Official Team Fortress 2 Thread

Omg alt-tabing is really killing me =(, feaks out my whole computer and I have to restart after killing tons of stuff so it will respond =\
To me the demo man has nothing to do with demolishing things, i mean you might as well call them grenaders. Just seems to me he just shooting grenades.;)
Do any of you guys have the problem where the columns in the server browser, when you first start the game, are all scrunched together you have to manually separate each one so you can see the server names, pings, ect? This happens in all my steam online games.

Happens to me with all source games

I'm amazed something so obviously lame has been left unfixd for so long, doesn't put faith in me when it comes to steam, especially considering things like friends was offline for years...
I've read through this thread, must have missed it but I'm surprised no one has mentioned the HORRIBLE DEFAULT RESPAWN TIMES. I understand it is a server-side variable and might be fixed later by individual servers but oh man, I feel like I am playing CS some times with the respawn times. I can understand it would be frustrating to kill someone only to have to deal with them a few seconds later but thirty seconds is friggin ridiculous...anything over 15 seconds is imho.

TFC had a nearly instant spawn which definately added to the fast pace but it was annoying to have to worry about dealing with the same person over and over again. Then again, if they showed up the third time and killed you, you could spawn just as fast...
I think between 5 and 10 seconds is enough, so that you can't kill someone outside of a spawn, run down to the flag room and get shanked 2 seconds later as they run out of the spawn after you.

I agree anything over 10 seconds is ridiculous though. I've gotten used to it, gives me a chance to drink something or eat something between runs ;)
Yeah spawn times are lame, I complained about them in a server today and everyone agreed.
lol i love this game! check out this cool screenshot! Its ghostrider, he likes the spy class!

That community thingy that pop's up from the bottom of the screen that tells you to press "shift + tab" (not sure if those are the right keys) to bring up the community screen, how the heck do you turn it off?

I disabled it once because someone told me that it makes some mics give awful feed back. So after it was shut down some how the mic ran perfect.

But now i get the pop up everytime i enter TF2 and at the opening screen where settings and so on.

Anyways how do i turn off this community thingy ingame and how do turn it off so i dont see it ingame at all even when i first get enter TF2.


P.S. oh now that i cant get the cummunity thingy in game to shut off im getting nasty fedd back again.
I've read through this thread, must have missed it but I'm surprised no one has mentioned the HORRIBLE DEFAULT RESPAWN TIMES. I understand it is a server-side variable and might be fixed later by individual servers but oh man, I feel like I am playing CS some times with the respawn times. I can understand it would be frustrating to kill someone only to have to deal with them a few seconds later but thirty seconds is friggin ridiculous...anything over 15 seconds is imho.

TFC had a nearly instant spawn which definately added to the fast pace but it was annoying to have to worry about dealing with the same person over and over again. Then again, if they showed up the third time and killed you, you could spawn just as fast...

You did miss the discussion about respawn times. Most hated it, some liked it because it's actually a dynamic respawn time. The team that has more momentum is given faster respawn time and therefore more of an advantage/incentive to perform better and therefore create less stalemates. It also makes players play smarter as you want to make more of your life.
I love it when the map ends and you can kill everybody on the other team that is still alive. All your shots are critical, it's fantastic getting a huge killing spree where the other guys are defenseless.
You did miss the discussion about respawn times. Most hated it, some liked it because it's actually a dynamic respawn time. The team that has more momentum is given faster respawn time and therefore more of an advantage/incentive to perform better and therefore create less stalemates. It also makes players play smarter as you want to make more of your life.

I think its a 25ish second countdown, just depends on when you were killed as you spawn in waves. I know I've had to wait ~5 seconds sometimes and 20+ sometimes, but you spawn as a group/wave.
You did miss the discussion about respawn times. Most hated it, some liked it because it's actually a dynamic respawn time. The team that has more momentum is given faster respawn time and therefore more of an advantage/incentive to perform better and therefore create less stalemates. It also makes players play smarter as you want to make more of your life.

I like the respawn times, but 25 seconds is just too fucking long. They should vary somewhere around the 10-15 second range max.
Does the record demo function work?

I had a 15 kill run as an defensive... offfensive scout... (I was on the defense team, but I just attacked them, I was killing all their spys and teleporters/dispensers I could find)

and instead of recording with FRAPS I recorded a demo so I could play at full-frame rate instead of locked at 30... but when I go to playback the demo it doesn't work :(

Is it broken? :( That was a really good run, I batted 2-3 people, was double-jumping, shooting a soldier in the face, then jumping away before he knew what happened (more of an annoyance to him) and I'd find and kill every Spy...

Boo... I don't want to use FRAPS all the time...
The team that has more momentum is given faster respawn time and therefore more of an advantage/incentive to perform better and therefore create less stalemates.

If true, then that sucks. It gives an unfair advantage to one team that really doesn't deserve it. :p
What is everybody's take on critical hits? Anybody else feel that it's a stupid mechanic that is way too random most of the time? It's really stupid to take a random critical grenade in the face and get instagibbed by a spamming demoman, or the same with a random critical soldier rocket.
well demomans fire rate isnt fast enough for what i would consider "spam". also, this game is the most fun ive had since pressing mouse2 to jet. loads of fun with heavy and havent even tried the other classes yet.
What is everybody's take on critical hits? Anybody else feel that it's a stupid mechanic that is way too random most of the time? It's really stupid to take a random critical grenade in the face and get instagibbed by a spamming demoman, or the same with a random critical soldier rocket.

I think criticals mean you are on a role... EG I finally tried out heavy yesterday, and I killed a few people and then BAM, EVERY hit had "Critical" on it, and it was just spammed all over the screen lol. Took out like 10 people while defending in about a minute... then I hit alt+tab while trying to take a screenshot of my score (Alt+Numpad Enter = SS with Fraps for me... usually hit tab first but hit it after :eek:).

Is there anyway to disable alt+tab / windows key while gaming? Usually it doesn't bother me in games, but since TF2 totally freezes up my computer its been bugging me.

Also, how do you demo record? I'd love to do that vs having to fraps everything and eating up my framerate / hd space.
I had the best moment as a Pyro last night. We were on 2Fort and the game went to sudden death, so I was playing defensively, waiting to ambush anyone stupid enough to turn the corner, but no one ever showed up.

Eventually most of their team had kicked the bucket, but so had ours, so I started heading over to their base to see if I could finish off the survivors. By the time I got there only one of their guys remained, and there was just me and an engineer left on our team.

I turned the corner to see a turret, got hit a couple times by it but I was able to get past it and still retain a little over half my health. The engy game down too, so we're both in their control room and we know there last guy is waiting in there. The one hall was covered by the turret, the other covered but their last guy, who turned out to be a heavy. The time's ticking away towards a stalemate, and we really have no way in because the turrets going to shred us on one end, and he's going to shred on us on another.

So I started popping in and out from the corner taking potshots with my shotgun at him, but he's too far away for them to make any real difference. For some reason the engy goes past the other corner and gets the turret pissed at him. I pop around the corner again to see the Heavy going to investigate what the turret was shooting at, I guess he assumed it was me but I hadn't left my position. There's only maybe 20 seconds left at this point so I figure it's now or never and I rush the bastard.

I'm a half health Pyro and I know if he turns I'm fucked, but he kept walking towards the turret so I light that bitch up and immediately switch to my shotgun to unload as much buckshot as possible from nearly point blank range. He turns, starts spinning up his chaingun, gets a bullet or two into me before I finish him off with the 4th shell from shotgun. Chat gets flooded with "NICE!" and "Good Job!", and I feel pretty damn good about using the Pyro.

It doesn't quite beat my best sudden death as a Scout though, but I'll save that one for another time :).
Welp, im a little late.....

Back on Friday, I started the download for the games. Didnt know it would download all 5 games at the same time. At best, I was downloading at 50kbps (lmao). Knowing I had at least a few gig to download per game (oy), I decided to go finish up my install (I install cabinets for work).

So, I leave the stuff to download while Im away at work, figure Id be back home by 11pm to play some TF2.

I get back home after midnight....scarf down a few cheeseburgers and get ready to play. Come back to my computer and see that the TF2 game was STILL on 12% complete, which is what it was at when I left 10 hours earlier....FAWK!!!!

Turns out...theres construction going on a highway near my home and they busted thru the phone lines....I lost connection :(

Wasnt till last night that they finally got the damn phone lines fixed.....

Now, Ive got all 5 games 100% downloaded.....WOOOT!!!!!!!!

See you guys and gals inside the game.....
What is everybody's take on critical hits? Anybody else feel that it's a stupid mechanic that is way too random most of the time? It's really stupid to take a random critical grenade in the face and get instagibbed by a spamming demoman, or the same with a random critical soldier rocket.
I like it. The better you do (points and kill to death ratio) the better ratio you get of critical hits to regular hits.
SAW what package did you buy? because its not even possible to preload EP2 & Portal yet... what 5 games are you talking about?
SAW what package did you buy? because its not even possible to preload EP2 & Portal yet... what 5 games are you talking about?

Ok, pardon........LOL....

It was 4 games.....HL2, HL2:Episode1, HL2:Lost Coast, and TF2.....

I also got the E.T.Quakewars Demo.....

Sorry bout the confusion....
I think criticals mean you are on a role... EG I finally tried out heavy yesterday, and I killed a few people and then BAM, EVERY hit had "Critical" on it, and it was just spammed all over the screen lol. Took out like 10 people while defending in about a minute... then I hit alt+tab while trying to take a screenshot of my score (Alt+Numpad Enter = SS with Fraps for me... usually hit tab first but hit it after :eek:).

Is there anyway to disable alt+tab / windows key while gaming? Usually it doesn't bother me in games, but since TF2 totally freezes up my computer its been bugging me.

Also, how do you demo record? I'd love to do that vs having to fraps everything and eating up my framerate / hd space.

There are situations when it's not completely random, like when you jack up a whole base with the heavy's machine gun or headshots from the sniper (which should be critical anyway). However, it's really stupid to be at full health and strafe around a corner and take a completely random critical rocket or grenade in the face and have it instagib you. The soldier and the demoman are the classes for which it is the most annoying, and it's not from going on a role like with the heavy, and it's not for hitting them in a specific place, they just randomly come out as critical shots.

Believe me, I've had several lives with 15+ kills as the scout on gravelpit, but there was no upward trend in the critical hits as I continued to rape. It's also really stupid when you get one shotted by an engineers wrench while you sap their shit as a spy. What does an engineer do to deserve critical hits? Let an aimbot turret with split second reaction time and higher DPS than a heavy do all his work for him?
I was wondering what the specs are of TF2 i am wary of buying it becuase i was trying to play enemy territory and i couldn't play it the best.

I have a macbook pro (running bootcamp)
1 gig ram
core duo 2ghz
Anyone else having trouble with the 'Head of the Class' achievement, which is to "Play a complete round with every class."

Right now it's at 4 out of 9 classes, but it won't tell me which ones I already did.

Also, in-game it climbs as I try and attain playing as all the classes, I've gotten up to 8 out of 9 classes. But every time I turn off TF2 it goes back to 4 out of 9. Also, it's very vague what it means for 'play a round.' Does that mean play a single respawn, then I die and pick another class? Does it mean play as one class for the entire session until the next map change? Does it mean change classes every time one team completely captures the others control points or flag?
It means play a complete round with a class.....times 9 (once for every class).
It means play a complete round with a class.....times 9 (once for every class).

I got that, but what is considered a round? Does that mean play a single respawn, then I die and pick another class? Does it mean play as one class for the entire session until the next map change? Does it mean change classes every time one team completely captures the others control points or flag?

And why does the counter revert back to 4 instead of staying at 8?
I got that, but what is considered a round? Does that mean play a single respawn, then I die and pick another class? Does it mean play as one class for the entire session until the next map change? Does it mean change classes every time one team completely captures the others control points or flag?

And why does the counter revert back to 4 instead of staying at 8?

It means that if you are playing the fort level, you play the entire match with one class.. IE. you are the engineer for the entire match.. Same for the other levels and classes.. Play hydro both ways as a medic or whatever for the entire match..
Why the counter reverts may be a bug.. Report it..
Believe me, I've had several lives with 15+ kills as the scout on gravelpit, but there was no upward trend in the critical hits as I continued to rape. It's also really stupid when you get one shotted by an engineers wrench while you sap their shit as a spy. What does an engineer do to deserve critical hits? Let an aimbot turret with split second reaction time and higher DPS than a heavy do all his work for him?

Really the scout isn't supposed to be so offensive. If he scored frequent crits, he would be one shotting a lot of people with that sweet shotgun of his.
And why does the counter revert back to 4 instead of staying at 8?

Saw some stuff in the console about not recording progress towards achievements because some server setting was classified as a "cheat". I guess the server settings need to be close to stock to make progress. Watch your console, the message is pretty spammy.
I was wondering what the specs are of TF2 i am wary of buying it becuase i was trying to play enemy territory and i couldn't play it the best.

I have a macbook pro (running bootcamp)
1 gig ram
core duo 2ghz

You should be fine running the game. I am running all settings on high, 2X AA, 8X AF, Verticle Sync On. Encountering no lag getting +50fps at 1280 x 800, on a core duo 1.8ghz notebook with a x1600 mobile 256mb.