Ok, I give up, what the hell is wrong?


Feb 15, 2005
I used to have a 7900GT KO in my system, until, like so many other 7900s, it died spectacularly one night when I was playing WoW. The system would reboot whenever it got past the Windows XP loading screen, and I was having artifacting and odd colors all the way down to the BIOS. Fast forward to about 15 minutes ago. My RMA finally came back, and I rushed downstairs to install my card (Apparently 7900GT KOs aren't made anymore, as I recieved a 7950GT). Installed it, booted the computer up, looked fine, everything seemed to be fixed. Got to the windows loading screen with the green bar and.......rebooted. The same problem I had attributed to the broken video card. Safe mode achieves the same results. Rebooting before it makes it to the user select screen. My patience with this damn computer is almost completely worn out, I'm out of ideas, and about 3 seconds from throwing it up against a wall. Please, can anyone help me solve this?

I also should note that before the video card became completely unusable, I ran Hard Drive and Memory diagnostics, and they came out fine.
- What diagnositcs did you run? And by that I mean what programs did you use for those diagnostics?
- What power supply do you have? While we're at it, what are the specs for your PC?
before you throw it up against the wall, would you mind shipping me your 7950 ;)

Do you have a spare card to test with to see if its a mobo issue?
Full specs of the computer are in my sig. The diagnostics I ran were from a boot disk with the WD hard drive testing programs in there, and the other was memtest.

EDIT: Only spare cards I have are AGP. No PCIs or PCI express cards I could use.

EDIT2: I think the first couple times I ran the WD hard drive diagnostics, I had some problems but I can't remember what they were, and also I couldn't get other computers in the house to boot correctly if I plugged the hard drive in. I'm rerunning the test now, if worst comes to worst I can reformat, but I would rather not as I have no way to back any of the data up.
Sounds like a Windows issue to me... a driver problem, most likely. If you're so frustrated, do the magical cure-all and reformat, lol. If you'd like to save your data, buy a new HDD, install windows onto it, and boot your other drive as a secondary drive. Whats that? you're not that frustrated yet? oh ok. Since the drive passed a fitness test, it should be fine. Try a repair install. Load the XP CD, proceed to install the OS (NOT recovery console). It should detect the current OS and offer to repair. If no offer is made, your current OS installation is most likely hosed.

ooh, new info... sounds like your HDD is hosed. Well, a new hdd isn't THAT expensive... so you could try what I suggested above.
- Do you have any spare PCs in the home that has a PCI-E slot to test out that 7950GT?
- How long did you run Memtest for? And did you run Memtest a single stick of ram at a time?
- Try Drive Fitness Test. Google it, download it, burn the iso, and run it to for second opinion on that hard drive.
No other computers I can test the new card in. Memtest was with both sticks and ran for about 10 hours. I also used these sticks for the past 2 months in my dad's computer. I found an old windows disc and just tossed it in for a full reformat. I can live with lost WoW screenshots to get this thing working.
It does sound like your hard drive is the problem since no other PC would boot right with that drive in. But see what the reformat do.
Well the hard drive is the only SATA drive in the house, so I'm hoping it was just an issue with the SATA settings on the other computers.
Well, the reformat seems to have fixed the problems *crosses fingers.* Granted, I remembered as I started reinstalling that my dad lost my WC3 cd, but meh, small price to pay.