react. From that point I can practically walk my ass all the way through to the end with almost zero opposition. That first door is hard to defend and breach, but once you do it's all cake after that.

As long as you keep telling your team over and over again that they need to fight close to the doors, (assuming they do it half-assed at least) you shouldn't lose Voidstar.

I do not understand how everyone listens to me when I say "2 SNOW REST MID" but when I say "LEFT" or "RIGHT" no one listens and it's always half and half.... WTF. Hutball I don't say a thing cause I suck at it.
I do not understand how everyone listens to me when I say "2 SNOW REST MID" but when I say "LEFT" or "RIGHT" no one listens and it's always half and half.... WTF. Hutball I don't say a thing cause I suck at it.

I've never actually heard the side points referred to as snow or grass. So that's new to me. On my server it's always left or right, east or west.
I've never actually heard the side points referred to as snow or grass. So that's new to me. On my server it's always left or right, east or west.

Maybe I made it up? lol. People seem to get it though when I say Snow and mid. I use left and right for the bomb/door warzone.
I use East/West for the voidstar doors, and Snow/Mid/Grass for the Civil War. Huttball it's just "pass the damn ball!" or "attack the ball!"
2.5k in one attack is easily attained for me. 300k damage is not. I concentrate on the objectives far too much to hit that one. I think I've done it or came really close once, but normally I don't pass 250,000 damage at the most. 3k defender happens mostly on Alderaan for me. Not so much in Huttball or even Voidstar. Solo kill is an easy one for me, but rarely do I ever find myself alone enough to do it.

2.5k can be hard depending on your gear in lowbie pvp (Im staying out of 50 as long as possible). I've been getting past 300k dmg since lvl 30 on my scounderal but it depends on how long the match goes. I can get 1k defender on all of the modes but 3k is hard on anything except alderaan.

I think our favorite thing is to camp out in huttball after capping 3-5 times and we throw the ball at the enemy team. So if they keep it long enough the player dies. Its pretty funny
2.5k can be hard depending on your gear in lowbie pvp (Im staying out of 50 as long as possible). I've been getting past 300k dmg since lvl 30 on my scounderal but it depends on how long the match goes. I can get 1k defender on all of the modes but 3k is hard on anything except alderaan.

I think our favorite thing is to camp out in huttball after capping 3-5 times and we throw the ball at the enemy team. So if they keep it long enough the player dies. Its pretty funny

I didn't start PvP until level 50 so I don't know about any of that. 2.5k is pretty easy in full champion gear.
I didn't start PvP until level 50 so I don't know about any of that. 2.5k is pretty easy in full champion gear.

I just did full lvl 49 purple everything and I went from 2.3 with lucky 2.6k hits to 3.2k plus depending on their gear. I'm gonna stay 49 as long as possible to get more valor lvls
I just did full lvl 49 purple everything and I went from 2.3 with lucky 2.6k hits to 3.2k plus depending on their gear. I'm gonna stay 49 as long as possible to get more valor lvls

Yeah 2.5k is again not hard. I've got some attacks that do nearly 4k damage. Though two I've got that do that much don't really come up in PvP.
my guild is tank and healer heavy we are actually short on dps

my guild is K o S on the Saber of Exar Kun PVP east coast server. Knights of Scylla is the guild name but most people think it means Kill on Sight which was what we were going for when people see it ingame. the guild was formerly known as KOTOR on the Scylla server of SWG but we changed the name for swtor because we felt the guild name was too close to the name of the game. is my guilds forum if any one is on that server and needs a guild just fill out an app so we can get to know you a little better.

we also have a republic alt guild on the server called "Feel the K" for people that like to play both sides.

my ingame character names are

Rinzler - Sith Marauder (Annihilation) lvl 50 Valor lvl 66
Quorra - Operative (Lethality) lvl 40 Valor 31
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Just starting to learn watchman on my Sentinel for HM and NM ops runs. Could use the extra single target DPS more than my ability to DRAW ALLLLL OF THE AGGRO.

Seriously though, my teams 2nd healer basically just focuses on keeping me alive when I pull aggro from the tanks when i'm in focus spec -_-

Watchman should be fun end game. It's definitely more durable. Helps I have dual Rakata weapons :)