Official S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clothing?

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Official S.T.A.L.K.E.R. clothing? I don't know about you but I think some of this stuff is awesome. Obviously it would depend on the price and quality of the clothing but I could see more than a few of you buying this stuff.
Looks cool but I'd really like some non-biased reviews about the quality of it.
If anything, would be nice for Halloween, though I don't know if anybody would even know where it's from.
Now where's the Assassin's Creed clothing line?
Some of this stuff looks really good. If the quality is there and the price is right, who knows.
The problem with wearing this stuff is you think "I look like a S.T.A.L.K.E.R.!" while everyone else is thinking "That guy looks like a stalker."
I never played the game but I could see this line of clothing being more popular in Europe than America. Wouldn't look right on us fat Americans :)
The problem with wearing this stuff is you think "I look like a S.T.A.L.K.E.R.!" while everyone else is thinking "That guy looks like a stalker."


As others have said, I'd definitely be interested in this stuff if the quality was there. :cool:
Yeah, $20 to the first person to wear that "flak" type vest through a TSA screening.
I'd be interested. They should offer the option to have patches from the various factions on them.
eh, but how well will that stuff survive in the zone? does it have pockets for artifacts? Can a light weight kevlar vest be attached? What about armor plates? a respirator? This stuff is critical for a stalker...
There's something that is little known here, but back in Ukraine/Russia, STALKER is HUGE. It has a massive following. There are live action roleplaying, apparently now TV shows and gear and such.

It's just amazing really. Just shows how different the gaming tastes are.

Now me, I love the game and I am of the Russian background, but I'm not gonna dress up as a STALKER and run around in the woods... yet.
Just remember people get shot at Halloween for being mistaken for real bad guys. In this day and age of heightened tension with regards to law enforcement, I don't think people should wear this kind of thing.

Everyone has their choice on what risks to take, but this is one better left to a video screen...
I can't wait to wear some of this stuff and run around saying none other than...

Just remember people get shot at Halloween for being mistaken for real bad guys. In this day and age of heightened tension with regards to law enforcement, I don't think people should wear this kind of thing.

Everyone has their choice on what risks to take, but this is one better left to a video screen...

lol, nah
Just remember people get shot at Halloween for being mistaken for real bad guys. In this day and age of heightened tension with regards to law enforcement, I don't think people should wear this kind of thing.

Everyone has their choice on what risks to take, but this is one better left to a video screen...

Come on,people wear military style clothing all the time. Anyone with a brain would figure out that clothing like this is the last thing anyone up to no good would wear,drawing attention to themselves is the last thing they'd want.