Officially stumped with the LanParty UT NF3


Limp Gawd
Jun 28, 2004
Basically what is going on is the board is so detailed in that I can't even figure out how to troubleshoot my own problems. When I am overclocking even over 5MHz, the computer will boot up fine but completely randomly shut itself off. I absolutely have no idea where to start.

My computer specifications are -
AMD Clawhammer 3000+ DTR (Latest official BIOS)
DFI LanParty UT NF3
2x512 Crucial Ballistix PC-4000
WD Raptors in RAID0 Config
BFG 6800GT

Thanks in advance.
well, let me just say it first take a look at eclipse's guide here

also, this guide helped me out a LOT too

I have the same board with a newcastle 3200 on it and though I didn't get that big of an OC (from 2.2 to 2.4) it works and its stable.

The main things to remember are do everything individually. Push each item as far as it goes (FSB, memory timings, divider etc) and then back them off a little until you get a stable OC. But from what I hear with the Clawhammer and the Ballistix you should be kicking some ass.

As for the 6800 oc, you can just use coolbits or rivatuner. I have a 6800GT too and had it running at 420/1200 but heat problems (and i think something is wrong with the card too) made me lower the card to 375/1100.

Its going to take some time to get it going properly but you can do it, take it from me as this is my very first EVER overclock.

Since you are shutting down you might want to even lower the divider, loosen the timings and then start there. also, are you monitoring your temps?
Start with giving us the specs on the psu, and what you've set the vcore on cpu to when trying to OC. I think mobiles are set to a lower default VCore, and you might have to bump that up a bit to get it to OC at all.

Remember to lower the mem divider as well, to rule out any possibility that your ram can't handle 210 or something, although with those ballistix, I doubt that's the case. If you plan to leave the mem 1:1 with fsb/htt, then be sure to relax the timings for now, and then tweak the ram latencies later.
It's currently a very problematic motherboard. That's about to get a 2nd Revision AND a Global RMA