okay, so who's going to sell their 2405 to get a 3007?


The man behind the curtain...
Jan 13, 2001
just as the title says.

I wanna know what poor saps (besides myself :D ) are going to take a bath by selling their current 2405s in order to get the 30" bad boy from Dell.

(the only problem I'm going to have is I will need to get a bigger desk because my current 2405 is already pushing it when it comes to available desktop space. :p )
i would still opt for the westinghouse 37 incher (1900x1080)

sell 2405 and save money without loss of PQ with the added bonus of your new
unit serving as the center of a sweet home theatre setup - for hundreds less !!
Mindoculus said:
i would still opt for the westinghouse 37 incher (1900x1080)

sell 2405 and save money without loss of PQ with the added bonus of your new
unit serving as the center of a sweet home theatre setup - for hundreds less !!
Yeah and in so doing downgrade their resolution. These answers are getting tiresome.

WQXGA 30" LCDs and big-ass LCD TV:s are like apples and oranges. Weigh your needs and buy accordingly. Need a big-ass resolution? Then the choice is clear, get the Dell. Want a huge display good for games, and aren't that concerned with resolution or pixel pitch? By all means, get the westy.
i would sell my 2405 in a heartbeat but i will not pay full 2199 plus shipping and tax .. they wouldnt even give me free shipping which they do on anything .. if it was 1999 or 1899 i would have bought it already
The lack of inputs on the 3007WFP is pretty lame in my opinion and the resolution is just too high. Dell skimped. Only DVI?! No HDMI, no composite, no component. I know it's main purpose is to be a monitor, but the added versatility the additional inputs gave me on the 2405FPW makes me unable to "upgrade" to a monitor that doesn't give you this.

I'm considering selling my 2405FPW for a Westinghouse 37" or the Sceptre 37". Seems like much better bang for the buck with loads of inputs. 37" would be a pretty pimp tv in my room. :)

Just my .02
Dell skimped. Only DVI?! No HDMI, no composite, no component...I'm considering selling my 2405FPW for a Westinghouse 37" or the Sceptre 37"...
They built a high-resolution monitor. You want a pimp TV. Nuff said.
I know I'm generalizing but: Monitors suck as TVs and TVs suck at monitors. Do yourself a favor and get one of each.

Screw the 3007, get the 2405 and a 32" Sharp LCD for the price you would spend on the 3007 alone. If only I had the money to take my own advice :eek:
Normally I would have jumped alover the 3007 but the insane native resolution has me pausing.. its going to be quite some time before I can even buy a system that can drive new games at the native resolution with the AA/AF levels I'm used to right now on my 2405's..

I mean I could switch out my FX-55 7800GTX 256mb SLI systems for FX-57 7800GTX 512mb SLI's but honestly how much more performance would that buy me?? probably not enough to drive new games at native res on a 3007.

So I'm not so sure what the 3007 would buy me since I dont really require the large resolution for 2D Windows stuff.. I'm pretty much a gamer and the work I do on my PC is plenty sufficient at 1920X1280.

So yeah the 1920X1200 37" LCD TV's may simply make more sense than the 3007.. I'm just waiting for something from LG or Samsung rather than Westinghouse.
due to performance restraints of gaming at that kind of resolution, i'd stick with a 1920 resolution display for now. it doesn't even matter what size it is. 24-45in. i would just stick with that until we have gfx that are powerful enough to run games on the 3007 at native.
well i have the 2005fpw, and i won't be selling it, though ill get the 3007, ill go dual monitor, with the 20in for games and the PS3
TheGameguru said:
Normally I would have jumped alover the 3007 but the insane native resolution has me pausing.. its going to be quite some time before I can even buy a system that can drive new games at the native resolution with the AA/AF levels I'm used to right now...
Native resolution isn't quite so important at such a high pixel count. For instance, you could play at 1280x1600 or 2560x800 with zero degradation. Or you could play at full-res and turn off the AA/AF. At that pixel count, it'd still look much better than 1600x1200 w/ AA.
I wont be selling mine. It will go right next to my 42" westy monitor and HTPC for PS3 dual monitor games and browsing while watching tv or watching tv while playing games on the westy. The westy has so many connections the setups are limitless. Perfect for my bachelor style apartment.

No 3007 though i would need 2 of those dell 7800 gtx dual 512 in sli just to play video games at max on that thing. Plus the lack of other connections makes it not so good of a buy. I do not think its marketed for the hdtv or not so much gaming usage but more as a professional cad/cam photoshoping etc. monitor to compete with apples.
I'm very happy with my 2405FPW. I don't think I could justify either the price or the huge increase in resolution (I still find the resolution on my 2405FPW overwhelming at times).
I thought about it and would love having a larger display for DVD's + HDMI compliance for upcoming Blu-Ray + HD-DVD since I use my 2405 for DVD's but...

-The 3007's resolution is too high to be practical with anything but 2d.
-Blu-Ray and HD-DVD will require GPU's that don't yet exist + a new OS + who knows what else
-I wouldn't mind if my 2405 was larger when watching DVD's but I can live with it. It's a great display. Colors and clarity are great and it's not so small to really bug me from 8 feet away.
-The 3007 has an even lower contrast ratio than the 2405fpw. One of the biggest gripes I have with LCD technology is that blacks are not well defined but all blend into one murky shade of dark grey. I don't think I could live with anything worse than what the 2405FPW displays.

I think I'm going to hold off buying a new display until 1080p DLP or plasmas come down in price. The 2405fpw is really more than I need in a computer monitor anyways.