Official Team Fortress 2 Thread

People think the Heavy is not powerful? And merely "ok" when teamed with a medic? My experience is quite different:

lol 4 kills with a heavy+medic is really not too impressive..

You have to show a video of you mowing down 10-15+ people...

My K/D Ratio in TF2 is higher than it's been in any game... in a very long time... I do love my medics and engineers with dispensers though :)
Possibly... but he's trying to say a class is balanced with a screenshot showing 4 kills... which is kind of a blanket statement.

Only classes I doubt I'll touch are Pyro and Spy... Pyro cause it sucks on most maps... and Spy cause I suck at being sneaky... I am very good at finding spys though, or maybe most people are just bad at being spys...
Only got a chance to spend a couple hours with this tonight but uh... wow. This game was completely off my radar and its really amazing. Its been a long time since I felt like a game was fun the way this is.
Possibly... but he's trying to say a class is balanced with a screenshot showing 4 kills... which is kind of a blanket statement.

Only classes I doubt I'll touch are Pyro and Spy... Pyro cause it sucks on most maps... and Spy cause I suck at being sneaky... I am very good at finding spys though, or maybe most people are just bad at being spys...

I'm the same way, never tried pyro, and don't like spy all that much, esp hate it when I go spy to destroy a turret or something and then sudden death hits and I'm stuck as it :p
I'm the same way, never tried pyro, and don't like spy all that much, esp hate it when I go spy to destroy a turret or something and then sudden death hits and I'm stuck as it :p

You can change class at the beginning of a spawn or sudden death as long as you don't move first, I'm pretty sure.
Anyone else notice that when this beta was released....the amount of threads and overall people here in the games forum dropped by at least half?

Anybody tried playing this game with v-sync on and then v-sync off? I can't notice a difference between the two @ 1280x1024.
Ok, just got thru playing for the first time......


Only played as a Heavy so far and DAMNIT its fun.....Id still be playing if I hadnt caught a glimps at what the time was.....damned responsiblities.....Why couldnt these types of games be around when I was a kid and school was the only thing I had to worry about????? Ohhh noo.....all I got was fukin pac-man and donkey kong.....

What is the launch option command to skip the intro VALVE logo/video and then prevent the background map from loading?
Possibly... but he's trying to say a class is balanced with a screenshot showing 4 kills... which is kind of a blanket statement.

Only classes I doubt I'll touch are Pyro and Spy... Pyro cause it sucks on most maps... and Spy cause I suck at being sneaky... I am very good at finding spys though, or maybe most people are just bad at being spys...
Easy chief. I merely found a screenie online that showed the Heavy doing some damage. I never said the Heavy was overpowered, merely that saying they're totally useless is plain wrong. Useless when played by some, possibly, but not not by all.

e-penis time again indeed.
Again you're trying to prove something with a single screenshot, it's stupid.

If I get 50 kills in a row with a scout, does that make the Scout overpowered?

Or if I die 50 times in a row with a pyro, does that make the Pyro useless?

Obviously not, so I'm not going to try to claim one thing or another based on 1 very bad/very good match.

The classes are balanced, good players can do well with any class, bad players can suck with any class. That's how it should be. If people think they Heavy sucks they aren't playing the class right. It's not that the Heavy is underpowered, and most people don't understand that.

If I get 50 kills in a row with a scout, does that make the Scout overpowered?

Or if I die 50 times in a row with a pyro, does that make the Pyro useless?

Well, the Scout IS over-powered and the Pyro IS under-powered. There's a thread on that whole subject about character balance.
Pyro is underpowered? Everytime I get in a match with a pyro, I could be full health, catch on fire and die very quickly.
lol 4 kills with a heavy+medic is really not too impressive..

You have to show a video of you mowing down 10-15+ people...

My K/D Ratio in TF2 is higher than it's been in any game... in a very long time... I do love my medics and engineers with dispensers though :)
my K/D ratio sucks...seems like I get owned constantly when I play. Although I've only played a couple times for 30mins - 1 hour. Guess I must be one of those "bad players" that will get killed no matter what class I play :eek:
The classes are balanced, good players can do well with any class, bad players can suck with any class. That's how it should be. If people think they Heavy sucks they aren't playing the class right. It's not that the Heavy is underpowered, and most people don't understand that.

Heh, I wish you'd bring some of your sanity to the class balance thread, holy hell is that one turning into a good time. As soon as you say the game is balanced you've got everyone who's ever been rocked by a Spy, Engineer, or Scout telling you it isn't.
Well, the Scout IS over-powered and the Pyro IS under-powered. There's a thread on that whole subject about character balance.

The other thread proves nothing. It depends on what you are using the character for. The Pyro is very effective at defense and spy detection.

Arguing on the internet is like winning at the Special Olympics. Even if you win your still retarded.
Well, the Scout IS over-powered and the Pyro IS under-powered. There's a thread on that whole subject about character balance.

And here comes the expert, who's played the game for at most a week, to make all kinds of definitive statements :rolleyes:.

I'm sure he knows better than all the developers and playtesters who worked tirelessly to balance the game for months upon months.

Again you're trying to prove something with a single screenshot, it's stupid.

If I get 50 kills in a row with a scout, does that make the Scout overpowered?

Or if I die 50 times in a row with a pyro, does that make the Pyro useless?

Obviously not, so I'm not going to try to claim one thing or another based on 1 very bad/very good match.

The classes are balanced, good players can do well with any class, bad players can suck with any class. That's how it should be. If people think they Heavy sucks they aren't playing the class right. It's not that the Heavy is underpowered, and most people don't understand that.

Had you read my post, you'd know you just said exactly what I did.
my K/D ratio sucks...seems like I get owned constantly when I play.
Don't worry about it. Team Fortress has never been about your frag count -- this ain't Quake.

Your objective is to assist in achieving objectives. If you're doing that, you're a valuable part of the team. The frag count will come later.
Don't worry about it. Team Fortress has never been about your frag count -- this ain't Quake.

Your objective is to assist in achieving objectives. If you're doing that, you're a valuable part of the team. The frag count will come later.
yea I can build up a few points playing medic and letting the heavies and soldiers handle the dirty work. Though it'll still take practice even to master that, I've noticed. Takes a lot of dodging and using cover while within healing range of the offensive player.

I think the reason there are people struggling, and blame it on balance, is this game takes practice. You really do need to spend some time becoming proficient in the role before you can be a real contributor to the team.

At least, that's my opinion after a max of 5 hours of playtime :D
Heh, I wish you'd bring some of your sanity to the class balance thread, holy hell is that one turning into a good time. As soon as you say the game is balanced you've got everyone who's ever been rocked by a Spy, Engineer, or Scout telling you it isn't.

And Demoman in that list ;)
How do I set up a TF2 server on another machine in my home network?

Although I have TF2 / Steam on my quad core, and maybe my quad core could both host a server and play TF2 at the same time... I would really rather put the TF2 server on another machine, like a C2D.

Are there special network settings, or port forwarding, that are important?


How do I set up a TF2 server on another machine in my home network?

Although I have TF2 / Steam on my quad core, and maybe my quad core could both host a server and play TF2 at the same time... I would really rather put the TF2 server on another machine, like a C2D.

Are there special network settings, or port forwarding, that are important?


Do you want to use this for personal use or to host a medium/large server? If you want to host a server for multiple people (eg: public server) you will need a very good internet connection with lots of upload bandwidth.

Also, Linux or Windows?

If you install steam on the other computer in windows you should be able to download the tf2 dedicated server from the sever tab.
Do you want to use this for personal use or to host a medium/large server? If you want to host a server for multiple people (eg: public server) you will need a very good internet connection with lots of upload bandwidth.

public server, I suppose. I think I have 384k upload. Lots more d/l--- 3 meg. Is 384k enough?

Also, Linux or Windows?


Is it pretty simple to run a public server?

How do I connect to the server? Is it the usual way... just click on it?
public server, I suppose. I think I have 384k upload. Lots more d/l--- 3 meg. Is 384k enough?


Is it pretty simple to run a public server?

How do I connect to the server? Is it the usual way... just click on it?

Thats not much upload, might work if you just want a few friends to connect but for a full server it will probably lag a lot. You will need port 27075 open, not sure if it needs others or not, info is pretty scarce. See if there is a readme file or anything for it, I can check when I get home if you need more info.

Edit: Oh and for connecting, yeah, search for it on their list, or just do a direct IP connection.
We played quite a bit of TF2 at the LAN party I held over the weekend and had a lot of fun. The emphasis is on FUN - I don't think I ever took TFC seriously as a game because I was too busy having fun, and TF2 is the same for me. Is one class more powerful than the other - I wouldn't doubt it, but remember the game is still in beta.

Sit back, relax and play the damn game the way it was intended, have some fun and stop worrying about points, or anything else -once you do you'll actually do quite well :)

Had to pipe in.

We did encounter a few minor bugs, reported them and what not, but for the most part we just enjoyed the game and played all the classes. I mostly played engineer as that's what I seem to always play... I died alot, but I caused a lot of grief too.
Hey im trying to change my rate 20000+ but when i type in rate # it will change but it wont save if i log in or out.

Whats the command to get it to save? I have tried "set rate" as well.

For all you people who keep getting rocked by scouts and spy's, go ahead and add medics to your list.l

The needle gun pwns.
Learn about it
The server cap will be raised to 64 players after TFC2 goes gold? Very curious on this since been having a blast with a cap of 24... I could not imagine the mayhem and fun with 64 players running around on a big map.
I think 64 is too many, but 32 would be fun. 12v12 is ok, but doesn't allow for too many combos and groups.

I do think they really need to lower the capture time on domination maps (or whatever the multipart spawning maps are) though... I mean maybe its not too bad considering there are 3 areas to capture, but it only takes 1 person like 10 seconds to capture, or a group almost instantly. Hell you can die in the front lines and not respawn before they capture both points :p
You will need port 27075 open, not sure if it needs others or not, info is pretty scarce. connection.

27015 to be accurate.

384k is a waste of time. The people that connect will just be upset the server they connected too lags like a bitch.

There's an old bandwidth chart you can use for reference.

Most players run a rate of 25000 with cmd/update rates of at least 66.

384k would give you enough bandwidth for about 2 players. Don't waste your time or theirs (to: jmackay)

I've been running high perf source servers since the day it was released, if you need any help and actually want to run a dedicated server, I'd be happy to assist.