Oh my god....please help

Benton The Race

Limp Gawd
Nov 3, 2005
I attempted to download two folders that wound up giving me viruses. I just purchased Norton Anti virus 2007 online and I am trying to install it but it won't let me because I already have two Norton folders(the previous folders I tried to "download"). So I am trying to delete these to folders so I can install my legit Norton Anti virus but when I try to delete the folders it says this

Cannot Delete setting.liveupdate Access is denied
Make sure disc is not write protected

How in the hell do i get this thing off of my PC!?!?!?!?
First, Don't install norton, its shit. Second, download AVG for free or go buy nod32. 3rd, just format now and start over.
also go to www.trendmicro.com and use their free tools. The online scan takes a while but its very good.

oh and i agree... stand back from the Norton installer.

to delete it try and go in via safe mode and delete it.
Thanks for the mature responses I really appreciate it. However, are you sure that using AVG and Trend Micro is better than using norton? What is so wrong with Norton, because my parents just payed $30 for it and I kind of feel bad to just not even use it at all.
When Norton AV is intalled and running, it's generally a good AV package... However, Norton products are notorious for having the worst installers and not playing nicely with other software. You now have first had experience with thier poor installer routines.

There are too many times when Norton applications have been shown to cause the strangest problems on systems... It's one of those cases where the cure may not be worse than the disease, but it's pretty darn close...

AVG and nod32 play much more nicely with systems and are just as good at actually detecting viruses....
Here's why I dont recommend consumer level norton antivirus: it's a system hog. it misses viruses, slow scanning speeds.

In the office I work in now they had regular norton installed on every user pc when I started (about 10-12) and everyone complained that their machines were slow. I ordered 15 licenses for AVG pro (just a step up from the free as we're using it in a business...still a great deal) and all of those problems went away.

Now, symantec's norton corporate/enterprise whatever they call it, is a different story, very minimal system needs and runs pretty damn well.

On linux fileservers Ive been routinely running clamAV, they have a windows version as well. (free) but as I have some spare AVG licenses...they have a linux version too :)
Another nod for AVG, but honestly Norton 2007 is leaps and bounds above their previous releases.
If you (or a program like Live Update) have files open in the folder, you won't be able to delete the folder.

1) Uninstall all Norton programs from Control Panel Add/Remove.

2) Delete the folders. (Don't delete your Norton installer download though)

3) Re-install.

It should be ok after that.
Thanks for the mature responses I really appreciate it.....

WTF are your panties all twisted up for? you asked, and you was answered, and in a way that was not immature or disrespectful, just blunt. Norton sucks, end of story. Sorry if that offends you so much.:rolleyes:

FYI, I (and since I'm the IT department of my family, all my family) have used norton since 1994 or 5. I'm so thankful i was finally deprogramed from thinking that we need all that crap, al la "system works". It's system works alright, as in your lucky if your system works after you install it.;)
WTF are your panties all twisted up for? you asked, and you was answered, and in a way that was not immature or disrespectful, just blunt. Norton sucks, end of story. Sorry if that offends you so much.:rolleyes:

FYI, I (and since I'm the IT department of my family, all my family) have used norton since 1994 or 5. I'm so thankful i was finally deprogramed from thinking that we need all that crap, al la "system works". It's system works alright, as in your lucky if your system works after you install it.;)

Did you ever think that perhaps that was a serious statement? :rolleyes:
Did you ever think that perhaps that was a serious statement? :rolleyes:

mmm, i thought i seen a sacastic remark right after the sentence I quoted, that contained the word "shit". It's not there now, and as is now it does look like a sincere statment. I also don't see an "edited by" so either he ninja'd the post, or I was half asleep. Since I have no proof to back me up, I'll apologize (to the OP):eek:
Another vote for AVG free or NOD32. Personally I user AVG free on all my systems and can't speak highly enough of it. I've used NOD32 as well its just as good if you're one of those folks who believe it must be better if it costs more.

Also, consumer Norton is absolute crap, as posted by others. I specifically say consumer as their corporate antivirus is pretty good. Their consumer stuff is rediculously bloated, and causes just as much damage to a system as any virus I've ever had.

Zonelarm free is really good as well if your in need of a firewall too.
Since nobody will respond directly to your question with an actual solution, here:


If that link does not work, Google: "SymNRT"

That is an official removal tool provided by Symantec that will flush out your system of any previous versions of Norton. 2004 or above that is. If the previous versions were pre-2004 versions than there is an older version you will have to download.