Old flip phones, best use for?


Aug 12, 2001
So I have a couple dumb phones from a client when I upgraded them to smart phones.

One is an LG env2 and the other is a Samsung SCH-U360 (I think).

What's the best thing to do with these older phones? Obviously I could donate them to those programs that give phones to domestic violence households or whatever --- but is there a better place to 'put them to use?'

Not really unless you could use them for like your kids or something they are best donated. If compatible with your network you could just keep them as emergency phones for if your smart phone gets a bath or run over by the car or explodes.
Yeah, best re-purpose I can think of for them is stash them in cars or around the house for emergency use. They don't have to be activated on the carrier at all to call 911. They'll usually hold a charge forever while powered off.
Keep them as backups for now. Eventually they will become useless when carriers remove support for them in the next 5-10yrs.
Keep them as backups for now. Eventually they will become useless when carriers remove support for them in the next 5-10yrs.

Even then I think the 911 service still works.
Excellent ideas. I had kinda knew about the 911 thing but never really would have put it into effect. So the reminder here is perfect. Thanks!