Oh boy, I knew this would eventually happen.


Oct 1, 2003
Someone in my family tried cleaning my NEC 2141SB screen with soap and water and then glass plus. The screen is smudged and smeared to hell and I believe the coating is ruined. It looks nasty.

I'm calling the NEC repair facility tomorrow to find out the cost to replace the glass. Its still in warranty(its only a year old) but they don't make them anymore its now impossible to find one new online. I'm pretty sure the warranty is voided anyways so I'll have to pay a ton of dough.

Before it is sent out and I end up paying a crapload of $$$ for them to repair it is there any way to clean this abombination? I've tried dry/wet micro fiber cloth and a soft cotton t-shirt and the streaks are still left.

It'll suck if they send me a refurbished screen, I paid 600 bucks for this thing brand new :(
I suggest trying out a "microfiber polymer cloth" which are made for cleaning eyeglasses, i've read they also work very well for cleaning smudges and fingerprints off CRT anti glare coating. Any eyeglass shop should have them..
So glass cleaner isn't good for a CRT screen? I guess it is more than just glass?
Monster ScreenClean...

Give it a try, I use it on my lcd/crt monitors.
lol silly me i just re-read the original post and noticed you did try a microfiber cloth. Granted i'm not sure if thats the same as a microfiber polymer cloth so my suggestion may still hold some merit. :p
what does it look like? have a pic?

i use to clean my crt screen with windex, when i didn't know better. it didn't ugly up the screen, all it did was just kill the anireflection coating and made it glossy. which wasn't too bad.

maybe you can keep cleaning it until it becomes completely glossy, after removing ALL of the antireflective coating.
from what i gathered from the post, his anti glare coating is toast do to the chem's that where used on it... he could try to get it repaired, or, he could strip it the rest of the way.... glare will be an issue, but will it be worse that what he has now???

To be on the safe side I would just get an lcd cleaner to see, if it doesn't solve the problem then you may have to get it repair or replace.

Whatever happens, good luck
I was able to get the screen to look clean by buffing it with soft tissues for a long time, but the slightest drop of water screws up the screen. It also just doesn't look right. I think there is some crap from the soap(like the scent chemicals) stuck on the screen and wetting it just pushes it around.

The coating is probably ruined, if its cheap to repair I'll probably send it back but my father is an engineer who worked on CRTs and he said the glass is part of the whole thing so the whole tube would need to be replaced. Then again he worked on them back in the early 80s.
Bop said:
I was able to get the screen to look clean by buffing it with soft tissues for a long time, but the slightest drop of water screws up the screen. It also just doesn't look right. I think there is some crap from the soap(like the scent chemicals) stuck on the screen and wetting it just pushes it around.

The coating is probably ruined, if its cheap to repair I'll probably send it back but my father is an engineer who worked on CRTs and he said the glass is part of the whole thing so the whole tube would need to be replaced. Then again he worked on them back in the early 80s.

Hes right unfortunitly, a crt is all one unit if the glass breaks its gotta be completely replaced, can't be fixed, in this case thou all it sould like they need to do is clean the glass using a high presure high heat cleaner, than re apply the coating.
Just a thought,

Is the screen/its coating itself damaged OR is it a much less serious issue in that the cleaning fluid used has just left a residue. If its just a residue try giving it a wipe again. I am sure many people have done this in the past and freaked it out and found it just to be a residue which can easily be removed with some alcohol wipes or something.
Syphon Filter said:
Just a thought,

Is the screen/its coating itself damaged OR is it a much less serious issue in that the cleaning fluid used has just left a residue. If its just a residue try giving it a wipe again. I am sure many people have done this in the past and freaked it out and found it just to be a residue which can easily be removed with some alcohol wipes or something.

if im not mistaken, the anti glare that is used on the screens is very similer to that use on high quality reading glasses, and alcohol will ruin it for shure..... just a heads up,

best bet is to just keep at it with water

(and if it is the same or similer coating, it can be reapplyed to glasses, so i would assume it would be the same with the crt, trouble is, i know on the crt's i've opened some of the electronices are *glued* or other wise permantly fixed to the tube, and they most defnatly have to come off to have the coating re applyed... (unless they have some method of masking the tube... ))

Water definitely is just making it worse. The surface feels rough now and when water is used it looks like a shiny heatsink after the first bottle of Arcticlean is used, which is just a smeary blob.
thore said:
if im not mistaken, the anti glare that is used on the screens is very similer to that use on high quality reading glasses, and alcohol will ruin it for shure..... just a heads up,


really??!? :confused:

I dont think so dude, I use alcohol wipes on my CRT all the time...the anti glare is definitely still in place. Also my specs are also coated, I have definitely spilled some vodka on those in the past and they are still ok!

Perhaps I am mistaken...

To the OP:

Stop doing anything if it makes it worse...I am pretty sure most glass cleaning products have chemicals in them that leave residues, if its just a residue then it should come off eventually, just get a clean dry soft cloth and see if it will come off with just a gentle wiping action...
If I keep wiping the screen with a soft tissue it starts to look clean but just a dab of water will screw up the screen again. Something is still on the screen and its not coming off, I think I'm going to send it to NEC and see what they can do. Hell, maybe they'll be lazy and just send me a new one :) While its there I can also tell them to fix a slight geometry problem, the top right of the screen is curved and the monitor settings dont fix it.
moral of this story is to always tell every member of your family NOT to clean or even touch your monitors and they are easily damaged by common cleaners.. my wife knows better ive drilled it into her :D
Techx said:
moral of this story is to always tell every member of your family NOT to clean or even touch your monitors and they are easily damaged by common cleaners.. my wife knows better ive drilled it into her :D
Exactly. Nobody, and I mean nobody touches my monitor.

I bought my girlfriend her own microfiber cloth to clean her 2005fpw. At work, my co-worker would constantly touch the screen when pointing stuff out so I told him to knock it off. He's slowly realizing that me cleaning my screen is something I'm really anal about. He even touches his screen less as a result. :D
I'm able to purchase a Viewsonic P225fB... my anal/OCD side of me wants to get it and hoard it in case something happens to my NEC 2141 if/when it gets back from repair. What do you guys think? 20" aperture grille CRTs are becoming rare jewels :(