Official Moola Invites Thread

i used

Invitation code 12-3172197058915004300

i also have 3 invites now, pm me :)
Wow. I accuattly got a cashout point. Now i really am curious to see if a check comes in the mail, it said 2-3 weeks for it to arrive if anyone has received one before let me kno im curious as to how real this is.! btw i have some invites to just pm me with your email**
I have 3 invites as well. First three pm's get them. It would be cool if you want to trade invites but not required.
I've still got 3 if anyone wants them

BTW - I just cashed out $60, let's see how long the check takes to get here.
BTW - I just cashed out $60, let's see how long the check takes to get here.

How'd you get that much? Mostly through winning @ the lower levels or did you get a nice booster?

I also have 1 invite me your email...

/edit I'm all out of invites right now...They'll probably give me 3 more in a couple of days though...
PM me your email address for an invite. I'm really trying to get rid of these things, but moola keeps on giving me more!
useless to edit my last post so I'll just put it here:

I have 3 left me your email addy...
Here are some invites i have. First come first serve. Just go to and use them. They are going fast. And remember to change the email address in your profile after you register.

*updated May 2 9:30am MST*

invite code - 13-3778850902745765833 <--- not yet used
invite code - 13-8971020430987031546 <--- not yet used
invite code - 13-8414850998678104249 <--- not yet used
invite code - 13-8179826251344078898 <--- not yet used
invite code - 13-2977870972129045222 <--- not yet used
invite code - 13-3550712072147979918 <--- not yet used
invite code - 13-3367559264437489847 <--- not yet used
invite code - 13-7661394586611782556 <--- not yet used
invite code - 13-3192105854239007705 <--- not yet used
invite code - 13-7810982381706142726 <--- not yet used
Got over $200 in my account!!!


5 invites PM me if you want them i'll send you a code within a few hours i'm online all the time
just reporting that I am up to $4.00 in my account WOOHOO...

lol it took awhile but once you hit $1.00, it starts going up faster (as long as you keep winning). Also, it helps that I hit a $1.00 search and spin booster...which also means that whoever referred me just got a few cents :)

Still have 2 invites left...PM me your email...
I have a few more if anyone is interest. Just send me a quick PM with a email.


3 left